The Oceans Are Burning, The Seas Are Burning: Scientists Have Learned How To Set Fire To Water - Alternative View

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The Oceans Are Burning, The Seas Are Burning: Scientists Have Learned How To Set Fire To Water - Alternative View
The Oceans Are Burning, The Seas Are Burning: Scientists Have Learned How To Set Fire To Water - Alternative View

Video: The Oceans Are Burning, The Seas Are Burning: Scientists Have Learned How To Set Fire To Water - Alternative View

Video: The Oceans Are Burning, The Seas Are Burning: Scientists Have Learned How To Set Fire To Water - Alternative View
Video: How this Ocean was set on fire ? 2024, June

The sensational discovery happened by accident. In fact, they were inventing a cure for cancer. When the experimenter John Kanzius reported that he had succeeded in setting fire to seawater with a radio frequency generator, many thought it was just a hoax

However, the news piqued the interest of a number of scientists. Rustum Roy, Doctor of Chemistry of the American University of Penn State, got acquainted with the experiments and confirmed that it works!

- “Many people told me - do not be a fool - this is an imitation of an explosion using electrodes, - Mr. Roy shares his impressions. - But there are no electrodes!

The scientists concluded that radio frequencies disrupt the chemical bonds between the components of salt water, releasing hydrogen, which leads to ignition. The explosion temperature exceeds 3000 degrees Fahrenheit (approximately 1649 degrees Celsius).

Dr. Roy called Kanzius's discovery the most significant in the study of water properties in the past 100 years. However, he warns that further research will take a lot of time and money. An important issue is the efficiency of the energy received - the ratio of the explosion energy to the energy consumed by the radio frequency generator, which provokes it. If the use of water as a fuel turns out to be economically viable, the discovery will revolutionize energy. Why produce oil when you can refuel cars with salt water ?!

- We will combine our ideas and ideas with Kanzius and see where they lead. The potential is huge,”promises Roy.

It is noteworthy that the discovery of Kanzius was an accident, because his generator was actually designed for cancer research.

Scientists remind that salt water is actually the most abundant substance in the world. Therefore, from the very fact that it can be ignited, a frost runs through their skin. So the fairy tale of Korney Chukovsky about the burning sea can, theoretically, become a reality. How's that for the evening news bulletin: "The Pacific is burnt to the ground" ?!

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