Almighty Reason Communicates With Humanity Through A Poltergeist - Alternative View

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Almighty Reason Communicates With Humanity Through A Poltergeist - Alternative View
Almighty Reason Communicates With Humanity Through A Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Almighty Reason Communicates With Humanity Through A Poltergeist - Alternative View

Video: Almighty Reason Communicates With Humanity Through A Poltergeist - Alternative View
Video: Proof That 5G Is Going To Make Us All Sick? 2024, September

VICTOR FEFELOV: the scientist is sure that our planet is an intelligent super creature

Poltergeist has always terrified people. Those who have not come across it prefer simply not to believe in it. In the Tomsk scientific center "Biolon", anomalous phenomena have been studied for several decades. “We are dealing with Reason, which is alien to our ideas about humanism,” says the director of the center, Viktor FEFELOV. “Only consideration of mutual interests can save humanity

In early 2000, a poltergeist was raging in Tomsk. The inhabitants of the city were literally terrorized by the bastards: furniture flew through the rooms, things disappeared from the ceiling, notes fell from the ceiling, and strange inscriptions appeared on the walls. A mysterious force threatened with great trouble. Frightened residents of Tomsk called local ufologists - employees of the Biolon Research Center for Biolocation and Ecology.

“The poltergeist was persistently trying to convey some information to us,” says Viktor Fefelov, director of Biolon. - In most of the messages that appeared in different apartments, the same words were repeated: "I will burn everything to the ground", "I will make the end of the world."

Then, in one of the city's nine-story buildings, a strange flood happened: half of the house was flooded, while plumbers assured that they had cut off the water supply the day before.

Biolon employees analyzed these events. On their basis, they compiled an analytical note and sent it to the local authorities of the Ministry of Emergencies. Scientists warned that an explosion at the Tomsk water intake is possible in the near future.

- We got this forecast on the basis of poltergeist precursors, - says Fefelov. - And they were right. Three weeks later, a powerful explosion thundered near the water intake. The terrorist did not bring 30 kg of explosives to the object - by a lucky coincidence, the timer went off ahead of time.

Bad apartments

Victor Fefelov has been studying poltergeist for more than three decades. It turned out that in different places of our country this unknown force works according to the same rules.

Promotional video:

ASH: according to the staff of the Biolon scientific center, fires in houses are often culprit

“It turned out that hundreds of confiscated notes in different cities were written in the same handwriting. And you just can't think of it - like a pen or pencil trembling finely, finely, says Fefelov. - What does it say? And here's what: the one who writes is not in Tomsk or St. Petersburg, but in another place, from which Tomsk, Voronezh, and Moscow are equally close to him.

In the late 1980s, the famous ufologist Valentin Fomenko studied five poltergeists in Moscow and the Moscow region. And everywhere, by a strange coincidence, the housewives of the "bad" apartments were called Valentina Ivanovna. The owner of an apartment in Tomsk at st. Lazo, 28/2, where the Nikon poltergeist operated in 1989-1991, was also Valentina Ivanovna Lipina.

And one more coincidence. Often the numbers of apartments in which the drums are playing are divided by 11 without a remainder. "Nikon" has chosen, for example, apartment number 55.

“We have been observing the behavior of the poltergeist for a long time and noticed: every 11 years there are exacerbations, and then it seems to go into hibernation,” says Fefelov. - Perhaps this is due to solar activity. In recent years, there has been a lull of poltergeist in Russia, because now there is a minimum of solar activity. And after three or four years, from 2011 to 2013, the beasts will rage. And these will be critical years for the Earth as a whole - with a huge number of catastrophes, including global ones.

Hooligan texts

FLOOD IN NEW ORLEANS: Hurricane Katrina - Poltergeist Tricks?

“Many consider the victims of the poltergeist to be scammers or mentally ill and do not believe in their stories,” continues Fefelov. - But, as I was constantly convinced, those who were attacked by rams never falsify events and are completely healthy mentally. And all the passions and fantastic phenomena they talk about are explained by the fact that they had to come into contact with superintelligent structures with ultrahigh technologies.

