Why Are We Being Deprived Of The Knowledge Of Previous Civilizations? - Alternative View

Why Are We Being Deprived Of The Knowledge Of Previous Civilizations? - Alternative View
Why Are We Being Deprived Of The Knowledge Of Previous Civilizations? - Alternative View

The analysis of historical events made by independent researchers unequivocally speaks of a total project of falsification of history, which has existed for centuries, because the pseudo-historical myths of the "official history" do not stand up to elementary criticism, have a lot of outright inconsistencies and absurdities, as well as an amazing identity of national history in completely different peoples and states that existed according to the same "official history" in different historical periods and in different parts of the world.

At the same time, many of the discovered artifacts that clearly indicate the existence in the distant past (and, perhaps, even not very distant) of highly developed civilizations with high technologies, are hushed up by most official historians or are trying to discredit them with the help of various pseudoscientific projects, such as “scientists against myths "or" commissions for the fight against pseudoscience. " And the activities of such organizations are clearly financed and directed by a force hostile to humanity, which does not want us to learn the truth about our history, about the existence in the distant past of civilizations of the “golden age”.

But why are they trying so diligently to prevent us from accessing this knowledge? How can the historical truth about the "golden age" be dangerous for this force? Is it because our current situation is very different from the previous one, and obviously - not for the better? Isn't this the reason that we are told the false myths about the "wild barbarians" and "primitive technologies" of ancient civilizations?

For example, what the Russian traveler, biologist, anthropologist G. Sidorov writes about these civilizations in his book "The Leader's Secret Project": "A well-known British Mason, in a conversation with the Queen, once said: cloudless and

We will be able to calmly govern the world only when humanity finally forgets about the era of the Golden Age.

And he was absolutely right. Because in that ancient, highly developed civilization that preceded ours, the traces of which are scattered all over the planet, people, whose boundaries of consciousness included not only the individual and his family, but also the entire society as a whole, had the right to some very small power.

Individuals who had established themselves as creators for the entire people had the right to rule. They were representatives of the second upper class, who, according to the laws of evolution of ancient society, emerged from the strata of the first upper class of workers. Workers were also considered the upper class, but they were not allowed to power. Because

their psyche was considered unstable. They could be easily manipulated. What is most undesirable is that the consciousness of workers could be materialized, as a result of which, until recently, a completely positive citizen of his Fatherland, for whom not material, but ideal in life was fundamental, with a certain processing of consciousness could turn into a banal traitor …

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The mentality of the rulers of the second estate was different. For these people, everything material, sensual pleasures and even power was not a value. They considered material goods to be just means that provide a person with his spiritual growth, but no more. Such people treated power without enthusiasm, because they rightly believed that any, even the smallest, power implies enormous responsibility. It is to such people that our ancestors handed over power over society, if a person coped, for a maximum period of twelve years, but no more. Hence the word - a dozen. The word “doyuzhit” means - to bear the burden of power.

The priestly upper class was engaged in the transfer of knowledge and solved strategic problems in society. His responsibility was to educate the young generation of the three upper classes.

Only the servants did not enter the society of the ancients. People for whom everything material was the most important thing in life. For the sake of acquiring material values, such people were capable of any meanness, of any, the most vile betrayal. It was for this reason that they were deprived of their citizenship. And although the ancients did not use slave labor, they turned slaves into slaves for the purpose of re-educating slaves.

So how can this knowledge harm the "powerful of this world"? Yes, for example, by the fact that studying the experience of civilizations of the "golden age" one can come to amazing conclusions. For example, about the fact that it is the "servile" non-people-degrading. worshipers of the "golden calf" and the cult of material pleasures now constitute the national "elite" so-called. "Civilized world". And they climbed into power not without the help of the world parasitic satanic power.

So, who needed such a "revolution" from harmonious and socially just societies of the "golden age" to the current predatory consumer "values" of the so-called? "Western world", with the help of which the global control of the rest of the countries is carried out? Yes, a force clearly hostile to humanity, which was beneficial to direct humanity along the dead-end path of spiritual degradation and self-destruction. For this, the powerful destructive force of the civilization of the creators of the "golden age" was destroyed by the weapon of a powerful destructive force, in order to replace them with the society of parasites of degradants, with the help of which the forces occupying our planet carry out the project of complete self-destruction of mankind.

