How The Global Pharmaceutical Mafia Took Over The Medical Industry - Alternative View

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How The Global Pharmaceutical Mafia Took Over The Medical Industry - Alternative View
How The Global Pharmaceutical Mafia Took Over The Medical Industry - Alternative View

Video: How The Global Pharmaceutical Mafia Took Over The Medical Industry - Alternative View

Video: How The Global Pharmaceutical Mafia Took Over The Medical Industry - Alternative View
Video: The Truth about Pharmaceutical Drugs and the Medical Industry - Part 1 2024, September

Information that will shock you! Necessarily for distribution !!

We begin a series of publications on the modern history of medicine - from about the beginning of the 20th century. Our goal is to show the chain and logic of events that led to its current deplorable state (for those who want to learn about the situation in medicine, we refer to the analytical review “What is happening with medicine: autopsy protocol.” Acquaintance with the history of any object or phenomenon allows us to identify declared, but true cause-and-effect relationships. That is why in the management of society, as well as in the hybrid war that has been waged against Russia for many decades, the historical priority - or rather, the distortion of history - is given such great importance. In more detail about the historical and other priorities (tools) control can be found here.

1911, May 15, the

US Supreme Court declares John Rockefeller and his Trust guilty of corruption, illegal business practices and extortion. As a result of this decision, the entire Rockefeller Standard Oil Trust, the world's largest corporation of its time, was sentenced to liquidation. But Rockefeller was no longer worried about the Supreme Court decision: he was out of reach.

1913 year

To relieve public and political pressure on himself and his robber barons, Rockefeller uses a trick called “philanthropy”: illicit profits from plunder in the oil business go to the creation of the Rockefeller Foundation. This tax haven has effectively become a strategic tool for the raider's takeover of US health care.

The Rockefeller Foundation has become a front for the new global business project of Rockefeller and his associates. The name of this new project is the pharmaceutical investment business (Note transl.: Hereinafter we will use the term “pharmaceutical business.” By the definition of “investment”, the author emphasizes that the purpose of the business is to increase capital, and not restore health).

Donations from the Rockefeller Foundation went only to those medical schools and hospitals that were ready to become preachers of a new kind of company: the manufacturers of patented synthetic drugs.

The first vitamins were discovered around the same time. It soon became clear that these naturally occurring molecules have the ability to maintain health and prevent many chronic diseases. The first books appeared with research supporting the health benefits of vitamins - later they were forgotten. The newly discovered molecules had only one drawback: they could not be patented.

Promotional video:

Thus, already in the early years of its existence, the pharmaceutical business faced a deadly threat: vitamins and other nutrients, if promoted through public health programs, called into question the development of investment business based on patented drugs. Therefore, eliminating such unwanted competition from nutritional supplements has become a matter of life and death for the pharmaceutical business.

1918 year

The Rockefeller Foundation is using the Spanish flu epidemic - and the media (which it already controlled by this time) - to launch a "witch hunt" in the form of all kinds of drugs that are not covered by patents.

Over the next 15 years, all medical schools in the United States, most hospitals and the American Medical Association became pawns on the chessboard of Rockefeller's strategy of subordinating the entire healthcare system to his monopoly pharmaceutical business.

Under the guise of "Mother Teresa", the Rockefeller Foundation was also used to conquer other countries and entire continents by the pharmaceutical business - just as Rockefeller had done with his petrochemical investment business a few decades earlier.

1925 year

On the other side of the Atlantic, in Germany, the first chemical / pharmaceutical cartel was founded to rival Rockefeller's attempts to take control of the global drug market. The IG Farben cartel, led by the German multinational companies Bayer, BASF, and Hoechst, had over 80,000 employees. The race for global control of the drug market has begun.

1929, November 29

The Rockefeller cartel (USA) and the I. G. Farben cartel (Germany) decided to separate the spheres of influence in the world - Rockefeller was accused of exactly the same crime 18 years earlier, when his trust divided the USA into "spheres of interest."

1932/1933 year

The equally insatiable I. G. Farben decides to no longer commit himself to 1929. He supports a rising politician who has promised I. G. Farben to conquer the whole world for them. With millions of dollars in campaign donations, this politician seized power in Germany, turned German democracy into a dictatorship, and kept his promise to unleash a war - a war that later became known as World War II.

In every country captured by the Nazi army, first of all, all chemical, petrochemical and pharmaceutical enterprises were transferred to the control of the empire of I. G. Farben.

1942 - 1945

To solidify its global leadership in patented drugs, the I. G. Farben studied his pharmaceutical substances on the prisoners of the concentration camps Auschwitz, Dachau, and others. Payments for these inhuman experiments were transferred from the accounts of Bayer, Hoechst and BASF to the accounts of the SS, which controlled the concentration camps.

1945 year

I. G. Farben to seize control of the global oil and drug markets has failed. The Second World War was won by the anti-Hitler coalition. The shares of the losing corporations included in I. G. Farben, assigned to the Rockefeller Trust (USA) and Rothschild / J. P. Morgana (Britain).

1947 year

In Nuremberg, 24 managers from the companies Bayer, BASF, Hoechst and other directors of the cartel I. G. Farben appeared before the tribunal for crimes against humanity. These crimes included the waging of aggressive wars, the legalization of slavery, and mass murder. In his closing speech, the US Attorney General summarized the crimes committed by the listed corporate criminals: “Without I. G. Farben, a second world war would have been impossible."

