Dreams That Lead To Poverty - Alternative View

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Dreams That Lead To Poverty - Alternative View
Dreams That Lead To Poverty - Alternative View

Video: Dreams That Lead To Poverty - Alternative View

Video: Dreams That Lead To Poverty - Alternative View
Video: WE ARE IN THE MIDDLE OF A SEVERE CRISIS | Countries are suffering | Inequality, Poverty, and Growth 2024, September

There are inspiring dreams, and there are harmful and dangerous - “rogue dreams”. Such thoughts are part of the psychology of the poor man; they will never allow a person to get out of the poverty and devastation that surrounds him. What to dream about is not just harmful, CATEGORALLY FORBIDDEN, if you do not want to stay in a complete ass?

1. Emelya's dream on the stove

"One day I will get a lot of money, and I will never work again!" - this is the sad dream of many people who have not yet found a business to their liking. In their view, an ideal day is one in which they will not have to strain for a minute.

They picture in their imaginations something like a yacht of a dancing millionaire, and they believe that spending the rest of their lives like this is the best way to happiness. Furtively, such people sigh about the weekend, vacation or retirement, missing the best years of their lives in these dreams. They know no other joy - the joy of creating.

When you find "your" business, then you do not need a weekend, no vacation, or a pension. 30 years on a solar yacht will seem like hell to you. Your cause moves you so much that you cannot resist it. This is it, not a nasty alarm clock, that raises you into battle in the morning. It is it, not the evil boss, who gives you directions. It gives you strength and confidence, in contrast to the dull passivity, which only leads to depression.

2. Dream of a wizard on a blue helicopter

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Such dreams are very characteristic of women. This dream looks something like this: a certain "real man" will appear in my life, and I will never again have to decide anything myself. He will do everything for me, tell me how to live, and show the right path and provide for everyone.

Such a dream literally paralyzes all female activity, directing it, at best, to "cleaning feathers", and at worst, to a long and senseless waiting for the prince.

The worst thing is that if such a wizard is found, then he, as a rule, turns out to be a cruel and jealous sadist, and not at all a kind daddy. However, the endless moaning about the ideal man who "will decide everything himself" seems to never stop. What? Society approves!

3. The dream of a "big city"

Some people sincerely believe that they were simply born "in the wrong place." They dream of being transported into a certain reality in which they succeed in everything, and, moreover, without making any efforts.

This is a common mistake of "polishers" of all stripes, who expect miracles from new locations. However, poverty and problems overtake them in Moscow and Paris, and not only in a remote province.

Life is getting worse, not better - after all, no one intends to make you happy at their own expense. Because a change of place of residence only opens up new opportunities, and does not eliminate the need to make an effort with oneself.

4. Dream of a "goldfish"

This dream is several thousand years old and, in different variations, can be found in fairy tales and legends. Like, one has only to find a magic fish, lamp or jug, and life itself will present you on a silver platter. Now in the place of a fish, most often it turns out to be winning the lottery, finding a treasure, or some other similar way to easily raise money.

Unfortunately, there are no miracles. The goldfish has not yet been born in nature, the treasures have been dug up, and fraudsters often use the naivete of dreaming citizens. But even if the goldfish existed, it would only work to the detriment. Money that a person has not earned ruins his life. Remember what happened to the winners of the various lotteries? That's the same!

5. Dream of the Just King

The worst is the dream of some ideal ruler who will personally fix all the jambs in your life, seal the windows, wash the cat and wash the panties. When the state does not behave in this way, a person is offended "under Stalin, Brezhnev Andropov" this was not the case! All this is because of you, unjust, disgusting King, because of you I am poor and unhappy. That's when everything is working out and working, then I'll start working, but for now I'll lie on the stove …

"The cat abandoned the kittens - this Putin is to blame!" - repeat people who are too lazy to lift a finger for themselves. And they dream, dream, dream of some tough and fair hand. The worst thing is that it is thanks to such dreamers that the most cruel tyrants come to power.

Do you know any other examples of harmful, destructive human dreams?