Harmony Of The Whole. Your Half - Alternative View

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Harmony Of The Whole. Your Half - Alternative View
Harmony Of The Whole. Your Half - Alternative View

Video: Harmony Of The Whole. Your Half - Alternative View

Video: Harmony Of The Whole. Your Half - Alternative View
Video: 🟢Кофе с комментариями 🟢 Новые проекты 2024, October

Each of us has a period in our life when we ask ourselves rhetorical questions: Why do I live? What will my life be like? Who will take part in it? How happy will I be? What is happiness? Where to find it? And whether to search at all?

Will my other half find me? And where will she find me? And what will it be? And will she? And if she does, will we be happy? How long will we be happy? Will we die with her on the same day? Or maybe I'll be a lonely person? And what kind of people will surround me? Will they be angry? Or kind? Am I kind, man? Exactly what kind of person am I? Am I a man? Will I ever find answers to these questions?

The answers come to each of us in due time. You can search for them yourself, through trial and error, you can study the experience of other people, explore ancient teachings and books. There are many options, and one of them is to find out what ideas about the purpose of life and happiness our Ancestors had.

It turns out that all of the above questions, Our Ancestors, had one simple answer, the meaning of a person's life is to find his soul mate and unite with her, to develop, reaching spiritual perfection. One can argue with this and disagree, one can argue that happiness and meaning are hidden in completely different things. Any of your opinions will be correct. Since the soul of each of us is at its own stage of development, and needs a versatile experience, but the goal of this experience, our long journey, is to become a creator in the highest sense of the word. After all, we are all sparks of the original divine consciousness.

This is how the Vedic teachings describe the soul's desire to find its soul mate.

“The beginning of everything was and is the unity of two halves of one whole - God.

And souls descended to the Holy Land, divided into two halves - women and men. (Remember the well-known symbol of yin and yang, masculine and feminine, which, while being a single whole, is nevertheless divided) And it was conceived by the Gods so that they could find each other according to their main spiritual qualities. A part of the flame of the feelings of his woman was left in the heart of a man, so that when they meet, his heart flames with eternal love, kindness and love, he would warm her, and for that love she knows him. And in the heart of women the Gods left a part of the male mind. Then he will see that the woman's soul is full of wisdom, and by that wisdom the man recognizes his pair."

Our Ancestors believed that each of us must have a soul mate. And this half is the only one, as it is a part of your own soul, once divided into masculine and feminine. Only by finding your true spiritual soulmate can you find integrity and harmony. Achieve the level of the Creator in your development.

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You and I are so accustomed to looking at the world dually that we often see in everything the struggle of opposites: good and evil, black and white, night and day, summer and winter, man and woman …

Our Ancestors perceived the world more holistically and harmoniously. At the same time, realizing that in nature, day never fights against night, black only complements white, and even evil and good is the only one and necessary for the full development of the human soul. Moreover, the relationship between a man and a woman has never been seen as a struggle of antagonisms.

If each of us has our own unique half, how to feel it and distinguish it from someone else's?

The Slavs divided the relationship between a man and a woman into three types:

1. Karmic connection

In such a union, we work out the mistakes of our past lives. Our soul learns and polishes.

A close karmic connection means that we have met more than once in our past incarnations, were in close relationships and, perhaps, were to blame for something in front of a person or he in front of us. Perhaps we have caused great misfortunes for him in the past, and now we are paying for our cruel mistakes by being forced to serve this person, fulfill his whims, listen to complaints. If we are put by fate in such circumstances, then there is a reason for this.

The greater the distance of the karmic connection, the less we met and had energy contacts in the past, and also the less they will have in this life.

2. Soul mates

This is the family life of souls - comrades, classmates of the School of Life, who are companions on the path of life.