That is why this force in the previous centuries created favorable conditions for non-human degradants who were concerned only with their own selfish interests to come to power, and all decent rulers who care about the people were immediately declared "bloody tyrants" or "dictators", and diligently destroyed by the consequences of conspiracies, revolutions or poisoning. Such "selection" work with national "elites" could not fail to yield its results and contributed to the formation of the world parasitic satanic system, governed by various secret societies and orders, which only look scattered, but in fact, everything is controlled from a single center.

And this implementation was most successful in the countries of the “western world”, where satanism, pedophilia and sexual perversion, Nazism, drug addiction, prostitution, cannibalism and predatory immense consumption became the basis of the values imposed on the “elites”. Then the same values began to be diligently inculcated into the peoples, and this degradation process continues to this day. That is why almost 90% of the representatives of the Western "elite" (the EU and North America, as well as the British "Commonwealth") are degraded non-people. The "elite" satellites of the West are approaching the same figures.

But in Russia, too, almost half of the "elite" is exactly the same, and it is from here that all the troubles of our country come. We remember very well how after the "democratic reforms" a new class of parasite oligarchs who robbed the people of the people appeared in our country and appropriated most of their property. It is they who, together with corrupt officials, form the basis of the so-called. The "fifth column" serving the parasitic satanic system and the Western "elite". Why are all these non-human degradants needed by a force hostile to humanity?

Here is what G. Sidorov explains about this in the same source: “We must face the truth: it was just that the servants were allowed to acquire enormous power. And then all that remained was to guide them. Speak - "fas"! And they were happy to do what was invested in their psychoarchetype.

This is the main secret of management. There is no need to instruct someone to betray or to rob their own people. All the same, a good person cannot be taught meanness. He will simply refuse to do it. He will send away the one who orders him and resign. In order for monstrous crimes to be committed, it is necessary to give power to the bastard, and he will do everything without any orders. Moreover, for destruction and robbery, he will exceed any plan. The formula is simple: a scoundrel, a non-people comes to power. That's all. Then everything happens automatically."

I hope now it is clear why the ruling "elite" consist mainly of such characters, and it is almost impossible for a decent person to break into power as long as the world parasitic satanic system itself exists? Indeed, within the framework of this system, the supranational global management of all its national "segments" is also carried out. And it was for this purpose that hybrid inhumans, only superficially similar to humans, were bred by a force hostile to humanity with the help of genetic experiments. It is they who now constitute the so-called. "World government", consisting of the richest clans and ruling dynasties of the Earth. Naturally, these non-people in their actions and decisions are also not free, like the national "elites",now carrying out anti-popular reforms around the world and bringing closer, on the orders of their masters, the offensive of the "new world order" and their own destruction.

The main conclusion is that our planet is occupied, and humanity itself is enslaved by a hostile parasitic force that wants to become the sole master of the planet, but at the same time not be responsible for the destruction of humanity. That is why this force developed an ingenious plan for the collapse of human civilization and true universal values from the inside with the help of its servants, which could not but lead to the current degradation of mankind, and then - can lead to its complete "self-destruction". And just for this purpose, the world "elite" provokes wars, conflicts, revolutions, riots, rebellions, economic crises and even natural disasters, the purpose of which is to destroy national states and lead the world to chaos, and at the same time - to reduce the population of the Earth for more convenient " total control ".

According to the plan for the establishment of a "new world order", the coming global chaos and unrest should help the peoples themselves turn to the "powers that be" to restore "law and order." From this very moment the servants of the world "elite" will no longer be needed. Therefore, after the "cleansing" and "evisceration" of the national "elites", the function of which as an "intermediate link" of global governance with the introduction of artificial intelligence will be exhausted, the turn of the destruction of all secret societies will come, on which those crimes against humanity, which they didn't.

After that, the "cleansing" of peoples will begin, including the "chosen by God", whose function will also be exhausted. And even those peoples who, thanks to their discipline and colossal efficiency, can count on the title of ideal slaves of the "new world order" will gradually be replaced by cyborgs, who, as you know, do not need a salary, vacation or sick leave. It's just in vain that the hybrid monsters hope that they will be able to live in the "paradise" they are planning, because then their own turn will come. And then the new owners of the planet will become not only its sole, but also the legitimate “owners”, So, is it any wonder why the parasitic and satanic power, as well as its corrupt servants, is so carefully hidden from ordinary people and discredited our true history, and especially - the knowledge of the civilizations of the "golden age"? But the point is that humanity is capable of destroying all their plans and this is what they are most afraid of. But they cannot stop the process of "disclosing" information.