How To Finish Playing By Someone Else's Rules In The "Earth" Arena? - Alternative View

How To Finish Playing By Someone Else's Rules In The "Earth" Arena? - Alternative View
How To Finish Playing By Someone Else's Rules In The "Earth" Arena? - Alternative View

I stumbled across the network on the video "The Matrix nervously smokes on the sidelines after watching this film", which is devoted to the analysis of the occult-mystical film "The Plan".

This film, allegedly, was created by “simple guys from Donetsk”, but the film itself and especially the symbolism writhing in the film says that they are not so “simple” at all. Although a certain one-sided view of Russia betrays people who know about it only by hearsay, and not from personal experience of living.

This film contains many interesting moments and useful information. And yet, there is also something with which I disagree, as well as disagree in some moments with the interpretation of the author of the Solar SO channel, who, it seems to me, is also either from Ukraine, or has just recently moved to Russia. Or he is only 20 years old, and therefore he does not have the slightest idea about the period of "instability" that we already experienced in the 1990s. It is forgivable for Ukrainians (including residents of Donbass) who steadily devoured the Soviet legacy until the Maidan in 2014, and then began to unstably sell its remnants. How excusable and "mirror" your own problems on others.

In the course of the film, there are Russian jokes, traditional for Jewish propaganda in Ukraine, that they cling too much to “stability”. And this proves that the filmmakers themselves do not follow what they call for in this film. And there is a good idea that if you are given a choice of two options, then this is a trap and you need to make an independent choice - a fair one. I agree that any such choice of the two is a trap and a set for suckers. This is exactly how bipartisan democracy works in the countries of the British Empire and the United States.

There is also an interesting thought that when choosing between good and evil, you need to choose love. Indeed, after all, the concepts of good and evil are relative. The killing of a lamb by a wolf to feed the cubs will be good from the point of view of the wolf, and from the point of view of the lamb, evil. And, of course, good and evil are two aspects of a single reality. Just like day and night make up a day. If it is always day, then everything will die from the heat, and if it is night, then from the cold. Therefore, day and night form a single daily rhythm and successively replace each other. The only surprising thing is that “simple guys from Donetsk”, showing that they have a certain base of occult-esoteric knowledge, have no idea about rhythms and cycles. In

number and about historiometric.

Therefore, for knowledgeable people, these jokes show the lack of elementary knowledge in this area. In short, this can be explained as follows. Not a single person can not rested and

having slept enough to engage in vigorous activity. Try it and you will see how your performance drops. Likewise, in the life of peoples and states, periods of stability and "instability" or changes alternate.

Promotional video:

Russia, unlike Ukraine, had already passed its main period of instability in the 1990s, then a short period of stability and growth in material well-being began, which ended with the onset of the 2008 crisis. It was in this year that Putin's "Munich speech" and an attack by the Georgian army on civilians in South Ossetia and Russian peacekeepers took place. And these provocations of the West and its "sixes", coupled with ever new sanctions, again plunged the country into a small period of instability, although much less in terms of the depth of the fall than in the 1990s.

We needed a restructuring of our economy and the restoration of the globalists and their henchmen's industries and enterprises ruined by the predatory policies of the globalists. And in recent years, the pendulum has again moved towards stability. And no matter how someone resists, this pendulum, launched by the Higher Forces, will simply sweep it away, just as the tide wave sweeps away those who during it try to go out to sea. Therefore, only people who have no idea of the cyclical nature of everything in our world can reproach and pin up Russians for the fact that their country has once again found itself in a period of stability.

But Ukraine, which at first slowly devoured the Soviet legacy, and then completely declared its complete rejection of it, is now in the same deep period of instability that we already went through in the 1990s. And she, too, has to gain this useful experience in order to understand the true essence of the forces that she faithfully serves. Therefore, everything that the heroes of the film say about stability and instability, as well as the very image of a "colony-ruins under a dome", is best suited to Ukraine, not Russia.

The belief of Ukrainians in the "almighty king", which they carefully hide, and therefore constantly "mirror" the Russians, also causes a smile. This happens, firstly, from complete incompetence in the political structure of Russia, and from the lack of real experience of long-term residence in it. The President in Russia is not a dictator and only leads

power unit. And everyone else, including the financial and economic life, "rules"

government represented by the cabinet of ministers headed by the prime minister.

Ukrainians, for whom Putin is an omnipotent "deity" capable of blowing up warehouses at a distance, giving orders to lions, killing unwanted people even on the territory of Western "democracy", and most importantly, appointing US presidents, this belief in an omnipotent deity is also broadcast to Russians …

It is no coincidence that the film shows the performance of the "most luminous" (whom the Russians called the "darkest" due to the Ukrainian total putenology) and the reaction

Russians from the point of view of those who have never lived in Russia. Meanwhile, it is the Ukrainians who secretly watch Russian TV and Putin's speeches even more and more often than the citizens of Russia themselves. By the way, this Ukrainian belief in a "strong and kind tsar" as nothing better explains the faithful service to the overseas "tsar" - Uncle Sam. So, as we can see, the creators of the film "The Concept" could not avoid this Ukrainian complex, laid by the Jewish propaganda of Ukrainian TV over the years since the collapse of the USSR. It turned out that they themselves are not as perfect as they want to appear. And therefore, you should not unconditionally believe in everything that they voice in this film.

