Dr. Bruce Lipton "Any Disease Can Be Defeated By The Power Of Thought" - Alternative View

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Dr. Bruce Lipton "Any Disease Can Be Defeated By The Power Of Thought" - Alternative View
Dr. Bruce Lipton "Any Disease Can Be Defeated By The Power Of Thought" - Alternative View

Video: Dr. Bruce Lipton "Any Disease Can Be Defeated By The Power Of Thought" - Alternative View

Video: Dr. Bruce Lipton
Video: The Most Eye Opening 6 Minutes of Your Life - Dr. Bruce Lipton 2024, September

American scientist Bruce Lipton claims that psychics, meditation and hypnosis can change the way a person's genes work. And mysticism has nothing to do with this, says a researcher who worked for 5 years (from 1987 to 1992) at the Stanford University Medical Center. The thing is that the psychological impact is really capable of changing the biological nature of the organism!


“All doctors are well aware of the placebo effect when a patient is given a dummy under the guise of a miracle pill,” explains Lipton. - However, patients who believe in a magic remedy really do get better. For a long time there was no explanation for this phenomenon.

My experiments prove that with the help of faith, self-hypnosis, meditation, we can make genes "turn on" or "turn off" and, thus, influence the processes in our body at the molecular level. As an example, let's take two people who have a genetic predisposition to cancer. Why does one of them manifest the disease, while the other does not? Because they have a different way of thinking and, accordingly, a different way of life!

Sounds tempting. But, as practice shows, it is not very successful to defeat a stroke or heart attack with the help of self-hypnosis. Lipton easily explains this contradiction. In his opinion, habitual psychological attitudes affect only the area of consciousness, which controls our "I" only by 5%. And only a few can reach the subconscious, which controls the remaining 95% of a person's personality.

That is, the overwhelming majority of patients at the subconscious level do not believe in healing and do not allow the body to start the program of genetic self-healing.

Psychics and hypnotists can break the barrier set on the way to the subconscious. In addition, diet and exercise can influence the functioning of the body's genetic mechanisms.

Lipton believes that the future of medicine is not in the development of the pharmaceutical industry. The revolution will break out when an effective way of influencing the genetic systems of the body through our subconscious is found. And then a person will be able to change destiny, which is predetermined by a combination of inherited genes.

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Bruce Lipton is a Ph. D. well-known throughout the world for building the bridge between science and spirituality. He is invited as a guest of honor to numerous television and radio programs. He speaks at many international conferences and seminars.


Meditation didn't save Steve Jobs


Photo: msk.kp.ru

How do Bruce Lipton's ideas correspond to modern ideas about genetics? We talked about this with Svetlana Borinskaya, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Chief Researcher of the Genome Analysis Laboratory of the Institute of General Genetics named after V. I. N. I. Vavilov.

Svetlana Aleksandrovna, can the psychological state of a person directly affect the activity of one or another of his genes?

- Yes of course. Also, how the weather, a cold, taking medication for a cold, or, conversely, the lack of treatment can affect it. Food, exercise, and even mental exercise also affect. And many many others. Because while we are alive, our genes are constantly changing their activity in order to provide the processes necessary for life. This has been known for a long time, Lipton did not make any discovery here.

There are few studies so far that try to capture changes in gene activity during psychotherapy. Several years ago, an article was published that showed that the activity of several dozen genes changes during an exam (more precisely, during the defense of a thesis). At the same time, in some people, after a day, gene activity returns to its original level, and in some people the changes persist longer.

So, it is still possible to be healed by prayer or self-hypnosis?

- If faith or self-hypnosis helped to change the activity of the necessary genes, then believers or yogis would be much less likely to suffer from oncological or cardiovascular diseases. They would not have obesity and other "diseases of civilization" - after all, these are diseases associated with "wrong" changes in gene activity. The problem is that in most cases we do not know which genes change their activity under certain influences. Moreover, in different people, apparently, different genes can react in different ways.

Lipton's ideas look pretty tempting from the point of view of the layman …

- His statements cannot be taken on faith. These ideas have not been tested in research. As far as I know, he retired from science studies … By the way, I would like to recall the well-known story of Steve Jobs, who tried to treat pancreatic cancer with meditation, and lost precious time when it was necessary to have an operation. He later said that he regretted it. Jobs put too much faith in the idea that self-hypnosis could be cured.

There are no clinical studies that show that self-hypnosis, belief, or hypnosis cures all diseases. There are conditions that can actually be improved with psychotherapy or yoga. Psychological support of serious illnesses increases the effectiveness of treatment and improves the well-being of patients, allows them to avoid depression associated with illness, and to recover faster. But nothing more.
