5 Eerie Mystical Events That Are Usually Hushed Up - Alternative View

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5 Eerie Mystical Events That Are Usually Hushed Up - Alternative View
5 Eerie Mystical Events That Are Usually Hushed Up - Alternative View

Video: 5 Eerie Mystical Events That Are Usually Hushed Up - Alternative View

Video: 5 Eerie Mystical Events That Are Usually Hushed Up - Alternative View
Video: 5 Eerie Images of Scary Individuals That'll Creep You Out 2024, June

People are always interested in paranormal things that they cannot see with their own eyes or touch. But we believe that there is something like that. Or maybe something happens in our world without our participation. We offer you to get acquainted with the five most mystical stories of the world that will shock anyone!

Washington carousel

The so-called "Washington Carousel" is that rare case when the observed UFO baffles specialists. Scientists and the military could not provide at least some intelligible explanation for this July 19 event.


This panic has drawn the personal attention of President Truman. During the observation of the objects, it became clear that the city was completely defenseless if these fires were an enemy who would decide to attack.


A few minutes before midnight on Saturday, July 19, 1952, an air traffic controller at the National Airport in Washington, D. C. noticed several strange flashes on his radar screen. Knowing that in this area - 24 kilometers south-west of the capital - no planes flew. He was quick to inform his boss Harry J. Barnes about it.

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A few days later, Barnes recalled: "We knew immediately that a very strange situation was happening … The movement of objects was completely radical compared to conventional aircraft." They moved with such sudden bursts of high speed that the radar could not track them.


Observations and radar tracking continued until 3 am. By then, bystanders on the ground and in the air had observed UFOs, and sometimes all three radars tracked them simultaneously.

As newspapers, politicians and the public demanded answers, the BBC hosted the largest press conference in history. Government representatives participated in what constituted a public discussion of the incident. The official version was that it was radar interference, and the phenomenon itself was similar to the weather. After this conference, all reporters, as if on orders from above, picked up Captain Roy James's suggestion that it was temperature inversions that caused the radar flares. James (the UFO skeptic) did not arrive in Washington until another morning and was not involved in the ongoing investigation.

Nonetheless, headlines across the country echo the sentiment expressed in the Washington Daily News. This "explanation" received absolutely no support from those who saw objects either in the air or on radar screens, and the US Weather Bureau, in a small statement, rejected this theory. In fact, the Air Force's official position, which it successfully covered up, was that the targets were "unknown."

Sanetti train

This story is about a train. But this is not a train wreck or anything like that. The train simply disappeared as it entered the tunnel.


This incident took place on July 14, 1911. The Zanetti train with three carriages left Rome and had to go through a mountain tunnel in Lombard, but it disappeared along with the passengers as soon as it entered the tunnel. After entering the tunnel, the train disappeared forever!

Of the 100 passengers and six employees, only two managed to escape. They jumped off the train at the last moment. After the crash, the two rescued passengers suffered from mental illness caused by extreme stress, but later returned to normal life. They said that suddenly the passengers were gripped by an inexplicable fear, panic began, and the train was covered with a milky white fog, gradually becoming more viscous.


The two men who managed to escape were in great shock at the time. One of them described the incident in an Italian newspaper. “It was incredible, there was a very thick fog and a strange noise. I could not help others as I myself was very nervous. The only thing that came to my mind was to jump off the train. I saw another passenger also jumped out with me. That's all I remember."

After the loss, the tunnel was thoroughly investigated but nothing was found in it, no train tracks. The authorities walled up the tunnel to avoid a repeat of similar incidents. During the Second World War, the tunnel was completely destroyed by an aerial bomb.

Also, 29 years after this incident, a strange thing happened in Mexico. The doctor wrote something strange in his diary. “104 mentally ill patients were admitted to the hospital. They were all unconscious and not even Mexicans. All symptoms were the same, they were all Italians and did not even travel by sea or other routes."

He also wrote that the clothes of these people looked like from another era. And the most impossible - they all said that they had arrived by train. Due to the similarity in the number of people and the fact that they were all Italians, most believed that these were the 104 passengers who disappeared in Italy in 1911.

But no one has been able to fully prove that they were the same passengers. The secret of this train is not revealed! And it seems that this will remain a mystery forever.

1947 Roswell UFO Mystery (Area 51)

On July 2, 1947, a light disc-shaped object flew at high speed over New Mexico.


The next day of the year, a rancher named WW "Mac" Brazel and his son Vernon were driving through their ranch from Roswell when they encountered something they had never seen before. According to Brazel, it was "a large patch of bright debris consisting of rubber bands, foil, rather stiff paper and sticks."

Farmer William Brazel
Farmer William Brazel

Farmer William Brazel.