Rumble, throwing things, throwing up notes, stealing money or destroying food supplies, are not at all primitive, as it might seem to the layman. Their hooligan antics are tests for the psychophysical and intellectual reactions of representatives of humanity. Such poltergeists are everyday ones, and behind them is a more global phenomenon - the Internet. Its nature, according to Fefelov, resembles a mycelium.

- Household poltergeists are like bright fly agarics on the surface of forest soil. The mushrooms that people pay attention to are only seasonal manifestations of the mycelium - a single underground system hidden from our eyes. But what is the "mycelium" that generates little rears, it is for us, people, so far from the field of hypotheses. Some researchers believe that the poltergeist is jokes from aliens and evil spirits of the dead. And I believe that the Internet is a manifestation of the mind and psyche of the Earth itself.

POLTERGEIST "PHOTYMA": he was having fun by stuffing overalls with things and linen and stuffing a creepy dummy onto the sideboard with the owner's dog

As Fefelov assures, the Earth is a much more complex formation than just a round "stone" revolving around the Sun. It is a gigantic, living, information-sharing system. And what is human civilization in this case is clear at the level of analogy.

“Some have lice on their heads,” the scientist explains his hypothesis. - These insects feed on our blood, roam among the hair, as in the forest. They do not realize that the place where they wander is the head, which contains the brain, blood vessels, eyes, and that it is part of the thinking organism. In many ways, our Earth is a global system that lives, exchanges energy with the Sun and Space, it has a psyche and mind. We cannot prove anything yet, but the fact that the Earth reacts to any influences is obvious. The planet we walk on is not just a food source, it is a living and intelligent super being. You have to be more careful with it, otherwise it will comb out annoying humanity from the surface with a frequent comb.

Demonstration whipping

Like-minded people: Victor Fefelov in the laboratory of Georgy Grechko (1988). The cosmonaut is still seriously studying anomalous phenomena

On December 15, 1983, from 8 to 12 in the morning west of the city of Plesetsk, Arkhangelsk region, an event occurred, the reasons for which are still unknown to official science. A huge amount of dark gray dust fell on an area of 160 by 80 km. It lay in places with a layer of up to 10 cm. Inspection with civil defense devices showed the absence of radiation. And in terms of chemical composition, it corresponded to the products of coal combustion, which are emitted by thermal power plants. According to approximate estimates, its total volume amounted to 200 million tons. To accumulate such a quantity, it is necessary to concentrate the emissions of all the thermal power plants of the Earth over 18 years. Information about him as unresolved was classified.

It turns out that someone collected this dust from the atmosphere of the entire globe, concentrated it in one place and buried it carefully, without causing harm. And at the same time he chose a suitable place - in the area of this anomalous phenomenon there were no settlements, only forests and swamps.

“And this is also a manifestation of a poltergeist,” says Viktor Fefelov, “but of a different level and scale. In this case, the Earth, as a rational creature, has isolated and buried carefully, without causing much harm, atmospheric debris.

CHERNOBYL CATASTROPHE: an indicative whipping of humanity

The Internet regulates not only technogenic, but also social activities of mankind. And as sometimes parents punish an unreasonable child with a belt, so the Earth arranges preventive catastrophes for us.

According to the ufologist, the Chernobyl accident is just such an indicative flogging. It became possible as a result of the coincidence of many factors. Its consequences, with large sacrifices, are still minimal and become a good lesson for the future. After all, it was after her that the safety system at nuclear power plants around the world was revised.

The Internet is so ubiquitous that it even interferes with political life. As Fefelov assures, the famous Tomsk poltergeist "Fotyma" reported in notes that the mayor of Tomsk Alexander Makarov is a drug addict. Indeed, several years later, during a search, opium was seized from him.

There is a lot of evidence that a poltergeist's actions are reasonable. The main thing for humanity is to get rid of the misconception that we are the pinnacle of evolution and the king of nature, the scientist warns. - If we continue to shit on the planet, then one day the Earth will run out of patience and we will be eliminated in the same way as a doctor relieves a patient from a cancerous tumor.


* Scientists at Biolon predicted abnormal cold weather in winter 2006.

* Based on poltergeist precursors, Biolon predicted a devastating earthquake in Altai in autumn 2003.


According to the staff of Biolon, a major accident at a nuclear facility is possible this spring or summer. Most likely, it is located in the United States.