An Interesting Experience Of Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

An Interesting Experience Of Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View
An Interesting Experience Of Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

Video: An Interesting Experience Of Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View

Video: An Interesting Experience Of Out-of-body Travel - Alternative View
Video: How out-of-body experiences could transform yourself and society | Nanci Trivellato | TEDxPassoFundo 2024, June

The difference between ordinary dreams and lucid dreams is no less than the difference between traveling as a passenger and driving directly. If in the first case we are unconscious participants in dream plots, then in the second we begin to actively and consciously influence these plots ourselves. And this opens up before us many interesting possibilities that in ordinary dreams remain inaccessible to us. However, even more possibilities open before us when our lucid dreaming turns into the most real journey of the dreaming body to different worlds and times.

For example, here is how one such experience is described by the Russian researcher of lucid dreams and out-of-body practices V. Radov in his book: Exit from the Body:

This experience clearly shows that this was a real out-of-body trip. First, the state of clarity and awareness, and secondly, the unusual "reality" of the surrounding world, which fully corresponds to our reality. That is why, when colliding with objects in this world, you experience the same pain as in the physical body. Nevertheless, as this experience showed, in this state we can also not only fly, but also move to other celestial bodies. And this happens with the help of our own consciousness. That is why V. Radov, just thinking about the fall, immediately began to fall. But for the flight, it was necessary to remember and feel the very feeling of flight. This is how intent comes in.

The technique of instant (or almost instant) teleportation in the dream body to other celestial bodies described by him is also of interest. But of course, all this requires a certain amount of internal energy, which is very problematic in the conditions of a technocratic lifestyle in large cities with its frantic rhythm and an abundance of technogenic fields. It is no coincidence that this wonderful experience was obtained by V. Radov on the second day of his life in a tent in nature. So maybe that's why they drove us into the cities, making them prisoners of the technocratic world, in order to deprive all of these wonderful abilities?

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