Is It Possible To Grow A Real Genius Out Of A Child? - Alternative View

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Is It Possible To Grow A Real Genius Out Of A Child? - Alternative View
Is It Possible To Grow A Real Genius Out Of A Child? - Alternative View

Video: Is It Possible To Grow A Real Genius Out Of A Child? - Alternative View

Video: Is It Possible To Grow A Real Genius Out Of A Child? - Alternative View
Video: Tips to Raise Your Child's IQ from Scientists - Here's How [ By Dr. Frank Lawlis of American Mensa] 2024, October

Many parents are interested in the question, can a child become a genius regardless of heredity? Discoveries about the human brain that have happened in science in the 21st century provide encouraging predictions. Scientists have uncovered a startling fact about human innate abilities. It turns out that none of us are born with fixed talents. And this means that any doors are potentially open for your child, you just have to make every effort to achieve goals. And although intelligence and giftedness still depend on heredity, nature does not occupy a dominant position in the development of personality. Education plays an equally important role in the formation of characteristic qualities.

What is brain plasticity?

Scientists understand the term "neuroplasticity" as the ability of the brain to change its structure and functions in accordance with changes in the body or in the external environment. The genes that we inherit from our parents are beyond question. But this does not mean that in the distribution of roles in adulthood at birth, one of us will hit the jackpot.

Scientists have proven that the plasticity of the human brain is limitless, and new brain cells are reproduced all the time. That is why endless work on yourself comes to the fore. A genius is a person who has been able to get the most out of his potential. All other people made much less effort to stimulate the brain. Therefore, they have achieved much less results in this life.


How does this work for children?

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No genius could have unleashed his limitless potential without wise mentors. Both Mozart, Einstein and da Vinci had talent, but this talent can be compared to an uncut diamond. These great people drew their inspiration from the environment, and they all began their creative paths according to the same scenario. They had loving parents who supported the development of future geniuses, tried to see in them gifts and hidden talents. Your task is to believe in the giftedness of your own child and provide him with an opportunity for personal growth. Don't put his inquisitive mind in a certain frame.

Discoveries develop talents

The possibilities for children are truly endless. Babies come to this world with three innate abilities, which allows them to think like geniuses: they can think, learn and develop their potential. Every child has an individual way of thinking and learning. It is in your power to direct your own child along the right path. Here are some valuable tips for you.

Time is priceless

The most waste of time for all children is aimless time in front of the TV or computer. Of course, you shouldn't completely restrict access to TV, tablets and smartphones. Children's channels broadcast educational programs, and a laptop can be useful in finding the necessary information. Keep track of the total time your child spends on the Internet and stay on top of his play habits. Become a censor for the future genius.

Boredom is a warning signal

When a child says that he is bored in class at school, it can be a sure sign that creativity is not being fully realized. Find out why a son or daughter dislikes a particular discipline. If necessary, talk to the teacher and find out if you have the ability to complete tasks of increased difficulty. Enroll the child in a section or hobby group, find a teacher who could reveal the child's potential to the fullest.


Encourage curiosity

Children are born extremely curious. No wonder they are called little "why". Sometimes parents don't know where to go from this flurry of curiosity. Please be patient and be determined to encourage this curiosity more and more. It won't take long for your child to learn how to find information on their own. If you are ruled by irritation, the child may lose the craving for knowledge.

Research work permit

Give your children some degree of freedom. It is not for nothing that children raised in safe conditions are compared to greenhouse plants. Once they find themselves in an unfamiliar environment, as adults, they face a host of problems. In addition, safe conditions inhibit brain stimulation and new cell growth. This is due to the fact that the baby performs the same actions every day, and all the difficult work, as well as decision-making, is taken over by the parents. To avoid stagnation, allow the child some freedom. Let him play in the mud, get dirty and fall. Let the baby interact with strangers under your supervision.

The ability to fix the problem yourself

Problems will never end, any parent understands this. As soon as you eliminate one misunderstanding, another immediately appears in its place. How can you learn to ride a bike without falling? How to fight back a bully at school if you avoid meeting him all the time? Encourage your child to think critically and be willing to solve problems on their own.

Search comparisons

Teach your child to identify relationships between things. Use riddles, leading questions, ask to summarize positions from different "weight" categories: "What is common between the school and the eyes?" Puzzles and logic problems are an excellent training for lateral thinking.


Physical activity increases brain plasticity

A scientific study conducted by staff at the University of Pisa showed that the development of neuroplasticity is possible through exercise. Other experiments underline these findings as well. We now know that movement is not only beneficial for people who spend 40 hours a week in an office chair. The brain of schoolchildren must receive a sufficient amount of oxygen, and without physical activity this is not possible. In addition, children who move little and spend a lot of time in front of a computer monitor are deprived of the opportunity to explore the world around them. This means they cannot develop cognitive and social skills.


Most parents have heard about the benefits of reading, but few take concrete steps to develop their reading skills. When a child begins to speak his first words, it is very important to read the stories out loud to him. It develops speaking skills. As soon as the baby learns to read on his own, bring him into the world of magic books. You can enroll in the children's library, go to the reading room, borrow books, buy new copies for home collected works, and have family readings.

High expectations

There are many scientific studies that have shown that high parenting expectations are generally met. This is why you don't have to be afraid to set the bar for academic achievement for your son or daughter. When children know they are expected to do well, they cannot afford to relax and do poorly.

Inga Kaisina