UFO Over Baikonur: Myth Or Classified Materials? - Alternative View

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UFO Over Baikonur: Myth Or Classified Materials? - Alternative View
UFO Over Baikonur: Myth Or Classified Materials? - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Baikonur: Myth Or Classified Materials? - Alternative View

Video: UFO Over Baikonur: Myth Or Classified Materials? - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, June

With the advent of Baikonur, frequent evidence of UFOs began to appear in the skies of Kazakhstan. Their number is increasing every year.

The world's largest cosmodrome

Baikonur is the first and largest cosmodrome in the world. It was from here that the first manned flight into space was carried out. It remains the leader in spacecraft launch: more than 1,500 rockets in 50 years of its existence!


The steppe of Kazakhstan became the ideal option. A plus, according to rocket designer Sergei Korolev, was the proximity to the equator, which made it possible to more effectively use the Earth's rotation speed during launches.


The construction of the cosmodrome was strictly classified. Even the military builders were told that a stadium was being built here. And 300 kilometers to the north, the military erected a false Baikonur cosmodrome with wooden mock-ups of rockets and a fake launch pad. From the height of the plane, he looked like a real one. This is how the American intelligence apparatus misinformed.

Promotional video:

Flying saucers visit Baikonur

Several times a year, various flying objects appear over the cosmodrome. Apparently, the launches attract the attention of aliens, but all data was always strictly recorded and, of course, was hidden by the government.

Military testimonies

In the 1970s, UFOs began to be noticed over the cosmodrome. At that time, a regiment was stationed at Baikonur, armed with R-36orb missiles (a system of partial-orbital bombardment). It consisted of three combat launch complexes with six mines each. The missiles were launched once or twice a year to maintain combat readiness. Since the design was unsuccessful, the last launch was made on August 8, 1971.


In the summer of the same year, officers, returning from the cafeteria, noticed a UFO hovering over the launch pad. The anti-aircraft gunners requested a command to destroy, but the chief of staff forbade this. The saucer, having turned 80 degrees, quickly flew away.

Another time, at night, a saucer, about 30 meters in diameter, landed near the sentry. The soldier called the chief of the guard. Together they began to shout and make noise in the direction of the UFO, which did not give results. Then the chief fired into the air, the saucer rose and flew about 500 meters at low altitude, then landed again.

The chief of the guard reported the incident. That very night, the deputy commander-in-chief of the missile forces urgently flew in. As a result, the head of the landfill was “removed” from his post, and the personnel signed a non-disclosure agreement.

In the future, spaceships became frequent guests of the cosmodrome.


Their number gradually increased - they arrived in pairs, in small groups. The military often noticed that points glowing in the sky could merge together or, conversely, disintegrate into several small luminous objects. They flew in noiselessly and disappeared with lightning speed. It was not possible to trace them.

At the cosmodrome they began to talk that UFOs appear before unsuccessful launches of our rockets. Thus, the rocket scientist A. Guryanov recalled the appearance of a UFO on October 4, 1990: “On that day, before the launch of the Zenit rocket, we heard a wild dog howling in the steppe. The guys and I also wondered why there are so many dogs here. Then this plate appeared. We went down to the command post and got to work."


Spacecraft often deprived the launch pad of electricity when landing. Officially, the military responded to inquiries about the appearance of UFOs over Baikonur: "There is no reliable data on unidentified flying objects."

Photo classified as "Secret"

The editorial staff of "KP" in Altai "showed a UFO picture. Its owner claimed that it was an original from the secret archives of one military base where his father served. The picture shows a plate-shaped object hovering over a construction site.

According to the owner, it was made during the construction of Baikonur in 1955. Ufologists reported the need for an examination to confirm the significance of the photograph.

Tien Shan cigar

In August 1991, Baikonur's radars recorded a giant cigar-shaped object in the sky. Its estimated length was 600 meters (like two cruise ships). The speed at which he flew was about 950 km / h.


The military tried to get in touch with him, but in response they heard only deathly silence. Two MiG-29s tried to intercept the object, but near it all the equipment of the planes failed. At 5:27 am, the object disappeared, presumably crashing somewhere in the mountains of the Zailiyskiy Alatau.

In September 1991, the Central Asian-Kazakhstan Committee of UFO Sciences (SAKKUFON) sent an expedition to search for UFOs, but they could not find anything. A year later, Grigory Svechkov, a retired major from Almaty, found the crash site as part of a new expedition, but could not get close.

At a distance of several hundred meters from the object, the participants felt a piercing fear, and all the electronics went out of order. All that was possible was to sketch a split cigar with incomprehensible hieroglyphs.

In 1998, a group of ufologists from Moscow made a second expedition, but they failed to find anything. Locals say they have been pointed in the wrong direction. And there are also rumors that the aliens survived the crash and are carefully hiding.

June 2010

Sometimes there are controversial facts of UFO fixation. So, in June 2010, an amateur ufologist Gleb Lavrinenko managed to shoot an unidentified object in the sky over Almaty, which left behind a bright glowing trail.

However, astrophysicists rejected Gleb's assumptions, assuring that in this case the guy had removed the launch of the Soyuz carrier rocket. There are dozens of such launches into the skies of Kazakhstan every year, it is just rare to record them. But at the same time, scientists do not deny the existence of UFOs.



On the network you can find forums where former military men who served in Baikonur communicate. Among them there are many witnesses of unusual objects visiting the cosmodrome. They describe everything in different ways. Someone saw "a long silvery UFO that hung over Baikonur for 20 minutes." The other is "an object with a tail, from which sparks fell."

There were also such details: “There, in the black sky, there was a bright point, which, gradually expanding, became a ring. And this ring kept increasing and increasing in diameter, while the "donut" itself became thinner and lost its brightness. As a result, the ring expanded and reached the horizons."

But there are also those who deny that there were any UFOs at the cosmodrome, and everything that others saw was just rocket launches.

In any case, to believe or not to believe these facts is everyone's personal business. But I really want us to be not alone in this world …

Zhanna Lyubarskaya