The Stargate Of Sri Lanka Is The Key To The Global Infrasound Broadcasting System - Alternative View

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The Stargate Of Sri Lanka Is The Key To The Global Infrasound Broadcasting System - Alternative View
The Stargate Of Sri Lanka Is The Key To The Global Infrasound Broadcasting System - Alternative View

Video: The Stargate Of Sri Lanka Is The Key To The Global Infrasound Broadcasting System - Alternative View

Video: The Stargate Of Sri Lanka Is The Key To The Global Infrasound Broadcasting System - Alternative View
Video: StarGates & Portals To & From Other Worlds… It’s No Longer a Science Fiction 2024, September

Sakwala Chakraya

One of the most beautiful places in Sri Lanka - the amazing Ranmasu Uyana Park (Golden Fish Park), sandwiched between Lake Tisza Ueva and the Isurumuniya Temple in the city of Anuradhapura, is not only a pleasant pastime for the royals of antiquity, but also a mysterious one, full of mysteries and unsolvable questions a territory whose history is still the subject of heated scientific disputes in the circles of historians and archaeologists.

There we can see an amazing and difficult to explain artifact inherited by mankind from the ancient civilization of Sri Lanka. Perhaps it was not without purpose that it was carved on the granite rock of the oldest city on the island and its oldest capital. This artifact is called Sakwala Chakraya, but it is also known as the Stargate of Sri Lanka.

Sakwala Chakraya drawing - Stargate Sri Lanka
Sakwala Chakraya drawing - Stargate Sri Lanka

Sakwala Chakraya drawing - Stargate Sri Lanka.

Sakwala Chakraya is a carving on the uneven surface of a granite rock in the form of a kind of "strange circular diagram". Cut by shallow grooves on the curved (if you stand facing it, the left edge of the rock goes deep from us), in the projection from the front, it nevertheless looks like a regular circle a little less than 2 meters in diameter, divided into rectangular segments with figures in center, which are mostly images of a circle with a cross inscribed in it. This "pie chart", like a wheel by a tire, is surrounded by a strip, which depicts various representatives of the marine fauna swimming clockwise.


Promotional video:

The Sri Lankan Stargate Sakwala Chakraya is located near the northern border of the Isurumuniya rock temple, at the very foot of the Tisa Ueva lake embankment, in the Ranmasu Uyana Goldfish Park, famous for its unique granite pools, like in Sigiriya.


The earliest and most detailed description of the Stargate was given by the renowned archaeologist Harry Charles (1851-1937) in his 1901 "Archaeological Survey of Ceylon North-Central and Central Provinces, Annual Report" expedition. Link to the report file: link to PDF.

However, there is no definite answer to the question of what the Sakwala Chakraya is. In this article, I try to understand this issue, explaining the meaning of both the individual symbols depicted on it, and its semantic meaning as a whole.

Name meaning

First of all, let's figure out what this name means - Sakwala Chakraya.


  • This is the so-called. Bana, or the word uttered by Gautam Buddha in his sermons. It denotes the solar (stellar) system, one of the infinite number of them in the Universe, within which the light of the central star propagates. Each Sakwala contains Earth, heaven and hell (in the sense of the spheres of good and evil, and in occultism our planet Earth is identified with hell); having reached the highest point of its development, it decays and then is destroyed, in order to be reborn again, with a certain regular periodicity, obeying some immutable law.
  • In direct translation, the Sinhalese word "sakwala" means the Universe, or Galaxy.

Chakra, or Chakra:

  • Translated from Sanskrit, it means a wheel, or disk.
  • Also means disc, or revolving circle, in Sinhalese.
  • From the point of view of Buddhism, it means the structure of the Universe or the cycle of rotation (circulation) of life forms.

Thus, the meaning of the name Sakwala Chakraya can be interpreted as "The cycle (of life in) the Universe."

But we must not forget that we do not have the slightest idea about who and when this name was invented. Perhaps, in ancient times, the Sakwala Chakraya was called differently. We can confidently assume this, since many objects of ancient Anuradhapura must be much older than Buddhism itself as such …

Comment from myself: it is impossible to determine the age of the carving on the stone (its processing) using the modern methods available to us. The radiocarbon method (analysis) used in science for determining the age of fossils can only be applied to organic matter, that is, materials of biological origin.

Let's consider this riddle, so to speak, from a different angle, trying to comprehend it in our own way, different from the methodology of officially accepted theories and versions.

Researching available versions of the purpose

There are the following versions about what the Sakwala Chakraya actually is:

1. According to the officially accepted version described in the aforementioned "expedition report" by Harry Bell, Sakwala Chakra is an ancient "map of the world", apparently, the oldest known to mankind.

According to this version, the concentric circles in the center unambiguously mean Sakwala (peace) with Sri Yantra or the sacred mountain Maha Meru in the center, surrounded by seven seas (Sidanta) and walls of rocks (Yugandara). The Sun and Moon (on a horizontal line) are located on either side of Sakwala. Scattered around are numerous other worlds, represented in the form of circles with inscribed crosses, dividing them into four equal parts. Around (in the outer ring) there is a "water world", in which various representatives of marine fauna swim from left to right.

On the other hand, Sakwala Chakra is interpreted as the perception of the world by Tantric Buddhist monks, for use in Buddhist meditations.


So, could Sakwala Chakraya initially be a "map of the world", as the adherents of classical Buddhism and Hinduism suggest? In my opinion, this is hardly possible.

And to prove this, I have several serious arguments based on numerous facts:

1.1. Sakwala Chakraya, with a seeming similarity at first glance, is in fact radically different from Sri Yantra with Maha Meru, having nothing in common with it, except for large circles. They are completely different images with different meanings.

Sri Yantra, flat illustration
Sri Yantra, flat illustration

Sri Yantra, flat illustration.

Three-dimensional cast in bronze of Sri Yantra with MahaMeru
Three-dimensional cast in bronze of Sri Yantra with MahaMeru

Three-dimensional cast in bronze of Sri Yantra with MahaMeru.

Thus, we see that the Sakwala Chakray looks completely different - with clearly outlined rectangular areas formed by even straight lines intersecting at right angles.

The composition itself is logically divided into upper and lower halves by a horizontal line, which is the common line of symmetry for them. The symmetry is almost perfect, except for two rectangular areas in the upper left quarter, where some inexplicable symbols are inscribed.

