Wealth Or Poverty Are States Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Wealth Or Poverty Are States Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Wealth Or Poverty Are States Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Wealth Or Poverty Are States Of Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: Wealth Or Poverty Are States Of Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Altered States of Consciousness: There’s Nothing Supernatural About It | Jamie Wheal | Big Think 2024, October

Wealth does not depend on location. In Africa, where there are the most minerals in the world, where almost the entire periodic table is contained, where the most fertile soil in the world, which gives 4 crops a year, in theory the richest people should live, but they cannot defeat hunger. Israel alone, which stands almost entirely in the desert, can feed the whole of Europe for a year ahead, what then can we say about Africa, where is the most fertile soil on planet Earth? But in Africa there is hunger and poverty. Paradox?

Japan is a small country. There is nothing there at all except the notorious coal, but not of the best quality, it shakes every day, it is constantly drowned. Logically, Japan should have been poor, unlike Africa, where everything is abundant, but Japan is one of the richest countries in the world. Why? Because wealth is not in the land, not in factories, production, etc., wealth is in our minds.

Money is the material embodiment of energy or prana, and the person who has more energy in consciousness attracts more prana, and as a result, money. On the other hand, the consciousness of a poor person repels prana. A poor person pushes money away from himself with his consciousness, therefore he is a poor person.

Our consciousness is directly woven from karma. Therefore, when our karma changes, our consciousness changes, and depending on this we become poor or rich. We sow seeds of karma every day, and we either sow seeds of generosity or seeds of stinginess. The seeds of generosity will give a harvest of wealth and abundance, the seeds of stinginess - poverty. Our karma determines our consciousness, our consciousness determines everything. If there is no wealth in your mind - you will not be rich, if you are rich in your mind - you attract wealth into your life. Money is a direct indicator of the amount of energy in your mind. If there is a lot of prana in your consciousness, you will have a lot of money. The consciousness of a poor person repels prana - therefore he is poor. Consciousness is governed by karma, therefore, when we change karma, we change our life.

The only way to remove the consciousness of poverty is to practice the karma of generosity, not stinginess, this will give rise to the harvest of the karma of wealth, and since our consciousness is woven from our karma, we see and receive only what is in our consciousness. Like generates like and attracts like - remember that too.

Author: Dmitry Ermolaev