It is surprising that those responsible for the deaths of 60 million people during the Second World War are the director I. G. Farben - received the lightest sentences. Even those who were directly responsible for crimes in the concentration camps received a maximum of 12 years in prison. Are you surprised? Well, in vain.

By 1944, Nelson Rockefeller entered the US government circles. He began as Undersecretary of State and graduated a few years later as Special Adviser to President Truman on Special Affairs. In other words, Rockefeller's interests had a direct impact on key moments of the 20th century. They determined the structure of the post-war world and the distribution of wealth in it.

Sentences of the Nuremberg Court to the directors I. G. Farben is easily explained by the influence of the US State Department. In payment for the ownership of corporations I. G. Farben and, accordingly, the global control over the oil and pharmaceutical business, Nelson Rockefeller tried to ensure that the real culprits of World War II were not hanged. And as we will see later, they deserved it.

1949 year

The Federal Republic of Germany is founded. For the first time in world history, the constitution and social structure of an industrial nation could be planned and modeled as a bulwark of the pharmaceutical investment business - a transatlantic outpost of Rockefeller interests.

Just a few years later, the director I. G. The Farben, who received the Nuremberg sentence, were released from prison and took up their former duties as representatives of Rockefeller interests. For example, Fritz Ter Meer, who was sentenced to 12 years in prison for crimes in Auschwitz, by 1963 again headed the board of directors of the largest German pharmaceutical company Bayer.

1945 - 1949

The Rockefeller brothers' role was not limited to the seizure of the world monopoly in the oil and pharmaceutical business. They also needed a political structure for these businesses to flourish. To do this, under their influence in 1945, the United Nations was founded in San Francisco. In order to seize political control of the post-war world, three countries - the leading exporters of drugs - were given the leading word, and the remaining 200 countries were assigned the role of spectators.

Founded seemingly to serve the well-being of all people in the world, UN subsidiaries such as the World Health Organization (WHO) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) soon became political instruments to advance the global interests of oil and pharmaceutical tycoons.

1963 year

Representing Rockefeller's interests, the government of the pharmaceutical "banana republic" Germany has spearheaded some of the most unsightly UN efforts ever made. Under the guise of consumer protection, it launched a forty-year crusade to outlaw vitamin therapy and other natural, non-patentable healing methods in all UN member states. The goal was to simply ban anything that could compete with the multibillion-dollar patent medicine business. The plan was simple: to transfer to the rest of the world everything that had already been done in the United States in the 1920s - a monopoly on health care from the investment business of patented drugs.

Since the market for the pharmaceutical business depends on the existence of diseases, the drugs it develops are not intended to prevent, cure or completely eliminate the disease. The goal of the global strategy was to monopolize the management of the health of billions of people with pills that relieve only the symptoms of the disease, but not to eliminate the causes of the disease. Denying billions of people access to information about the benefits of natural healing methods, combined with a monopoly on often ineffective and toxic patented drugs, has only led to the spread of disease.

This epidemic of chronic disease, driven by the disease-based pharmaceutical business, is unparalleled in history.

Linus Pauling and other distinguished scientists deserve credit for maintaining access to the knowledge of the benefits of vitamins and other effective approaches to wellness. If not for them, we would already be living in a medicinal prison guarded by representatives of the pharmaceutical business in medicine, politics and the media.

Linus Pauling also deserves credit for highlighting the value of Dr. Rath's early research on the role of vitamins in cardiovascular disease, and for inviting Dr. Rath to continue his lifelong work.

1990 - 92 years

These years will remain in history as the beginning of the end of the pharmaceutical business on disease. In a series of scientific publications, Dr. Rath has identified a number of nutrient deficiencies as the primary cause of disease. Their list includes ischemic heart disease, arterial hypertension, circulatory disorders in diabetes, cancer, and even immunodeficiency states.

Like Sherlock Holmes in science, Dr. Rath identified the real causes of these diseases and found that these causes were deliberately diffused or even hidden from millions of people with one purpose: to satiate the greed of the pharmaceutical business with disease.

Chapter from Matthias Rath's book "Roadmap to Health".

Translation author: Andrey Martyushev.

Translator's note

With all due respect to Dr. Rath, it should be noted that from a systemic point of view, a person is not reduced to a physical body, but is a spirit-soul (psyche) -physical body trinity. Accordingly, health cannot be limited to an adequate intake of nutrients. The roots of most chronic diseases lie in the wrong lifestyle (in the broadest sense of the word - that is, including following false values, engaging in an unloved business, refusing to develop spiritually, etc.), and poor nutrition is part of it. The result of this lifestyle is chronic stress on the level of the emotions and the physical body. Accordingly, recovery can be carried out from three levels:

1) the physical body (through proper nutrition and physical activity), 2) the mind-body connection (through the restoration of the normal flow of vital energy - for example, acupressure and homeopathy), 3) the spirit-psyche connection (through spiritual practices, transformational psychotherapy, changing worldview, values and goals in life).

It should also be pointed out that the underlying causes and mechanisms of the outbreak of World War II were much deeper than presented by the author. This was part of an objective process of global concentration of control, in which some players (represented by the USA and Great Britain) were engaged in the elimination of other players (Germany and Russia).