The image contains standard elements - two sets of seven concentric circles with a dot in the center, rectangular areas similar to one another and circles with inscribed and dividing crosses into them. The central set of concentric circles is exactly twice the diameter of the top.

Almost all of its graphic elements are standard, with the exception of a few, which we will discuss in detail later.

Sri Yantra, on the other hand, is drawn by inscribing two mutually oriented sets of triangles of various sizes in a circle, displaced in a certain way in their centers relative to each other.

Drawing by Sri Yantra
Drawing by Sri Yantra

Drawing by Sri Yantra.

By the way, here is a link to a very interesting article on how to draw Sri Yantra (in English).

If we want to find matches, then with a huge degree of similarity we can only find them here:


This is the Star of David, or Magen David ("Shield of David") - a symbol of two superimposed equilateral triangles with vertices up and down, currently considered a symbol of Jewish self-identification and depicted on the flag of the State of Israel, although it was not at all a symbol of Judaism before … It is originally an ancient Hindu symbol called Anahata Chakra, the heart chakra of love. Agree, there is something to think about here …

1.2. The sign in the form of a cross located inside a circle (of which the Sakwal Chakraya is full) is the Solar Cross, better known as the Sun Wheel. It is the oldest symbol of human proto-civilization, characteristic of prehistoric cultures from the Neolithic to the Bronze Age (presumably 7000 - 3000 BC). This symbol cannot have any direct connection with Buddhism or Hinduism.

Such circles with crosses inside are found in large numbers, for example, in the form of symbols carved on the roofs of stone dolmens in the Western Caucasus.


In addition, the terms "Sun Cross" and "Sun Wheel" are modern, based only on the assumption of official science that ancient people worshiped the sun and painted it in this way. The true meaning of this symbol in prehistoric times is not known to modern science!

An interesting detail: it is also an astrological symbol for the planet Earth.

1.3. Images like the Sakwala Chakraya are not found in Hindu or Buddhist cultures.

1.4. There is no historical heritage similar to Sakwala Chakraya anywhere in the world, with the exception of some of its elements in the prehistoric culture of the Neolithic, which we will discuss in detail later.

Thus, it can be stated with certainty that initially Sakwala Chakraya was not an artifact of any of the religions known to us and, accordingly, could not reflect religious ideas about the structure of the world.

2. At a later stage, some historians interpret the Sakwala Chakrayu as a description of the evolution of life on Earth from the point of view of ancient people.

As in the previous case, its image cannot be a description of evolution, which is clearly evidenced by the following facts:

2.1. On Sakwala Chakraya, only representatives of the marine fauna are depicted. There is not a single representative of the terrestrial ecosystem on it, and even more so, not a single person.

2.2. But on it, among the marine life, some creatures unknown to us are depicted, which cannot be identified by modern science. With a certain amount of imagination, one of the creatures can be recognized as a mythical creature - a mermaid, a siren or a "sea maiden", known to mankind since the time of the Babylonian kingdom.


It is much more logical to assume that marine life was depicted on the Sakwal Chakrai in order to show some of its connection (possible purpose) with the underwater world, inhabitants of the ocean depths. What connection and what is the point in it, we will consider later.

An interesting detail: In the ancient Indian epic "Mahabharata" one of the gods named Indra gives the man Arjuna a weapon (teaching him to use it), with which he wants to deal with his "inhuman enemies" living at the bottom of the ocean:

The reprisals against the Nivatakavachas were not long in coming. With the help of divine weapons, Arjuna destroys these powerful demons (demon literally translates as "knowing"). Who knows, perhaps it was Arjuna who destroyed this race of nivatakavach mermaids, the inhabitants of the underwater world, depicted on the Sakwal Chakra, after which the legends about them became myths …

3. Sakwala Chakraya is an architectural plan of the ancient capital of the island of Anuradhapura or the royal residence of Sigiriya, or the entire island of Sri Lanka.

I would say that this version is very logical. Moreover, it can be assumed that this is an architectural plan of a certain object surrounded by water (the islands of Ceylon) or even an entire complex located on the territory of the entire planet Earth (also surrounded by water).


Thus, Ivan Sanderson drew up a map of the Earth's electromagnetic anomalies, in which he indicated twelve regions in which magnetic anomalies and other aberrations are associated with a close spectrum of various physical phenomena, and in which aircraft and ships most often disappear without a trace. These regions, evenly located on the surface of the planet, in some way resemble the even arrangement of the "sun crosses" of Sakwala Chakrai.

4. But the most incredible and fantastic version says that Sakwala Chakraya points to the existence of a real star gate - a teleportation device located in Anuradhapura and used by aliens to visit Earth. That is, this image may contain a certain key to space travel through a portal using teleportation technologies.

Despite the fact that this is a very fantastic version and it is impossible to take it into account at the moment due to the lack of solid evidence, you should not reject it completely, as knowingly false. Different versions do not have to be mutually exclusive …

The discovery of Sakwala Chakrai at one time gave rise to a wave of research among archaeologists and historians who studied prehistoric civilizations. Some of them saw parallels between the star gates of Sri Lanka and the “star gates” found in the Abu Gorab temple (Memphis, Egypt), as well as the “gates of the gods” in Peru. The strange similarity of these three artifacts and their location near water sources, as well as the advanced engineering solutions and technologies used in their locations, have given rise to numerous theories.

* Gate of the Gods * - Puerto de Hau Mark in Peru, Puma
* Gate of the Gods * - Puerto de Hau Mark in Peru, Puma

* Gate of the Gods * - Puerto de Hau Mark in Peru, Puma.

So, in September 1996, in the mountainous region of Peru not far (35 km.) From the city of Puno, the "gate of the gods" - Puerto de Jau Marca, named so by the local Indians for their resemblance to a giant doorway, was found.

This giant opening is carved into the granite rock at an altitude of 4300 meters above sea level. The area is unremarkable. The gate to nowhere. In the center of the giant rectangle in the rock below, a smaller opening is carved, something like a door.

The Incas have a legend about how the first king-priest Amaru Muru traveled through this portal, using a golden disc to activate it, which allegedly fell from the sky. Legend has it that he opened a portal between worlds with a disk and entered it, after which no one else saw him.

