Radiation And American Flights To The Moon. Interesting Facts - Alternative View

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Radiation And American Flights To The Moon. Interesting Facts - Alternative View
Radiation And American Flights To The Moon. Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Video: Radiation And American Flights To The Moon. Interesting Facts - Alternative View

Video: Radiation And American Flights To The Moon. Interesting Facts - Alternative View
Video: Branson’s space flight, B.C. wildfire anxiety, Italy wins Euro Cup | The National for July 11, 2021 2024, September

Previous part: Analysis of photos of American landing sites on the Moon and other inconsistencies.

There are too many oddities and contradictions in the NASA lunar program. There are readers who comment on the next article with texts: well, how much can you? And, so everything is already clear - no one was there from the manned program. But defenders or followers of official views do not give up either. And, therefore, similar articles and disputes will appear. I'm not talking about myself. The topic is puzzled by researchers in the livejournal and in youtube.

In this part, we will continue to study the next facts of man (American man) flights to the moon.

1. Radiation when flying to the Moon


Some of the cosmic radiation (alpha, beta particles and protons), which has low energies, gets stuck in the magnetic lines of force of the Earth. Belts of such radiation are also called Van Allen belts. The researchers argue that it is impossible to fly through them and not receive serious doses of radiation. For this reason, a flight to the Moon is impossible without reliable radiation protection for astronauts and electronic equipment.

Promotional video:

But there is one thing. This is the physical effect of the corpuscular component of radiation (particles). You can protect yourself from alpha and beta particles with a sheet of foil. But protons can already lead to serious damage to biological tissues. Moreover, they lead to the so-called induced radiation. When, when interacting with matter, the substance itself becomes a source of radiation, but of a different type: the release of electrons or hard gamma and X-rays. But this effect has not been studied.

Radiation Belt Model.

The flux of neutrons also leads to induced radiation. You can only protect yourself from them with a thick layer of water (water inhibits them). Or graphite (absorbs). Neutrons pass through the metal like water through a sieve.

Another hazard is harsh gamma and X-ray electromagnetic radiation. You can only protect yourself from it with a thick layer of dense metal (lead, for example).

With solar flares, everything is multiplied or amplified even by orders of magnitude (with strong solar flares of class X). In the period 1969 - 1972 there was a peak of 11-year solar activity. The maximum takes 4.2 years. Seven powerful flares have been recorded over the years. The flight period was not the best. But it was necessary to overtake the USSR. At least on paper and on TV for ordinary people.

There are a number of facts. There is a publication on this topic: Vorobiev E. I., Kovalev E. E. "Radiation safety of aircraft crews" - Energoatomizdat, 1983. Screen from the book:


Information that says why a station with cosmonauts cannot be launched into a geostationary orbit. The radiation is too high there. And what about more distant distances from the Earth, where the radiation is even greater?


It is impossible to fly through the radiation belts and not receive a critical dose of radiation. It is a fact.

There are models of flying around the Earth's radiation belts:


It is only unknown whether the Apollo flew around them along such trajectories or flew directly? Even if we assume that at the start, the Apollo flew around, but when returning back with a second cosmic speed, the Apollo passed the belts head-on. And this is a critical dose of radiation for astronauts.


Are there any other questions? These two slides do not fit together in any way.

Let's go further. For millions of years of bombardment of the lunar surface with different classes of radiation (hard radiation and particles), a strong background of induced radiation should appear in the lunar soil. Which should be even stronger than cosmic rays. And staying for many hours on the lunar surface is a critical dose of radiation. Although, the data say that there is only 7-12 Rem radiation per year. Or maybe the lunar soil is not hundreds of millions of years old? Just kidding. Maybe I'm not kidding.

Next fact:

Cut from the video broadcast.

Strange video. And that's why:


Question: Should the sun's radiation burn the astronaut's face? In summer, in sunny weather on Earth, surfaces are heated so that it is impossible to touch. And on the moon, all the spectra of solar radiation are added, which are filtered by the earth's atmosphere. So the astronaut's face could not fail to notice the direct sunlight. But photography says the opposite - he is comfortable. Did the filming take place on Earth?

2. Takeoff of Saturn-5 with unfilled stages

There are many photographs of the moment of the launch of the Saturn-5 rocket with the Apollo missions:


Don't you see anything strange? And the fact that condensate evaporation from the rocket surface occurs only from the first stage is not surprising? It seems that only the first stage is filled. And the task of Saturn-5 is to fly into low orbit and fall into the ocean. The liquefied fuel in the tanks is at a very low temperature.


Collage of photos of the Saturn-5 rocket launch of all missions. The picture is the same for all - evaporation of condensate only at the first stage. Should there be evaporation from other stages? Let's look at the moments of the launch of other missiles:


Falcon and Soyuz rocket launch. Evaporation is present on the entire part of the rocket except for the head (with a payload). Let's see further:


The Atlas rocket also has evaporation - only on the surface of the first foot. It is possible that until the pressure in the fuel tanks starts to decrease, condensate will not form. Therefore, with Saturn-5, this fact is not an argument in flight falsification. But let it be as food for thought.

3. Lunar globes

There are such photos on the Internet:


Transferring images from lunar images to globes that had internal illumination (imitation of the moon's illumination) and rails around (imitation of flight while moving along them). This is a props for creating video reports of flights to the moon, filmed for showiness? What for? Such facts only add fuel to the fire and show that at least part of the video was filmed in such pavilions.

Russian inquisitive minds are too diligent in exposing NASA's manned lunar program that such news and statistics appear:


Not surprisingly, after the release of each such article, those who stigmatize, criticize and troll everyone in them appear in the comments.

In conclusion - a video. An analysis of the experiments of astronauts with a demonstration of throwing a package and swinging a pendulum on the moon is done by the author in this video:

For the layman, information is not entirely transparent; requires a mathematical apparatus and knowledge of physical formulas. But if we assume that the author is right, then this is one more proof of the falsification of the program by means of pavilion filming on Earth.

All these oddities and facts are probably known for a long time in certain circles and are a tool for manipulation and play. Whoever has stronger facts is stronger on the playing field. Sometimes there is a trolling of this topic from public figures. A striking example of this is the music group Rammstein with their video:

Clip in Russian for a better understanding of what it is about. Although, you can watch it without sound - everything will become clear anyway. I believe this is the highest level trolling of the lunar program. Do not think that this is a far-fetched translation. Those who know German claim that many of their compositions are trolling of the world order of our society and the world.

Author: sibved
