Sberbank Client Filed A Lawsuit Over The Loss Of 200 Thousand Rubles, Which The ATM Issued To Another - Alternative View

Sberbank Client Filed A Lawsuit Over The Loss Of 200 Thousand Rubles, Which The ATM Issued To Another - Alternative View
Sberbank Client Filed A Lawsuit Over The Loss Of 200 Thousand Rubles, Which The ATM Issued To Another - Alternative View

Video: Sberbank Client Filed A Lawsuit Over The Loss Of 200 Thousand Rubles, Which The ATM Issued To Another - Alternative View

Video: Sberbank Client Filed A Lawsuit Over The Loss Of 200 Thousand Rubles, Which The ATM Issued To Another - Alternative View
Video: Riyad bank ATM card |Lost | Stolen | Blocked and re issue. 2024, September

The modernization of banking technology does not always benefit the consumer. Technical failures are increasingly occurring in ATMs, and in other cases they turn into material losses for cardholders. Please be vigilant!

According to the Kommersant newspaper, on October 23, 2018, a court will be held, which will consider a dispute between Sberbank and its client, who lost 200 thousand rubles due to a technical error at an ATM.


A bank client in May 2018 tried to withdraw 200 thousand rubles through an ATM. The device issued two checks at once, informing that "the operation is in progress" and at the same time "the request cannot be fulfilled if the funds are debited and cannot be returned within 24 hours, contact the bank." After that, the ATM returned the card. The client took it and left the bank. However, after a while, the device issued the required 200 thousand rubles, which were taken by an unknown person who approached the ATM.


Sberbank agrees that there was a small technical glitch, but refuses the client's claims and believes that he himself did not wait for his money, because completed issuance is upon receipt of the required amount, check and card. Valery Samokhin, who will represent the interests of the cardholder in court, considers the claims of his client to be quite reasonable: the person was sure that he would not receive the funds: “The ATM first issued a 'transaction in progress' on the screen, then 'the request could not be executed' appeared on the screen, ATM returned the card and printed a receipt. Obviously, in this situation, the client could not admit that the money could be issued. Most likely, according to experts, the court will appoint a technical expertise and make a decision based on its results and on the recordings from CCTV cameras.

But experts note that in case of technical failures, the gap between issuing a card and issuing cash can reach 2-3 minutes, so you should not leave the ATM immediately after receiving a check, which says that the operation cannot be performed. It is quite possible that after a while the device will become generous and your money can go to anyone who will be next in line.

Author: Result

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