With a classmate partner, you have common ideas, a common understanding, and respect, you go through life together … but only constantly feel that this is a little different. In this pair, you limit your purpose, learn new qualities, but calmly, without strain. And yet there is no flame that, like the sun, illuminates the path for you and for the people next to you. If you are in such a relationship, do not rush to break it. This means that your spiritual couple is not ready to perceive you now, it still needs to go through its own, often cruel, life (somewhere it got lost and makes its way through the thicket to you). If you did meet her and she held out her hand to you, do not waste your chance. It means that she is ready, and your life paired with someone else's half will soon become unbearable for you. Don't wait until you can live with that family and your half will leave you.

3. Spiritual (star) halves

Because the Creator, having divided us into two parts - male and female, left in each of us 10% of the qualities of our half. That distance does not mean anything for souls: even if you are very far from each other, you are still bound by an invisible, but very strong thread. Energy exchange is constantly going on between the two true halves. They influence each other: it is impossible for one of them to be seven inches in the forehead, and the other to be dumb and stupid.

The first meeting with the spiritual half can never be forgotten, like the first married night. You can live with your couple in any conditions and anywhere, you will find a way out of any situation together. All difficulties are surmountable if your soul mate is next to you. But you need to be prepared for the fact that not all spiritual halves can unite. In life, we meet our soul mate three times! If we refuse it three times, then it does not come to us anymore …

A meeting with your soul mate occurs when a person suddenly internally realizes that he does not need anything (money, fame, career) without his spiritual half. The meeting occurs when the realization that in reality we live only for the sake of our half wins. Why?

Sacred knowledge says that once we were all one together. And the moment came when souls (you can call them a family) descended into the manifested world from the womb of a common mother and began to divide into parts. Have you seen how a cell divides? At first, kindred souls separated from the common “family”, and the last division was the division of the common soul into HE and SHE. And to connect again is a natural desire.

The path to each other can be very difficult. Never think that as soon as you meet the spiritual half, a romance will begin that will last until the end of days. After all, there is a lot of things that need to be untied, passed, and understood TOGETHER - this is a common work.

It happens like this: for one of the halves, life is developing well (a good family, a house is a full cup), and for the other, problems and disorder. Why is that? The couple should always have an impulse for development. Unfortunately, if a spiritual couple does not live together, then conditions (from a philistine point of view, unfavorable) are created for balance, so that the development of the couple goes forward. Remember the constant energy exchange? And such halves often refuse each other, citing different reasons, because they are not yet ready for connection.

What does it mean - “spiritual couples are ready”? This is when a woman loves and respects a man, as a manifestation of masculine energy, as God. And a man sees a Goddess in every woman! And then HIS woman will come to a man, and HER man will come to a woman. Because every partner with whom fate brings us, teaches us to accept our true soul mate, leads by the handle to her, the only one. And there is a second way of connecting the spiritual halves - when the couple has an important mission that God and the Universe gave. And around such a stellar couple their kindred souls gather … What is she - your half?

A sure sign that you have found your half - you are doing similar things! Often such couples, who turned out to be ready to meet each other, or business in related fields, have any interests and aspirations about the same thing. There is a common goal. And at the same time, your spiritual half is always your opposite! The inner world of your starry half is different from yours. She loves work that seems hard to you. She sees in the world something that you never knew existed. You know her thoughts, and she knows yours. In these relationships, there is no leader - leadership is constantly shifting from one to another. And most importantly, your weaknesses do not suffer, because your half in them is just the strongest. And work, and rest, and communication - this is the highest pleasure. It seems that it is impossible to stop talking, there is always a need for communication, being close,but that has nothing to do with addiction.

They do not look at their soul mate as an idol, on the contrary - they become kings next to her. The constant desire to direct their energy and strength somewhere moves the couple to new achievements. After all, only together can one achieve the highest states of spiritual surge (if you work on it).

Once you've found your soul mate, you don't need to adjust to it. Your half just needs you just the way you are.

If you live on this Earth, then your spiritual half is still alive. And she, just like you, is looking forward to meeting you. They say that if you die, your half will leave the Earth within 5 years. Since, wherever you are, you are one and will feel and attract each other.

Author: Natalia Kurchevskaya