* Stargate * Abu Gorab - part of * the royal necropolis * Abusir
* Stargate * Abu Gorab - part of * the royal necropolis * Abusir

* Stargate * Abu Gorab - part of * the royal necropolis * Abusir.

A 20-minute drive from the Great Pyramid of Cheops, clearly visible on a clear day from the Giza plateau, is one of the greatest treasures of antiquity and the most unusual places on our planet.

A place called Abu Gorab (Abu Gurab) or "crow's nest", like the rest of the complex of pyramids and temples of Abusir, are located in territories stretching along the Nile River south of Cairo, closed from public visits. Archaeological excavations are also prohibited there.

Archaeologists with strange insistence classify these objects as "temple of the sun", "royal necropolis" or "burial complex", identified with the new cult of Ra. Egyptologists always use this approach when the true purpose of the object cannot be determined.

You can read more about this place (in English) here.

The most popular hypothesis is that the Stargate was used by aliens who mined gold on Earth. The theory is based on the fact that all three of these sites are located on the banks of water bodies (or were located about 5000 years ago) and have a developed network of underground tunnels, bunkers, basins and other "plumbing" architecture, probably used for gold washing. Thus, the "Gate of the Gods" in Peru is located next to Lake Titicaca, Abu Gorab - on the banks of the Nile and Sakwala Chakraya - on the shores of Lake Tisa Hueva.

Proponents of the theory of "alien mining of gold from Earth's waters" believe that the water channels, chambers, reservoirs and filters found there are part of a complex mechanism developed by aliens thousands of years ago.

If this theory is correct, Ranmasu Uyana in Anuradhapura was once one of the main centers of gold mining and processing by aliens who arrived on Earth through the Stargate.

Nevertheless, archaeologists reject this theory as a figment of the sick imagination of individual scientists.

Conclusion: Until stronger evidence is presented for this theory of "gold mining by aliens who visited Earth through the Stargate", it cannot be taken into account.

5. Some scholars believe that Sakwala Chakray is a kind of secret message from aliens, whom ancient people perceived as gods.

As with the Stargate theory above, it also should not be taken into account until any hard evidence has been obtained. At the same time, there is a kind of rational grain in it, worthy of at least a brief description.

The theory of "ancient aliens" directly related to Anuradhapura - the location of the Sakwala Chakrai, takes place in modern scientific circles.

So, in accordance with the discovery made in 1996 by the researcher and historian Mihindukulasuriya Susanta Fernando, the three main stupas of Anuradhapura - Jetavana (Jetavanaramaya), Ruvanaveli (Ruvanavelyisaya) and Mirisavetia, are located in exact correspondence with the location of three stars in the constellation of Origiton and Bellatrix.

Orion constellation with the designation of the main stars
Orion constellation with the designation of the main stars

Orion constellation with the designation of the main stars.

This means that the triangle formed on the earth's surface by three stupas (built according to the official version in the period 161 BC - 331 AD) has exactly the same proportions as the triangle formed by the three stars of the constellation Orion, they are completely similar! It's like their earthly reflection.

This discovery by Fernando was described in his book "Secrets of Aliens in Sri Lanka and Egypt", published in 1997 (unfortunately, only available in English).

This fact is also confirmed in the book "Mirror of Heaven", written by British scientist Graham Hancock and published in 1998.

6. My own version of what the Sakwala Chakraya really is. As an engineer, I declare without any doubt that Sakwala Chakraya is most similar to a certain design drawing or technical diagram, based on the graphic principles of its outline and the use of many standardized elements. Here are some examples of this similarity:

Exeter Phillips Academy Library
Exeter Phillips Academy Library

Exeter Phillips Academy Library.

Architectural plan of the northeastern corner of the Parthenon temple
Architectural plan of the northeastern corner of the Parthenon temple

Architectural plan of the northeastern corner of the Parthenon temple.

In other words, it is most likely an architectural plan or a drawing (diagram) of some technical device or even a complex. This device or complex can be the size of a city, an island, or even a planet. Why not? In addition, I would say that the similarity of the standard elements shown in this drawing indicates that the complex consisted of similar technical parts (equipment).

In addition, I want to once again draw your attention to the fact that different theories are not necessarily mutually exclusive, they can complement each other.

So, I propose to explore my own version of the purpose of Sakwala Chakrai from the point of view of modern knowledge and technology. Even if we do not succeed in solving this riddle completely, perhaps we will get as close as possible to understanding it.

Analyzing the symbols of the Sakwala Chakra drawing

First of all, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that, based on logic and rational imagination, the symbols in the Sakwala Chakraya drawing very much resemble some designations of electrical elements associated with oscillatory processes and radio communication.

Here I consider it necessary to make an obligatory digression before proceeding to further analysis of the Sakwal Chakraya blueprint. I strongly recommend that you, my dear readers, carefully read it, so as not to lose the thread of my further reasoning, despite the possible difficulties in understanding the technical details.

So, in 2013, an open research project SCIROCCO was published by a group of enthusiasts from Russia and Ukraine led by radio engineer Vladimir Yashkardin.

The purpose of this project is to study the true purpose and purpose of the construction of pyramids, megaliths and other unexplained objects by prehistoric civilizations (the number of which is at least 100,000 on our planet), from the point of view of the Wave Theory and the Theoretical Foundations of Radio Engineering (TOP).

In my opinion, at the moment, this is the only most logical, complete and scientifically confirmed theory, combining together the many mysteries of the prehistoric civilizations of the Earth and giving them a completely rational explanation: SCIROCCO. Infrasonic vibroacoustic broadcast interface.

This theory was published in the scientific and analytical journal: “Innovations and Investments №3 2013. p.155-161. SCIROCCO subsonic broadcast interface. Yashkardin V. L."

In short, the pyramids on the Giza plateau in Egypt are very powerful vibroacoustic infrasonic generators and transmitters, a kind of analogue of the modern Ostankino (modern television and radio broadcasting station), designed to broadcast and transmit audio and video information over great distances, possibly even across the globe. For example, the Cheops pyramid generated 7 different frequencies: 9.2-10.3-10.9-12.25-13.75-15.4-16.35 Hz (remember the seven concentric circles on the Sakwala Chakraya).