A light-looking metal fabric was scattered along the edge of gravel in the New Mexico desert. Brazel didn't know what to do with the newly found items or how they landed, so on July 4, he gathered up all the mysterious debris he could find. On July 7, he took it all to Roswell, delivering the finds to Sheriff George Wilcox.

Soon, a research team from the 509th Intelligence Branch arrived at the scene. The discovery was classified and the remains of the wreck were taken to the Wright Field military base for study. Very few people had access to hangar No. 29 in which they were kept.


The official version of the authorities said that it was a crashed military meteorological balloon. William Brazel was detained ostensibly for interrogation, then, when the hype about the incident subsided, he was released without explanation. When the radio station in Albuquerque decided to hint that the found debris of extraterrestrial origin immediately intervened in the case with the Air Force demanding to stop the transmission.

Major Jesse Marcel, who was in charge of the cover-up operation, claimed that the materials found at the scene of the incident had nothing to do with Earth
Major Jesse Marcel, who was in charge of the cover-up operation, claimed that the materials found at the scene of the incident had nothing to do with Earth

Major Jesse Marcel, who was in charge of the cover-up operation, claimed that the materials found at the scene of the incident had nothing to do with Earth.

Later, information appeared that, as part of a secret program, the US government launched high-altitude balloons into the ionosphere in the hope of controlling Russian nuclear tests. The alien story has become less real in light of this data. By the early 1990s, when there was little evidence confirming the existence of such a secret program with military balloons, the UFO version sounded convincing, but after that a whole industry of UFO appearances emerged in the media and it was already difficult to make out what was true and what was false. There were more films, more books, more newspaper and magazine stories, more television news segments, and shows aimed at visitors from outer space.

This story will remain mysterious until the time comes to reveal it. But still in Roswell, the population for some time profited from the fascination with aliens and even opened a museum.

Stop the clock in Paris

One of the great mysteries of the 20th century is still awaiting clarification. On the night of December 29-30, 1902, all clocks stopped abruptly at 1:05 in Paris. This incredible event was described in the first issue of the 1903 Knowledge Bulletin. The authors also note that many Parisians felt dizzy at the time associated with nausea.


The director of the main meteorological service said that at that time there were no anomalies in the atmosphere. No seismographs have observed movements in the earth's crust.

It is known that the movement of a pendulum in a clock is influenced by the gravitational force of the Earth. The simultaneous stopping of all pendulums could take place if gravitational forces suddenly ceased to act in Paris. The same possibility would arise if the entire area were suddenly in a state of free fall.

It is interesting that on the same day in Paris, not only the clock stopped, but also the famous Foucault pendulum. Residents were very worried and asked the authorities for an explanation for the incomprehensible events. But no one gave a clear answer.

various publicists and news about the paranormal sometimes return to this topic, and therefore all sorts of more or less interesting theories gradually appear that try to explain the strange event. According to one of them, it could be an experiment that was initiated by aliens. Another hypothesis is that a miniature neutron star collided with Earth that night in Paris.

Philadelphia Experiment 1943

Popularized by the 1984 movie, the strange low-budget sequel and the 2012 Syfy movie, the tales of the Philadelphia Experiment include covert operations by the US Navy that led to time travel, teleportation, and disfigured human flesh on this ship.


Two separate sets of bizarre events make up the Philadelphia Experiment. Both revolve around the escort of the Naval Destroyer, USS Eldridge, with events taking place on two separate days in the summer and fall of 1943.

In the first experiment, the alleged method of manipulating an electric field allowed the USS Eldridge to become invisible on July 22, 1943 at the Philadelphia Naval Dockyard. The second, rumored experiment was teleportation and a short trip in time (with the ship sent a few seconds in the past) of the USS Eldridge from the Philadelphia Naval Dockyard in Norfolk, Virginia, on October 28, 1943.

Horrific tales of mutilated sailors trapped in the metal of the USS Eldridge often accompany this experiment, and USS Eldrige reappears a few seconds later in the waters around Philadelphia. The narrative of the Second Philadelphia Experiment often includes the freighter and military transport ship SS Andrew Furuseth. The story of the second experiment states that those aboard the Andew Furuset looked at the USS Eldridge and her crew as they instantly teleported to Norforlk before the ship returned to the waters of Philadelphia.

Sixty years later, we are left with no credible evidence for the Philadelphia Experiment, but the rumors still go on. If someone is not sure, then you need to think about the situation from a different point of view. No incident, no matter how horrific, would have stopped the development of teleportation technology if the military considered it possible. Such a resource could become an invaluable weapon on the front lines of war and the basis of many commercial industries, but after decades teleportation is still in the realm of science fiction.