An Invisible War Is Going On In Space - Alternative View

An Invisible War Is Going On In Space - Alternative View
An Invisible War Is Going On In Space - Alternative View

Video: An Invisible War Is Going On In Space - Alternative View

Video: An Invisible War Is Going On In Space - Alternative View
Video: Deus Ex Invisible War - The Denton gang on Liberty Island 2024, September

In the early sixties of the twentieth century, John F. Kennedy made the flight of Man to the Moon a priority in American politics. Launched in 1969, the American Apollo 11 spacecraft landed on a natural satellite for the first time in the world. The US President tacitly instructed NASA to film an official information film about the flight. However, there are still conflicting opinions on the question, were there actually American astronauts on the lunar surface?

Bill Kaysing, a former engineer at Rocketdyne, a US company that designs and manufactures liquid propellant rocket engines, did the research and wrote the book We Have Never Been on the Moon in 1976. He used inconsistencies in official media materials to support his theory. For example, he pointed out that when landing under the lunar module, a crater should have formed, but it is absent in the pictures. In 1999, the authors of the book "Dark Moon: Apollo and the Lover of Truth" Mary Bennett and David Percy also questioned the flight to the Earth's satellite. Photographer D. Percy analyzed in this book the pictures taken during the landing of the spacecraft. He noted on them a large number of light sources that are actually absent on the lunar surface. In his opinion,The photos of Apollo 11 on the Moon looked like pictures in an artificially decorated and illuminated room for filming films.

Why is the stay of American astronauts on the moon questioned? And the fact is that in those days of the Cold War there was a race between the leaders of the two superpowers. On April 12, 1961, the USSR launched a space rocket into Earth's orbit with the first man Yuri Gagarin on board. NASA had to urgently respond to such a grandiose breakthrough of the Soviet Union in the field of space exploration. In order to somehow save the reputation of the American government, astronauts Alan Shepard and John Glenn were urgently launched into space orbit of the Earth in May 1961 using experimental equipment, on which scientists did not have time to complete the work. It should be noted that in their first flight, American cosmonauts allegedly witnessed the presence of UFOs in space, and claimed that it was unidentified objects that controlled the space mission.

In the struggle for leadership in space, the American government has allocated six hundred billion dollars to NASA for the urgent development of a new project for human flight to the moon. And already in 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin were sent to a natural satellite of the Earth. They were on the lunar surface for two hours 31 minutes 40 seconds. Due to the rush in development, the spacesuits of the lunar astronauts of the United States had absolutely no protection from cosmic radiation. How did the astronauts manage to return to Earth alive after a powerful dose of radiation, if they really visited the surface of the Moon? This still remains a mystery …

The conquest of the Earth's airspace, which later led to the flight to the moon, began with the development of rocketry back in the thirties of the last century. For the first time, small aircraft-projectiles with V-1 warheads were developed by the German designer and SS officer Werner von Braun at Peenemünde during Nazi Germany in 1939. And the next German V-2 rocket from the German city of Nordhausen was the prototype of a powerful transport rocket for delivering cargo to orbit. Secretly, the American banker, the head of the UBC corporation Prescott Bush (grandfather of the 43rd President of the United States), financially supported the German developments.

A huge secret laboratory for the production of long-range missiles was built in Nordhausen. The laboratory, with an area of ninety-three thousand square meters, occupied an artificial hangar in the mountain. Unidentified flying objects, photographed in various parts of Europe and Russia in the early thirties of the last century, inspired German scientists to create flying discs with a fundamentally new flight technology. It was in the laboratory of Nordhausen that an aircraft in the form of a round flying disc was first created. The engines were manufactured by a large German company BMW, and helium was used as fuel. The goal of the Nazis of the Third Reich was not only the conquest of the whole world, but also the space colonization of the Moon …

Also, few know how the development of secret space developments in the United States went. At the end of World War II, the US government, led by Franklin Roosevelt, tried in every possible way to get hold of developments in the field of rocketry and the fugitive scientists of Nazi Germany themselves. The American government launched Project Paperclip, led by Dr. Hubertus Stranghold, in which the files of Nazi criminals were secretly altered. Among them was the scientist Von Braun and his fellow developers. Their biography was cleared of the fascist past and the Nazis began a new life in America. All their equipment, raw materials and equipment were delivered to them from Germany in order to continue promising development under the secret missile program. Thus,in fact, today NASA and the US CIA continue to work on secret projects, the followers of Nazi developments in Nazi Germany.

Already after the Second World War, in the south of Nevada in the American Magawi Desert, the Nazi underground base from Nordhausen was completely recreated. It was dubbed Area 51. On a secret base, developments were underway to use alternative power systems for take-off, for example, based on the energy of a new type of vril. In addition, there is allegedly documentary evidence that the Nazis took the technology of knocked out UFOs as the basis for the development of their aircraft. So, the head of NASA astronauts, Dr. Hermann Obert, made a statement in 1972 that aliens from other worlds helped people in the development of spacecraft. And former US Army Colonel Philip Corso claimed in his 1991 book that there is an invisible war going on in space. Allegedly, the Pentagon and NASA are using plasma cannons to fire at UFOs in Earth orbit, and the US military has designed a new weapon for the secret war, developed based on the inventions of Nikola Tesla.

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Hubble photographs of clouds of galactic matter give an idea of the colossal size of our galaxy and millions of other, like our solar system, star systems. It is impossible to unequivocally affirm or deny the presence of Reason in them, which exceeds the earthly level. The secrets of the Cosmos and its impact on the development of human civilization are just beginning to be revealed in the 21st century.