Physical diagram of a pyramidal vibroacoustic infrasound transmitter
Physical diagram of a pyramidal vibroacoustic infrasound transmitter

Physical diagram of a pyramidal vibroacoustic infrasound transmitter.

On the diagram, the numbers indicate:

1. Resonator (tuning fork).

2. Chamber of an active resonant amplifier.

3. Focusing corner reflector.

4. Channel of supply of positive energy potential.

5. Channel for supplying negative energy potential.

6. Granite plate (membrane) of positive potential of wind energy.

7. Granite plate (membrane) of negative potential of wind energy.

8. Diverting the signal from the amplifier output to positive feedback (PIC).

9. POS switch.

10. Channel of positive feedback (PIC).

11. Wave channel.

12. Resonant vibrator.

13. Devices of coordination.

Technical characteristics of the transmitter SCIROCCO of the Cheops pyramid (for example):

- transmitter weight: 6.25 * 109 kg

- dimensions: 230x230x146 m

- transmitter power generated by wind force: 2 MW (at wind force 10m / s)

- transmitter power generated by the Coriolis force: 2 MW (with a wind force of 10 m / s)

- total transmitter power: 4 MW (for comparison - the transmitter power of the 1st TV channel Ostankino - 0.04 MW)

- carrier frequency: 12.25 Hz

- modulation depth: 12.25 ± 33% Hz

- carrier wavelength: 28 m (in air 343 m / s), 498 m (marble 6100 m / s), 368 m (concrete 4500 m / s), 314 m (in granite 3850 m / s), 294 m (brick 3600 m / s)

- nominal frequency of the stone resonator: 196/98 Hz closed / open

- set of frequencies option 1 (7 frequencies): 9.2-10.3-10.9-12.25-13.75-15.4-16.35 Hz

- set of frequencies option 2 (13 frequencies): 9.2-9.75-10.3-10.6-10.9-11.525-12.25-13-13.75-14.575-15.4-15.875-16.35 Hz

- energy source: wind flow (constantly blowing south wind "Scirocco - Scirocco").

So, taking into account the above information, armed with new knowledge about the technology of global infrasound broadcasting available to ancient civilizations, we investigate the meaning of the symbols depicted in the Sakwala Chakraya drawing.

1. Meaning of the central and upper left elements - two sets of seven concentric circles with a dot in the center.

The central element of the Sakwala Chakra
The central element of the Sakwala Chakra

The central element of the Sakwala Chakra.

This cannot be a designation, for example, of the solar system, because there are only seven circles. The solar system includes eight planets (there were more), asteroids, protoplanets, comets, etc.

Most likely this is an image of some kind of oscillatory process, alternating propagation of energy by waves from a central point (antenna).

The propagation of waves (vibrational energy) over the water surface caused by a drop falling
The propagation of waves (vibrational energy) over the water surface caused by a drop falling

The propagation of waves (vibrational energy) over the water surface caused by a drop falling.

The symbol for the propagation of vibration energy in space is radio waves (electromagnetic vibrations) emitted by antennas
The symbol for the propagation of vibration energy in space is radio waves (electromagnetic vibrations) emitted by antennas

The symbol for the propagation of vibration energy in space is radio waves (electromagnetic vibrations) emitted by antennas.

So we can assume that the ancient authors of the drawing were well acquainted with the features of oscillatory processes, which we will see more than once in the future.

2. This symbol is very similar to a three-dimensional 3D model of one of the pyramids on the Giza plateau (most of all - Cheops) in axonometric projection, with underground tunnels:

Drawing of the pyramid on the Stargate in axonometric projection (volumetric model)
Drawing of the pyramid on the Stargate in axonometric projection (volumetric model)

Drawing of the pyramid on the Stargate in axonometric projection (volumetric model).

Volumetric 3D model of the Cheops pyramid - drawing in axonometric projection
Volumetric 3D model of the Cheops pyramid - drawing in axonometric projection

Volumetric 3D model of the Cheops pyramid - drawing in axonometric projection.

3. The symbol in the form of a wave in the Sakwala Chakraya drawing exactly corresponds to the wavy "comb" located above the "entrance" to the Cheops pyramid (it is the Great Pyramid or the Pyramid of Khufu).

In combination with other elements - round and rectangular "hooks", it formed the mechanism of the feedback switch of the infrasonic generator, that is, it is a "button" for turning the transmitter on and off. This is a very important detail that no generator can do without.

The image of the wave in the drawing of the Sakwala Chakrai Stargate is a feedback switch
The image of the wave in the drawing of the Sakwala Chakrai Stargate is a feedback switch

The image of the wave in the drawing of the Sakwala Chakrai Stargate is a feedback switch.

The wavy * comb * above the entrance to the Cheops pyramid is part of the generator's positive feedback switch mechanism
The wavy * comb * above the entrance to the Cheops pyramid is part of the generator's positive feedback switch mechanism

The wavy * comb * above the entrance to the Cheops pyramid is part of the generator's positive feedback switch mechanism.

The main entrance to the Cheops pyramid is a wave channel
The main entrance to the Cheops pyramid is a wave channel

The main entrance to the Cheops pyramid is a wave channel.

The symbols on the comb above the main entrance to the Cheops pyramid are an inscription in paleo-Sanskrit, deciphered by Kurt Shildman
The symbols on the comb above the main entrance to the Cheops pyramid are an inscription in paleo-Sanskrit, deciphered by Kurt Shildman

The symbols on the comb above the main entrance to the Cheops pyramid are an inscription in paleo-Sanskrit, deciphered by Kurt Shildman.

An interesting detail: there is information on the Web (article Resonance in Paleo-Sanskrit Inscriptions on the Great Pyramid) that these symbols are actually an inscription in Paleo-Sanskrit, which was deciphered by Professor Kurt Schildman (1915-2005), and which translated literally means the following: "From male power, thundering, to the provision of female." The interpretation of this phrase is that through infrasound (thunder) it is possible to transform one basic principle (type of energy, opposition) into another: "yang" into "yin", for example, if we consider this issue in terms of human bioenergy. The article says that the pyramids of the Giza plateau purposefully focused the infrasonic vibrations of planet Earth for "global synchronization of the collective consciousness of humanity."

