Who Lurks In The Ocean? - Alternative View

Who Lurks In The Ocean? - Alternative View
Who Lurks In The Ocean? - Alternative View

Video: Who Lurks In The Ocean? - Alternative View

Video: Who Lurks In The Ocean? - Alternative View
Video: Что скрыто в самом уединённом месте на Земле? В глубинных водах Мирового океана 2024, June

Water covers most of the planet, and until now, people know practically nothing of what is there, under water. No modern ships, telecommunications and the physical capabilities of the human body are able to overcome high pressure and low temperature at depth. Those devices that can reach considerable depth are not designed for long-term operation in such conditions due to limited energy resources. So what or who can live below and with whom do sailors periodically meet, telling about prehistoric animals, then mermaids and various mysterious phenomena?

Many fairy tales are known about mermaids, but there seems to be no doubt about whether they actually exist either, since even modern sailors and coastal residents can always tell at least one such case. Some tourists traveling on ocean liners or vacationing in the coastal area with rocky shores even managed to record these creatures on a video camera. Some researchers quite seriously believe that there really are mermaids, but this is not a hybrid of a man and a fish, as described in fairy tales, but another branch in human evolution. It is also possible that this is a kind of mutation launched by those who laid the foundation for humanity, creating in parallel a rational form of life with adaptation to the water element. The latter circumstance can be explained by the factthat at the time of the settlement of the planet by humanoid creatures, the location of the continents was completely different, and most of the present land was under water.

Contrary to all desires to present these creatures as fiction, there are many facts that raise questions. How, for example, can you explain the persistence of these myths? Creatures that live in sea water, but at the same time have human features, are mentioned very often in ancient Greek myths. In addition to mermaids, these are sirens that drive you crazy with their singing, and river spirits, also represented as a woman. Summarizing all the available information, scientists were able to create an approximate image of humanoid waterfowl. In their opinion, mermaids have membranes on their fingers, while the skin is almost white, and not deathly pale, the face is completely identical to that of a human in its features. Interestingly, all the cases of meetings occurred only with female individuals, in any case, this can be argued because of their appearance. This question still has no answer,therefore, researchers do not exclude unisexuality.

How hostile or, on the contrary, friendly are the demihumans living under water towards us living on land? Judging from the fact that they appear quite rarely, and in those cases when they were noticed, they immediately retreated, there is no need to talk about the possibility of contact. Studying the facts of the encounters, the researchers noticed that in recent years, the frequency of contact between mermaids and humans has sharply decreased. One version of this is an increase in ocean water pollution. It is assumed that they went to a depth and it is possible that significant. According to one version, this may be the area of the Mariana Trench, or even at its bottom. According to recent studies, this fault in the earth's crust leads to a space where a relief is found in height not inferior to the mountains on the earth's surface. Considering,that the remotely controlled probe was able to conduct research directly near the fault, then the real dimensions of this space can only be guessed at.

Despite the seeming impossibility of any life in such conditions, it may well be that it is here that these mysterious creatures live, because we also do not have exact data on how their body works. The version of existence is also supported by the recent discoveries of geneticists who discovered the similarity of individual genes in humans and some marine mammals. The fact that a person has a common connection with this particular branch of evolution allows us to confidently declare a common beginning and at the same time refutes Darwin's theory, that is, life really appeared thanks to actions from the outside.

The creature from Loch Ness, which has become a classic, will seem like a toy in comparison with what is fraught with ocean depths. As the local “Nessie” is also affectionately called it, it makes it possible to make good money on the tourism business, and has become a kind of brand. In addition to a few vague photos taken a long time ago, there is no other evidence of its existence, as there are no victims or personally saw this reptile.

But the stories about giant squid, the size of a ship or black snakes of fifty meters covered with scales, are not so fantastic. Fishermen who go to sea on small fishing schooners, especially in the Caribbean, Fiji and New Zealand, more than once noticed, after leaving a considerable distance from the coast, how the water literally boils from moving some long and powerful body in it. According to eyewitness accounts, the creature did not at all resemble a whale or other famous marine life. Most likely, according to the researchers, it was an ancient snake from the Jurassic period, the skeletons of such lizards, paleontologists found well-preserved. In prehistoric times, this species usually lived in lakes and attacked animals that came to watering places, or people who learned to make boats and hunted for fish from the surface of the water. The snake jumped out of the water, tightly wrapped the victim in rings and immediately dragged it to the bottom.

Locals say that it is especially common and good to see a prehistoric monster at sunset, when the sun is half in the water. At this time, all fishermen are trying to return home and do not even come close to the water, according to their assurances, once at this time a whole crew of three disappeared, and an empty fishing boat washed ashore the next morning. Researchers believe that the cases when such individuals have lived for thousands of years are not at all alone, because until now many secrets of the world's oceans have not been solved. One of the reasons for this longevity is low temperature and high pressure at depth, as well as negligible absorption of oxygen. Most likely, the countdown of the life of these reptiles must be conducted from the very planetary catastrophe, as a result of which the dinosaurs disappeared and it also caused the death of an entire civilization.

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It is believed that this led to the fall of a meteorite, at the same time destroyed the greenhouse shell of the Earth. The air composition that existed at that time was radically different, and due to the almost complete absence of oxygen in the atmosphere, no oxidative reactions took place. The large amount of water vapor made the climate mild and warm, and the color of the sky was bright green instead of blue. It is this circumstance that contributed to the gigantic size of animals, as well as their very long life cycle. That is why, according to scientists, prehistoric creatures are still alive, living at depths without air access, and the structure of their bodies makes it easy to withstand high compression.

Of course, not only strange creatures can be hidden by the ocean water, the reasons for many shipwrecks are still unclear, when the ship went under water for no reason, and the surviving crew could not give any explanation. These are just those episodes that are known thanks to the ship's logs that have survived to this day. Suddenly arising craters, created by an incomprehensible force, waves of many meters height, in clear weather and other secrets of the ocean, show how weak man is still in front of the natural elements. Any, even a modern ship, can appropriate the king of the sea, whom superstitious sailors are trying to appease and it is quite possible that they are not so wrong.