About Post-coronavirus Futurology - Alternative View

About Post-coronavirus Futurology - Alternative View
About Post-coronavirus Futurology - Alternative View

Video: About Post-coronavirus Futurology - Alternative View

Video: About Post-coronavirus Futurology - Alternative View
Video: What will life look like after the coronavirus pandemic? Future of Cities | COVID-19 Special 2024, June

As soon as the coronavirus appeared, they began to talk about what would happen to the world after it. A letter from the writer Michel Houellebecq has recently been published on this matter. He believes that everything will remain the same and should not be deceived. Who, as a writer, should talk about this? Not for politicians, their business is mostly manipulation and false hopes.

The post-pandemic world is a fashionable topic of discourse. To some extent, this is similar to the expectation of a holiday that has been deserved by many efforts. Have suffered a lot - expect happiness as a gift. We are waiting for changes. Merciful ones, give them to us, translate them at our will into a new, even more comfortable reality! On the other hand, the thought that they did something wrong, that they themselves are to blame for everything, and that the infection was given for sins, is latently oppressive, and therefore the punishment, which is Egyptian, will continue further.

The plug of the coronavirus is clear: will everything be the same after it or a new and hardly wondrous world will open before us. Although there is a third option: there will be no peace after the coronavirus, or rather, this infection will become an invariable attribute of our existence, like seasonal flu and encephalitis ticks. You will have to get used to living in a situation where the uninvited guest will not leave anywhere, but, on the contrary, will periodically break into the house and behave in it extremely unceremoniously.

Hence the following block of questions arises: can the coronavirus pandemic be considered a global civilizational revolution that will shake the whole world. Like the October Revolution in Russia, World War II. Or is this an evolutionary process and the formatting of the world by a virus, or even under the cover of it, will proceed gradually, but inexorably? All because of the same ecology that we seem to care about, but often this is not beneficial to us.

Questions are questions, but the main thing is that all this does not slide into a dystopia, as it is now into a coronavirus conspiracy, which is already drawing its own alternative versions of history and the course of events.

By the way, about conspiracy. The very properties of the virus provoke its rapid growth, as well as a powerful movement of covid dissidents. He is strange, unusual, unpredictable, as if he does everything to make people relax and not particularly worry about him, in order to make a choke hold afterwards. The same Houellebecq calls the virus "banal", with "vague characteristics", "a virus without qualities." But again, all this can indicate a wide range of formats for the manifestation and action of the virus. He seems to be there, but at the same time he doesn't. Especially if you distance yourself from sources of information. This is the perception. He mimics and transforms. They can be very severely ill, but most often they are mild forms, or even asymptomatic. Therefore, in itself - the argument of talk that he was imposed on the world, that this is a large-scale illusion,into which everyone is immersed for the sake of some completely pragmatic tasks and goals. For example, for the sake of the same “golden billion”.

All this is in the spirit of modern paganism, when belief in God, unknown transcendental forces is transformed, that your virus, into belief in this worldly unknown forces that rule the world and weave conspiracy networks. The coronavirus, of course, will generously fertilize all this. He will make a person especially suspicious of Kashpirovsky. The world after the infection will be more suggestible, which means that manipulation of the masses will have great prospects.

Here a reasonable question arises: is there a “digital concentration camp” waiting for us, getting into the third part of “Spy Children”?

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The pandemic is an excellent argument for further virtualizing the world. Somehow it suddenly turned out that the Internet and gadgets, if disinfected, can save humanity. And man to man … a potential threat. Such a perception may well become a habit: do not shake hands, look askance at each other and shy away from a sneeze. Better keep your distance so digitize me gently. Now the main thing is that all this does not sit in the brains, does not undergo a special flashing of them. After the virus revolutionized our familiar reality, they became especially malleable.

The main thing is that, for example, humanism does not drift further towards selectivity. And to a special choice in the format of euthanasia: who to live, and who is more humane to erase from life. As you know, the infection especially hits the elderly, and here the problem of age and choice arises with the vile thought that old age is a burden: whom to leave to live …

The processes of alienation of a person from a person may well go further. Increasing suspicion and suspicion. The positive is also understandable: self-isolation gave the experience of caring not so much about oneself as about one's neighbor. So let's see how successful the last decades have been in refining man into a bourgeois Neaderthal. Each test is a test of a person's consistency. In the Middle Ages they knew about this, and therefore it was believed that misfortunes, including pestilence, illness, were given for sins. This experience of reflection is lacking in our world, which would rather go into a dull conspiracy defense than allow itself to be reproached in something.

One way or another, but all questions, options and forks converge on the problem of the future. It was the coronavirus that spurred an outburst of talk about futurology, which, moreover, not associated with new worlds and with a person changed beyond recognition, but with all the same original ones, except that a wonderful neighbor has settled in our world, does not want to leave and does not plan. Alien.

Conversations about the future have lately receded into the background. It was gradually canceled by the imperative that one must live for today, from one version of the iPhone to another. Questions about the future were curious, but they were perceived almost marginal, out of this world for sure, like idle chatter. The world more and more strived to live in reality, in the present day and did not burn with the desire to exchange for hypothetical future prospects.

The coronavirus situation made us think about the future. Until recently, it seemed that it was flowing in gradually, and through this gradualness it seemed to move further and further. You can fantasize about him, make some plans and projects, but not be especially zealous, because there is a more actual reality that just does not tolerate delay and inattention to itself. But if the future … bang! - and it covered almost instantly, did not crumple in indecision, but went in, knocking out the door from the foot, what then? Toss about in panic? It is clear that a viral infection is not yet a phenomenon of the future itself, but it is quite possible that its rehearsal, and we are participating in field exercises.