This is a very interesting idea that confirms the theory of infrasonic broadcasting of antiquity. Moreover, a detailed study of this issue, perhaps, will reveal to us something more than an understanding of the simple fact of ultrasonic transmission - namely, the role of infrasound in the connection of human biorhythms with the biorhythms of planet Earth. Scientists have already established that the Earth "sings" (namely, the Van Allen plasma belts formed by the Earth's magnetic field "hiss", they are also the cause of the "northern lights") at the infrasonic frequency, and its "singing" is associated, among other things, with the activity of the Sun: article in National Geographic News.

4. Two symbols resembling umbrellas - from the ancient Vedas, an umbrella was considered by Asian culture as a sign of supreme power in the concept of "God-King". Also, the umbrella was considered the abode of a certain "guardian angel" who helped the king and intervened in earthly affairs to protect the interests of the royal dynasty.


Thus, from a modern point of view (taking into account the ancient meaning), the umbrella symbols in the drawing can be interpreted as follows:

  • on the one hand, it is a symbol of the highest power; therefore, two umbrellas mean at least two persons who possessed it - the king and queen, or the president and the head of the senate, the commander and chief of staff, the director and the chief of the security service … and so on.
  • on the other hand, it is a device for communication with some higher hierarchical structures (satellite communication antennas look exactly the same), with the help of which different tasks could be solved: receiving instructions on what and when to broadcast through infrasonic transmitters; emergency call for help in case of need, so to speak, the ability to call 911, etc.

5. and 6. - symbols of a closed and open circuit PIC - turning on the transmitter.

In accordance with the theory of global infrasound broadcasting, these symbols also become explainable:

Closed circuit, transmitter is working
Closed circuit, transmitter is working

Closed circuit, transmitter is working.

The right side of the drawing shows a symbol of a closed loop of positive feedback (generator feed) - the transmitter is working, the pyramid emits sound vibrations. The four-pointed star in the circle represents the radiation pattern of the transmitter's pyramidal antenna.

Since the pyramid has four faces, the maximum power of the transmitter was emitted by these faces in four directions, forming a star with four rays in the graph.

For example, here is the directional diagram of one of the modern radio antennas:

Directional diagram of a modern radio antenna
Directional diagram of a modern radio antenna

Directional diagram of a modern radio antenna.


The feedback loop is broken (symbols on the left side of the drawing) - the generator does not work, there is no transmission, the "star" of the directional diagram crumbled into chaotic bursts.

7. The symbol of a circle with a cross inside - most likely denotes some kind of dome-shaped structures, namely the antenna resonators of dome infrasound receivers (or cavity resonators, we will consider this issue in more detail later). Such signs are depicted in large numbers on dolmens.


As a result, we have a schematic diagram of the organization of global infrasound broadcasting:

Sakwala Chakraya Stargate with an explanation of the symbols shown in this drawing
Sakwala Chakraya Stargate with an explanation of the symbols shown in this drawing

Sakwala Chakraya Stargate with an explanation of the symbols shown in this drawing.

1. Two oscillatory processes, or two sources of radiation (transmitter, antenna) of infrasonic oscillations;

2. Symbol of the pyramidal infrasound transmitter;

3. Sinusoid (wave, "comb") and other parts of the switch mechanism of the POS infrasonic generator. Essentially a transmitter switch;

4. Symbol of means of communication with the “higher command” (satellite dish), which is also a symbol of royal power;

5. The off state of the transmitter - open circuit, no feedback, the generator does not work, the antenna does not radiate;

6. On state of the transmitter - the feedback loop is closed, the generator is running, the antenna emits maximum power in four directions (the symbol of a four-pointed star);

7. Dome (volume resonator) infrasound receivers (resonators and antennas).

8. Some unknown sea creatures (inhabitants of the aquatic world), for whom, among other things (possibly), infrasonic transmissions could be intended.

Thus, I suppose that Sakwala Chakraya is a drawing, a technical diagram that explains the basic principles of the device and the principle of operation of the vibroacoustic system of infrasonic broadcasting.

Why is this possible?

This principle of communication is very successfully used by marine animals (whales, killer whales, etc.) for communication over huge distances - more than a thousand kilometers at a frequency of 18 … 30 Hz.

The officially documented distance at which blue whales communicated is 1,600 km (data from the University of California).

A similar system was also developed in the 20th century to provide communication with moving underwater objects - submarines. But attempts to achieve satisfactory results in the sound (acoustic) wavelength range have failed.

Instead, radio transmitters operating at ultra-low frequencies (30-300 Hz) were developed.

Effective sizes for these antennas transmitters comprise thousands of kilometers (L = x 10 3 8 /300 = 1 x 10 6 m = 1000 km), so such systems are excessively bulky and expensive.

Today we can learn about the existence of such communication systems from open sources of information. Such systems are used by the leading countries of the world to provide communication with nuclear submarines (submarines) carrying strategic nuclear weapons, at depths often more than 300 m. Here they are:

- The Zeus System - detailed article in English.), Russia, frequency 82 Hz;

- System "Seafarer" (English - navigator), USA, frequency 76 Hz.

It is very likely that Russia and the United States could theoretically build transmitters operating in the ELF (extremely low frequency, 3-30 Hz) electromagnetic wave ranges, but this information should be strictly classified. The size and cost of such transmitters must be enormous.

The signal from such transmitters freely spreads in water and ice, penetrating them almost without loss, which makes such systems indispensable for communication with objects moving under water anywhere in the ocean and at any depth. Just imagine how sophisticated and technologically advanced the SCIROCCO-type global infrasound broadcasting systems were:

  1. The system provided broadcasting (transmission of information) by air, by water and by land over vast distances, to any point of the world, to any depth under water and underground.
  2. The enormous power transmitter did not require any other source of energy other than natural wind power.
  3. To put it simply, this system was analogous to modern Zeus and Seafarer systems, but much more high-tech, powerful, efficient and reliable.
  4. This method of signal transmission (information transmission) ensured an incredible, almost 100% transmission reliability, since the signal could not be suppressed without physically destroying the transmitter or receiver in any other way. Electronic warfare (EW) in this case does not make any sense.
  5. Thus, the system provided 100% control over the troops. Warships, submarines, aircraft were able to receive orders with one hundred percent reliability at any time and anywhere, wherever they were - in the air, on the ground, or under water. For civilian use, this system was all the more unique.

