Prophetic Dream - A Slightly Opened Curtain Of The Future - Alternative View

Prophetic Dream - A Slightly Opened Curtain Of The Future - Alternative View
Prophetic Dream - A Slightly Opened Curtain Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dream - A Slightly Opened Curtain Of The Future - Alternative View

Video: Prophetic Dream - A Slightly Opened Curtain Of The Future - Alternative View
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Clairvoyants, if we rely on one of the modern hypotheses about the phenomenon of clairvoyance, snatch some piece of information, a reference piece from the global data bank available in the "air" - in the "general information field" of the Earth … This can often happen in people's lives, who seem to be completely devoid of the gift of clairvoyance. It happens in a dream! Why only in a dream?

Here it is, the answer:

How to do it?

In the brochure Prophets? Visionaries? " A. Gorbovsky asks the question: “The fact that we forget dreams, is it not an accidental barrier erected by our“I”? A barrier that protects from information, the participation in which is not good?"

How saturated the information flow that comes from the future and falls on some phases of sleep can be judged by the result of the experiment. When researchers from America analyzed from the words of other people about 600 dreams that they had, which contained information about events that were supposed to happen in the future, the proportion of dreams that came true was from 30 to 40%. The phenomenon of clairvoyant dreams is also related to the facts when researchers received answers to problems that haunted them during sleep. In a dream Mendeleev saw a periodic table; Karl Gauss dreamed - the law of induction, and Niels Bohr saw - the model of the atom … These were the discoveries that revolutionized modern physics.

Such an indicative case, a prophetic dream, happened more than half a century ago with the famous archaeologist G. Gilprecht and who became world famous.

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For a long time, G. Gilprecht did not manage to read the scattered ancient Sumerian text on two fragments of agate, which were found during excavations. The archaeologist talked about this find in a book that he had just finished writing and which he had to give to the publisher the next day. The text of the book would be incomplete without decoding. That is why on the eve G. Gilprecht sat in his office until late, diligently going over different options. Without noticing that, he dozed off, sitting in an armchair.

And he had a prophetic dream.

The archaeologist saw in front of him a man in ancient Sumerian priestly clothes.

- Follow me. I will help you,”the priest said.

Curiously, these words were spoken in pure English.

In his dream, the archaeologist followed the priest along a deserted street, along which massive houses were located to the left and right. Together with the priest, he entered one of them, the largest among the others. Having crossed its threshold, G. Gilprecht found himself in a dimly lit hall.

- Where are we? he asked.

The priest replied again in pure English:

- In Nippur, between the Tigris and the Euphrates. Now we are in the temple of Bel, the father of the gods.

The archaeologist knew this temple, as well as the fact that during the excavations it was not possible to find its treasury - a room that was always present in all temples in Sumerian times.

“Will you show me where the treasury is? he asked the priest.

He silently beckoned him with his hand and led him into a small room, which was located at the farthest end of the temple.

There was a wooden chest. And in it lay several pieces of agate, among which the archaeologist saw two of his agate fragments.

Explaining, the priest spoke:

“These pieces of agate are parts of a cylinder that was donated to the temple by the ruler of the country, Kurigalzu. When it became necessary to make ear ornaments for the statue of a god, we sawed a cylinder. But alas, one piece of it cracked.

Having split, it disintegrated, in turn, into two pieces of agate. These two pieces, the priest explained further, were the two fragments of the agate cylinder, on which G. Gilprecht worked on the reading of the inscriptions. He did not assume that what was written on them was only parts of a single text, once inscribed on an agate cylinder.

At the request of the archaeologist, the priest slowly, distinctly and clearly read it to him - in English! - the text written on that cylinder in the ancient Sumerian language.

When he woke up, G. Gilprecht immediately recorded his strange dream. And then he collated what was written with the inscriptions on the fragments of the agate cylinder that he had. And he deciphered them without the slightest difficulty … The decoding of this record was recognized by linguists and experts in ancient languages as completely flawless.

In the ruins of the temple, at the direction of G. Gilprecht, excavations were soon carried out in the place where, according to his dream information, the treasury of the temple was located. It was found exactly in the same place!

“Much more often, however,” noted A. Gorbovsky, “information from the future comes during sleep in the form of symbols, images, signs that require understanding and decoding. To be able to penetrate into the meaning of this code would be to lift the veil of events that are about to happen. This is the science of interpreting dreams, the beginning of which lies at the very origins of human civilization. The Egyptian papyrus, which mentions the art of dream interpretation, is 4,000 years old.

In general, we are all slightly clairvoyant. But the wise nature does not squander its gifts to the right and to the left.

She probably endowed only a select few with supernatural powers so that the world of people who knew their future would not turn into chaos.

Kochetova Larisa