And, nevertheless, there is information, very interesting from my point of view, that explains the true essence of the game of cosmic forces on our planet. And unlike chess, this game involves not two, but six different sides, which in turn are given the right to move. Therefore, the game board has a six-pointed structure. And those forces that know about this game and made the ancient symbol of the six-pointed star their emblem on the national flag, "borrowing" it from more ancient peoples.

But let's give the floor to one of the heroes of this film, who explains the rules of the game:

So what are these pieces on this board? The red lion is Britain, the yellow dragon is China, the green horse is the Arab Caliphate, the blue she-wolf is the Vatican (Holy Roman Empire), the blue eagle is the United States, the purple bear is Rus (Russia). But it seems that those who told us about this game, including the interpreter of the film, themselves did not understand its essence. After all, apparently, everyone has the right to move strictly in turn. Therefore, the most important thing in this game is the knowledge of which force gets the right to move and with whom and against whom it will act.

If we look at our history, we will understand that the Muslim civilization has already made its moves during the first Arab and then Turkish invasions. The Vatican, too, has already made all its moves during the time of the Holy Roman Empire, when it organized the Inquisition and the Crusades. Then there was the era of the domination of the British Empire, and after that the era of US domination. Now it is important to know who will move next, i.e. whose era of dominance will be in the coming decades.

I think that many people are already guessing. But the collective "Putin", or rather even the forces behind his figure, it seems that they know this game, and therefore they bet on the right player. It is already clear how China is gaining economic power and building up its army, after centuries of first Anglo-Saxon, and then Japanese intervention and occupation. And rest assured, unlike our homegrown liberoids and maydauns, the Chinese remember who helped them free themselves from the Japanese yoke. In addition, after he became convinced of the deceit and insidiousness of the Western (primarily British-American) “partners” in the 2000s, he set a course for restoring good-neighborly relations with China, and for economic and military-technical cooperation.

This means that he did not lose his country at all in chess, as the interpreter of the film broadcasts. The correct answer to the question about a 5-letter ruler who lost his country in chess is "Timur" - Tamerlane. But "Putin", albeit by the will of fate, made the right move in foreign policy in the 2000s, which would allow Russia, being an ally of China, not only not to die in a hostile environment, but also to ensure its sustainable development.

There is also a prophecy in this film, which our interpreter translated as follows: "The Vatican will unite with the Anglo-Saxons, China and America will pretend to be enemies, but they will also go together, Russia will die because of the Muslims." But the inconsistency of this prediction and its obvious far-fetchedness betray the hope of the enemies of Russia, in which Muslims and Christians have long lived side by side without religious enmity, for its collapse and destruction. But these hopes are clearly unrealizable.

Our Russian Muslims have long understood the benefits of the now traditional cohabitation in a multinational and multi-confessional state. But the military and economic power of the Arab world and Turkey is not so great as to attack our country. Moreover, many representatives of the Muslim world prefer to cooperate with Russia rather than be at enmity. But European civilization, thanks to the conspiracy of the United States, will have to turn into a new Arab Caliphate, and it is she, and not Russia, who will die from the “green horse”. So the fallacy of the Judeo-Masonic "prophecy", which they decided to voice through the authors of the film "Design", is obvious. It remained just a washout of those forces that, considering themselves experts in this “game”, could not correctly predict the next moves.

This confirms the erroneous assertion that China and the United States will only ostensibly pretend to be enemies, while they themselves "go together." First, if you look closely at modern Chinese films, you can understand that the Chinese do not even pretend that their main enemies are Americans, whom they sincerely hate because of their arrogance and arrogance. The trade war now unfolding between China and the US also shows no sign of pretense.

By the way, this year on the territory of China there was one interesting case, which characterizes the attitude of the Chinese towards Russians and Americans in the best possible way. One American tourist, who claimed that Russia (USSR) was among the countries that lost the Second World War, and the United States won it almost alone, was beaten by a local Chinese for his insolent lies. Because the Chinese, unlike many European peoples, remember the good and know who helped them liberate the country from Japanese occupation.

Judging by the voiced game, the change of the next world hegemon is inevitable, and does not depend on the wishes of the United States and its many colonies. Likewise, the British Empire lost its former world domination and power. But many satellites of the United States in the coming decades will have not at all happy times, because they will have to forget about the previous level of funding for their Russophobia. For one's own shirt is closer to the body. And I have repeatedly and earlier warned that soon the United States will not be at all up to the intervention

in the affairs of other countries, because you will need to save your own country. And therefore, all the corrupt creatures serving them are really waiting for times that are not at all rosy.

But the leaders of Russia and China, it seems, have calculated all the alignments in the upcoming Power game. After all, for sure, after the yellow dragon, the right to make moves will go to the purple bear. Therefore, good-neighborly and allied relations will provide both countries with a long period of prosperity and success in the fight against common enemies.

As for the common fate of mankind, the film has a fairly correct message - it depends on the people themselves. But as long as they prefer to be figures on the playing field, they will have to continue to play games that were not invented by them, and according to the rules that invisible "players" invented for them. There are other interesting theses in this film that are not related to political games in our country and around it. You yourself can watch either a film or a video with its interpretation on the Internet, taking into account the inaccuracies and politicized slogans I discovered.

So, the very concept of a "multipolar world" put forward in exchange for a periodic change of hegemon already speaks of the knowledge of the rules of this game and enables the peoples of the Earth

start playing by your own rules, moving from mutual hostility and division to positive cooperation within the framework of a single humanity as an equal confederation of free states. True, very few have understood and understood the essence of this concept so far.