On the other hand, this once again confirms one very important conclusion - such a complex could only be built by a great, technologically advanced civilization, the Empire, which covered different countries and continents. And the island of Sri Lanka played a very significant role in this forgotten civilization. Was this the Ravana Empire? Who knows…

Separately, I would like to dwell on such an important detail as the image of two sets of concentric circles on the Sakwal Chakra drawing. In my opinion, this means at least two sources of infrasound, two transmitters.

The question remains open as to which of these two transmitters and which broadcasting complex is shown in the drawing. We can assume that this is either a complex of pyramids on the Giza plateau, or Sigiriya and Pidurangala, or even the sacred Mount Kailash - the largest pyramidal structure on Earth, as the central object of the system.

A twofold difference in diameters for these sets of circles may mean that the wavelengths of these transmitters, and therefore their operating frequencies, also differed twice, for example, to prevent interference - their mutual suppression.

Now that we have examined in detail our version from the point of view of the principles of broadcasting - information transmission, it is time to figure it out - where are the receivers? After all, if there were transmitting centers, then there were much more receivers for which the transmission was intended. And since the transmitters are built so powerful as to broadcast to the entire globe, then there must be receivers on all continents.

A careful examination of this issue confirms our assumption and sheds light on many still unsolved mysteries of antiquity.

As I said earlier, the symbols of the circles with crosses in the Sakwala Chakra drawing indicate receivers, in particular their domed antenna resonators. Such receivers are found in huge numbers not only in Sri Lanka (these are the so-called stupas, or dagobas), but also in other countries and on other continents.

Classification of known receivers of infrasound broadcasting:

1. Information receivers:

1.1. Dome tuning forks and resonator receivers. Can be built from bricks (stone blocks) or carved into rock (stone). If the antennas are made of stone blocks, then there is no need for a rock monolith. Such a receiver can be built in any location.

Their antenna resonators are similar to bells in the ground version of the dome or musical tuning forks, that is, they are represented by two parallel asymmetric dipoles (in the version with an underground dome).

1.1.1. Stupa (dagoba). It is a stone (brick) bell installed on a foundation (ground). In this embodiment, the dome itself acts as an antenna and an oscillating circuit (resonator).

The massive dome of the Jetavana stupa is the tallest brick structure ever built by man
The massive dome of the Jetavana stupa is the tallest brick structure ever built by man

The massive dome of the Jetavana stupa is the tallest brick structure ever built by man.

Originally built with a height of 120 m, the grandiose structure of antiquity - the Jetavana (or Jetavanarama) stupa was at one time the third tallest structure in the world after the two Egyptian pyramids that were the first to walk. At the beginning of the 20th century, the British compilers of the Ceylon travel guide calculated that the bricks from which this stupa was built would be enough to erect a three-meter wall stretching from London to Edinburgh.

Ruvanavelisaya stupa, aka Mahatupa, Svarnamali Chaitiya, Suvarnamali Mahaseti, and Ratnamali Dagoba
Ruvanavelisaya stupa, aka Mahatupa, Svarnamali Chaitiya, Suvarnamali Mahaseti, and Ratnamali Dagoba

Ruvanavelisaya stupa, aka Mahatupa, Svarnamali Chaitiya, Suvarnamali Mahaseti, and Ratnamali Dagoba.

An interesting historical detail: in accordance with the ancient Sri Lankan epic, King Dutugemunu received permission to build the Ruvanaveli stupa (Ruvanavelisaya) personally from the "goddess" Ratnamali, therefore, among other names of the stupa, her name is also. In the ancient chronicle of "Mahavamsa" it is said that King Dutugemunu discussed the issue of its construction with the "gods" on some stone benches … was it not in Sigiriya? Or Anuradhapura? This was the last documented contact of the human king with the "gods."

Assumption: Apparently, the original purpose of the stupas was not religious. They acquired religious significance much later. In addition, the chronicles were written to please the rulers, and some took the credit for the construction of grandiose objects built long before them, as was the case, for example, with Sigiriya.

Built with huge expenditures of labor and resources, insanely expensive, but made in a strict style without architectural frills and decorations, they could only be used for a very specific and important technical purpose - to obtain information.

1.1.2. Dome volumetric tuning fork infrasound receivers with an underground dome.

Treasury of Atreus or Tomb of Agamemnon, Mycenae, Greece
Treasury of Atreus or Tomb of Agamemnon, Mycenae, Greece

Treasury of Atreus or Tomb of Agamemnon, Mycenae, Greece.

It is believed that the Treasury of Atreus or the tomb of Agamemnon, located on the hill of Panagitsa, Mycenae (Greece), is a "hive-type burial tomb." Geographic coordinates: 37 ° 43'36.61 "N; 22 ° 45'12.17 "E.

Nevertheless, scholars admit that structures of this type (called tholos) were not religious buildings in the pre-Hellenistic era, they became so later. In the legends, information has been preserved that they were used "to communicate with spirits." Quite a logical explanation of the receiver's work from the point of view of a savage.

Underground dome of the tomb of Atreus
Underground dome of the tomb of Atreus

Underground dome of the tomb of Atreus.

Inside the underground dome of the tomb of Agamemnon (Atreus)
Inside the underground dome of the tomb of Agamemnon (Atreus)

Inside the underground dome of the tomb of Agamemnon (Atreus).

Typical layout of a domed volumetric tuning fork * of the tomb of Atreus *
Typical layout of a domed volumetric tuning fork * of the tomb of Atreus *

Typical layout of a domed volumetric tuning fork * of the tomb of Atreus *.


La is the wavelength in air;

Lg-wavelength in the ground;

n is an integer.

In fact, this receiver is a well-known tuning fork (a metal instrument for tuning musical instruments in the form of a fork), only large and built of stone.

Infrasound receiver, known as * Tsarskiy Kurgan * or * Mithridates Tomb *, Kerch, Ukraine
Infrasound receiver, known as * Tsarskiy Kurgan * or * Mithridates Tomb *, Kerch, Ukraine

Infrasound receiver, known as * Tsarskiy Kurgan * or * Mithridates Tomb *, Kerch, Ukraine.