Russia has its own peculiarities in this regard. Here one could speak of the existence of fear of the future. Lack of his project and understanding. If at one time there was a slogan: "Time, forward!", But now: "Freeze!"

After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the stereotype was firmly established that in the future it could only get worse. Then after all, on the sublimation of perestroika nihilism, they not only inspired alienation to history, to existing realities, but all sorts of speculations and promises of quick happiness, through the thorns of shock therapy, discredited this very future. Tomorrow it could be worse - and it scared, brought into a stupor, extreme caution, coupled with indecision.

After that, they also tried to deal with the future carefully, not looking far and not making long-term plans, so as not to anger him. The same declared pause from shocks was created, and this or that project could well provoke these shocks. Better without them, of course, as it will turn out a little from fatalism. For a country that is still balancing on the swing of history, in which the decay processes and tendencies that manifested themselves in the years of perestroika have not yet been eliminated, the future is a very dangerous prospect, with it, like a mine, it is extremely careful and almost without breathing. Moreover, a futuristic short-range project - perestroika 2.0 - loomed and increasingly began to seduce the masses.

The future is roulette, they tried with all their might to postpone it and deal only with the present and vital, but now you want it or not, but you will have to talk about it, predict, build its architecture. The question here is not even how drastically the world will change, but the resistance. The world will need to learn to resist this. The current sense of vulnerability speaks for this. Otherwise, the very next appearance of such a "guest" will shovel him beyond recognition, or even cancel him, as in a disaster movie.

Writer Michel Houellebecq, in his letter about the post-pandemic world, suggested that he would be the same, but only worse. Most likely it is. An obvious example and analogy is the terrorist attacks of September 11 and the wide front of the fight against international terrorism that has unfolded since then. The world seems to have remained the same, but after those explosions special rights were given to many things: to any dictate, to any action, to any form of struggle. Most likely, the situation will be constructed according to similar methods, that is, with the strengthening of dictatorship and arbitrariness, ostensibly for the common good.

Then only the belief in the invulnerability of the "heart" of world democracy began to shake, and we know that after this followed, how many countries were demonstratively carved out, or even chaotic. Thus a lesson was taught about the exclusivity of some. Now the situation is even more serious for the collective Western world than the fallen twin towers.

“The West cannot remain the richest, most developed and invulnerable forever,” writes Houellebecq. This means that the West will do everything to preserve or at least prolong its prosperity. Price question. But there they will not stand up for her, because they always force someone else to pay.

So, in the matter of changing the world after a global virus, everything depends not even on the covid itself, but on the same global world players. From the world capitalist diktat. How seriously and for what purposes they want to take advantage of the situation. The accusations of China and Russia showed that nothing new, everything is the same - defending one's position at any cost and, of course, there is no talk of any new thinking. World capital will try to take the frightened humanity into a tight rein, because it has not yet fully recovered its revenge for the 20th century, which almost swept it out of the historical arena. There is only one way out - resistance and the construction of a defensive fortress as an alternative to this dictate. Otherwise, they will pay at our expense and by us.

Moreover, the pandemic, which swept the whole world and to some extent equalized it, did not reach the coronavirus international, but still. All this could tilt the balance in the direction of the attractiveness of the socialist project, and capitalism, which does not remove from the pandemic and, on the contrary, provoked its rapid spread throughout the world, would cease to be perceived as the highest and only good. It could be so, but it will only get worse. Neither the collective West nor capitalism will give up their positions. For the sake of their domination, they will stop at nothing, up to the Apocalypse.

What are the conclusions for Russia? Talk about a domestic civilization arose again. So Vladimir Putin called Russia "a separate civilization." The correct vector and the only possible one to save the country.

But the question arises: when did this civilization arise? In 1991, in 1917, maybe under some kind of emperor or prince? How did it develop further? At some time there was a civilization, then it went to the bottom of Atlantis, and then reappeared from the abyss? It's stupid, but that's how we perceive it. That is why, starting a conversation about civilization, it is necessary to get rid of our internal decay viruses, which have triumphed here in recent decades, starting with perestroika.

We need a kind of anti-decay and collecting this civilization observator. After all, if we accept the thesis about civilization, then we will recover from many things and sew our history, see its general meaning, which will open the way to the future, without expecting mercy and rewards from the pandemic.

As the current practice has shown, organized societies with a high level of self-discipline cope better with the coronavirus. In Russia, for example, because of this, a new round of Soviet nostalgia. Here and there they talk about special luck that they have not yet destroyed everything that was in the Union. So maybe it's time to stop destroying and get out of the bad infinity of the fairy tale about the white bull, when every time you have to start anew. We are a civilization. Should I match or what?..

Colossal post-coronavirus changes should not be expected. But it’s not about the fact that the virus itself will drastically change everything and will reward everyone according to their deserts. Here it all depends on the person, on his hands of affairs.

The discredited world is a world without illusions, let's not feed them, because they are also a form of manipulating us. One thing can definitely be expected: a new sublimation of these very manipulations, which will penetrate under the cover of a wind of change artificially produced by fans. There will be many temptations and promises, talk about new wonderful thinking to rock the world, to impose on it your scenario of the future.

Author: Andrey Rudalev