This infrasound receiver (operating frequency 12.25 Hz), known as the "Tsarsky Kurgan" or "Mithridates Tomb", is located in the area of the village. Adzhimushkai (near the Adzhimushkai quarries) in the suburb of Kerch, Crimea, Ukraine. Geographic coordinates: 45 ° 22'26.57 "N; 36 ° 31'34.38 "E.

1.1.3. Rocky volumetric tuning fork receivers of infrasound with a monolithic antenna.

In rock receivers, the antenna is the protruding rock layer. A broadband trapezoidal tuning fork is cut at the edge of the seam. The tuning fork is connected to the resonator through a slot matching device. The resonator ring of a broadband tuning fork is built into the dome resonator.

Typical representatives of this family of receivers are the so-called Mycenaean mine tombs (similar ones were also in Mesopotamia - the royal tombs of Ur). Location: Kefalonia, Greece. Geographic coordinates: 38 ° 7 '48.12 "N; 20 ° 32 '40.04 "E.

Shaft tombs of Mazarakat, Kefalonia, Greece
Shaft tombs of Mazarakat, Kefalonia, Greece

Shaft tombs of Mazarakat, Kefalonia, Greece.

1.2. Volumetric rocky infrasound information receivers.

These receivers do not have an underground dome (antenna). They were built in areas where infrasound waves were somehow concentrated on natural inhomogeneities of the environment: geological faults, rivers, mountains, mountain ranges directed at a certain angle (20-60 °) to the source of infrasound.

1.2.1. Tumulus are large pseudo-dome receivers that focus infrasound on the floor and ceiling of the tumulus. We know of many pseudo-dome receivers installed in lines along a natural geological fault - these are Etruscan tumulus near the ancient city of Cerveteri in Italy.

Monolithic dome receivers. Located in the ancient Etruscan city of Cerveteri, Geographic coordinates: 42 ° 0'19.17 & quot; N; 12 ° 6'10.87 & quot; E
Monolithic dome receivers. Located in the ancient Etruscan city of Cerveteri, Geographic coordinates: 42 ° 0'19.17 & quot; N; 12 ° 6'10.87 & quot; E

Monolithic dome receivers. Located in the ancient Etruscan city of Cerveteri, Geographic coordinates: 42 ° 0'19.17 & quot; N; 12 ° 6'10.87 & quot; E.

The dome of tumulus in Ireland, this one is supposedly built by the Celts about 6,000 years ago
The dome of tumulus in Ireland, this one is supposedly built by the Celts about 6,000 years ago

The dome of tumulus in Ireland, this one is supposedly built by the Celts about 6,000 years ago.

1.2.2. Dolmens are relatively small volumetric secondary resonators. They were installed on mountain ranges, as well as near large rivers, in places of natural concentration of infrasonic waves.

A typical dolmen, or * stone table *
A typical dolmen, or * stone table *

A typical dolmen, or * stone table *.

Map of the location of dolmens on Earth. The cluster areas are marked in orange
Map of the location of dolmens on Earth. The cluster areas are marked in orange

Map of the location of dolmens on Earth. The cluster areas are marked in orange.

1.2.3. Mastabs are stone trapezoidal receivers that focus infrasound to a certain depth under their base, the most common receiver in ancient Egypt.


The body of the mastaba, vibrating from infrasound, redirected sound waves due to its trapezoidal shape downward, focusing the sound stream under its base.

Unlike spherical domes, where the focus was at floor level, trapezoidal mastabs have a focus underground.

Therefore, secondary resonators (which official science perceives as stone sarcophagi) were immersed in a curved shaft so that the shaft did not fall under the focusing infrasound beam.

Being in the focus of the mastaba, the secondary resonator converted the infrasound into a sound wave, which was fed through the air shaft to the amplifying air chambers of the mastaba.

Here it was already possible to perfectly listen to the sound received from the pyramid.

1.3. Fork infrasound information receivers.

1.3.1. Seids or "stones of power" are large stones set on stone supports. To create a seid, a large stone with multiple resonance was selected and installed on a rock correctly located to the signal source.

Typical seid, or * stone of power *. The largest in Northern Europe are the seid complexes in Karelia
Typical seid, or * stone of power *. The largest in Northern Europe are the seid complexes in Karelia

Typical seid, or * stone of power *. The largest in Northern Europe are the seid complexes in Karelia.

Seid weighing more than 2,000 tons, mounted on flat stone stands fixed in grooves carved into the rock, in Sigiriya (Lion Rock), Sri Lanka
Seid weighing more than 2,000 tons, mounted on flat stone stands fixed in grooves carved into the rock, in Sigiriya (Lion Rock), Sri Lanka

Seid weighing more than 2,000 tons, mounted on flat stone stands fixed in grooves carved into the rock, in Sigiriya (Lion Rock), Sri Lanka.

1.3.2. Menhirs are single vertical stones installed in zones of concentration of the infrasonic signal, which had a resonance multiple of the carrier frequency of the transmitted infrasonic signal.

Sometimes dolmens and whole fields of menhirs were set up near large receivers, a typical example is the menhir alley in Carnac, France.

Alley of menhirs in Carnac, France
Alley of menhirs in Carnac, France

Alley of menhirs in Carnac, France.

1.3.3. Cromlechs were a set of menhirs, each of which had a multiple resonance with a specific modulation frequency of the pyramidal complex.

Menhirs were installed in a ring, in the center of which a superposition point of all transmitted frequencies was formed.

The menhirs of the cromlech in Karnak are carved with images of sound waves propagating from a vibrating stone
The menhirs of the cromlech in Karnak are carved with images of sound waves propagating from a vibrating stone

The menhirs of the cromlech in Karnak are carved with images of sound waves propagating from a vibrating stone.

Stonehenge is a typical cromlech
Stonehenge is a typical cromlech

Stonehenge is a typical cromlech.

2. Signal receivers of infrasound.


Modern humanities scholars insist that these "jars" were ancient seismographs, with which ancient people predicted earthquakes. This is absurd, since it is known that it is impossible to predict an earthquake using a seismograph.

In fact, these devices were ancient GPS receivers. They could tune to the desired frequency by varying the length of the pendulum. When an infrasonic wave arrives from a certain direction, the pendulum, tuned to the frequency of a certain transmitter, entered resonance and began to oscillate in the direction of the wave source, activating a ratchet mechanism that released the balls.

Having at least two receivers tuned to the frequencies of the transmitters whose location is known, it was possible to determine their location by plotting directions on them on a map. The device was used by sailors.

Large infrasound signal receiver made of bronze
Large infrasound signal receiver made of bronze

Large infrasound signal receiver made of bronze.

Schematic diagram of the operation of a pendulum infrasound receiver
Schematic diagram of the operation of a pendulum infrasound receiver

Schematic diagram of the operation of a pendulum infrasound receiver.

Dating of origin and prehistoric correspondences

Thus, taking into account all of the above, it is quite reasonable to assume that Sakwala Chakraya is really not just a technical diagram of a separate complex, but also a kind of key, a hint demonstrating the principles of building a global system of infrasound broadcasting of a prehistoric civilization, its structure, basic elements, the principle actions and purpose. However, the question of her age (date of origin) is still open.

If we carefully analyze the prehistoric era for correspondences, we will see that it is the Neolithic megalithic culture that abounds in such correspondences. These are the so-called cup-shaped marks characteristic of prehistoric culture.


Cup-shaped signs, similar to a conventional image of radio waves emitted by an antenna. These are located in Northumberland, geographic coordinates are 55.54754N 1.99632W.

Petroglyphs * Laxe das Rodas *, Louro, Galicia, Spain
Petroglyphs * Laxe das Rodas *, Louro, Galicia, Spain

Petroglyphs * Laxe das Rodas *, Louro, Galicia, Spain.

Cup-shaped sign * Petróglifo de Portaxes * in Monte Teton, the largest in Galicia, Spain
Cup-shaped sign * Petróglifo de Portaxes * in Monte Teton, the largest in Galicia, Spain

Cup-shaped sign * Petróglifo de Portaxes * in Monte Teton, the largest in Galicia, Spain.

Cup-shaped signs and circles with a cross inside in the Alps, Carshenna, Switzerland
Cup-shaped signs and circles with a cross inside in the Alps, Carshenna, Switzerland

Cup-shaped signs and circles with a cross inside in the Alps, Carshenna, Switzerland.

Mostly cup-shaped signs are found in Atlantic Europe (Northern England, Scotland, Ireland, Brittany, Galicia (Spain)), as well as in Mediterranean Europe (northwestern Italy, Thessaly, central Greece, Switzerland). In addition, similar signs are also found on other continents - in Mexico, Brazil and India.

Usually scientists attribute their origin to the early Neolithic era (about 12,000 - 10,500 years ago).

This dating echoes the mythical Great Flood, which actually took place about 12,000 years ago due to another climate change on Earth, when the average temperature rose sharply by 8 degrees.

It would be logical to assume that the Great Flood became the cause of the death of that great ancient civilization, on the ruins of which our modern civilization was revived, preserving the fragments of past knowledge in the form of confused and contradictory myths, legends and religions.

Modern archaeological finds, such as Göbekli Tepe (a complex of underground “stonehenge” of 50-ton stones - built more than 12,000 years ago by wild gatherers?!?!) And Nevali-Chori (Turkey), are revolutionizing the opinion about the level of human civilization the Neolithic era and make even the most conservative adherents of orthodox scholarship take a fresh look at the historical dating.


1. Sakwala Chakraya with a high degree of probability is a technical scheme, a kind of key, explaining the principles of building a global system of infrasound broadcasting of prehistoric civilization, its structure, basic elements, principle of operation and purpose. It can also be assumed that the broadcasts of this system were intended, among other things, for some unidentified inhabitants of the underwater world. Do these underwater inhabitants exist today - that is the question!

2. Sakwala Chakraya, like other archaeological treasures of Sri Lanka, is closely related to other hard-to-explain examples of megalithic culture and other artifacts scattered throughout the Earth. This allows us to assume that we are really dealing with the legacy of a great prehistoric civilization, which was located on different continents.

3. This prehistoric civilization possessed deep knowledge of the theory of wave processes and energy transfer, acoustics, its representatives understood what wave resistance is, knew about the capabilities of ultrasound, knew the theory of antennas (vibrators), knew how to build the most complex ultrasonic vibration generators with a capacity of millions of watts, working on the natural energy of air currents. Their transmitters and receivers had all modern analogs of radio transmitting devices - vibrator, reflector, director, resonator, reflector, strip delay line, waveguide, etc. With these devices, they could transmit, collapse, deploy and synchronize information. They knew the Earth was a rotating body and used the Coriolis effect to increase the power of their transmitters.

In this, their civilization has surpassed our modern one. We, with our advanced technologies, have not been able to create anything like the great pyramids on the Giza plateau, megawatt devices powered by natural wind energy.

4. Sri Lanka played an important role in that great prehistoric civilization, as we can judge by the Sakwala Chakraya itself, the splendor of ancient Anuradhapura and the transmission complex in Sigiriya, with numerous evidences of machine processing of granite using a unique technology that is inaccessible to us.

5. This great prehistoric civilization may have been destroyed by the Great Sweat about 12,000 years ago. Consequently, artifacts such as Sakwala Chakraya and objects such as Sigiriya and the three great pyramids on the Giza plateau may be significantly older.

6. The remnants of the destroyed civilization tried with all their might to preserve their knowledge and technology, which was reflected in megalithic and prehistoric art, myths, religions and philosophical teachings.

Some of them could have some success in this, continue to use the surviving technologies and form the so-called. "Islets of civilization", on which states and cultures such as Mycenae and Ancient Sumer, for example, may have grown.

Some devices (such as the pyramids of Giza) may have survived the Flood, be restored, and continued to be used for their intended purpose for a while.

Such knowledge and technologies gave a serious competitive advantage, meant strength and power, so it is logical to assume that great wars could be fought for their possession.

7. Also, we should not forget about the serious role that the "gods" played in the history of ancient civilizations (in accordance with myths and legends) - in the creation of many mysterious places and objects, as well as in managing the development of human society and entire states. Most likely, they were not aliens, but representatives of a powerful civilization of antiquity, who retained some of its knowledge, weapons and technologies.

8. The subsonic broadcasting system was not necessarily used to transmit information, it could also be used to transmit the energy required for the operation of any devices, as well as other purposes (for example, the effect on the human body) that we still have to figure out.

Author: Vladimir KovalSky