About The Cycles Of Development Of Human Consciousness - Alternative View

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About The Cycles Of Development Of Human Consciousness - Alternative View
About The Cycles Of Development Of Human Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: About The Cycles Of Development Of Human Consciousness - Alternative View

Video: About The Cycles Of Development Of Human Consciousness - Alternative View
Video: Происхождение сознания – Как бессознательное стало сознательным 2024, June

DA: - Do we understand correctly that there are still seven-year cycles now? Let's say seven years of childhood, up to 14 years - adolescence, up to 21 - youth, then up to 28 people make a family, and so on. Recently, information was given that by the age of 35, some kind of verification is being carried out, what he achieved. If the achievements in life correspond to the plan of the soul, then it goes further, energy is given to open oneself. If not, then he is given the last chance - by the age of 42, to work out the planned. If at 42 the life plan does not coincide at all, then a very fast combustion program is turned on. For example, a person wanted to become a teacher, but got drunk … he just wastes his time and resources on nothing. And that's why cancers start, for example …

A: - everything is not as strict and absolute as you imagine it now. Understand that everything is experience and everything is options. Yes, during the implementation, a certain program contract is written and at least two scenarios are written in it, or even three, with the possibility of a third. That is, the third option is usually the most creative passage of the game, you have such a creative level. And the soul incarnates as a fractal of a creator who realizes himself, goes through these stages of formation and at every step sometimes makes a difficult choice for himself, go right, left, and so on. He can be influenced. This is some sort of sorting. External influence. Can be subject to the pressure of internal prohibitions, fears. This is the second level of soul filtration.

They can branch out into branches. Sometimes we see a picture of a person leaving, especially if it is related to the use of drugs, alcohol and what you call addictions. It's just that this is a variant event: a person seems to lose energy on this plane, as you can see, and begins to age, but we see higher and further, and we invite you to see this picture, just his soul goes into different channels, his river, his flow spreads.


And his consciousness begins to bifurcate and get upset, at least on parallel experiences of experiences, where he is a teacher, and not a drunken drunkard. It's just that on the plane on which you can read this soul, he is a drunkard who will be destroyed. But it is also often seen that certain entities are working for this to destroy this branch as it is losing energy. This is also an experience of destruction and destructiveness. Not creation, but destruction, which is also an experience in reality. This should not be judged as good or bad.

The soul simply travels along parallel branches. If the power-connection initially remains with the source, that is, a person continues to remain an energy carrier (continues to draw the attention of his higher aspects through the necessary experience), then his life simply happens somewhere in dreams or in some kind of parallel reality, in a different direction (his attention flows into other states). And one way or another, they will still be completed. And experience will be gained. Maybe not as clearly and explicitly as we would like. But in this way.

And you, in principle, we see that sometimes it turns out to somehow change this program. This is also the experience of the creator, as it were, in terms of influencing other lives, the lives of my others. I am near. They show a nearby stream of a strong mountain river, which, according to the terms of the clan's program, for example, is a drunk father and, say, a daughter. She kind of sacrifices, she is full-flowing, but she makes a choice to help this fading channel reach the sea, let's say.

That is, it feeds it, and here too there is an offshoot of attention, but the main thing is not to dry out yourself. This is the main mistake of your program and the breakdown that for most, 90% of people, either the connection with the source and the Father is broken, and you often cry about this, or with Mother Earth. The connection is also broken and you exist between heaven and earth. Because of this, your streams are so poor. You are forced to steal water and bread from each other.

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If you remember your divine nature and find this connection, and it is also read in the structure of your DNA and programs … These two energy-information channels, they go through your bodies from earth to heaven and from heaven to earth, the answer to the mother to the father, and the message from father to mother. It is you, their divine voice is one.

When you remember this, your streams will be filled, and you will be able to generously share, not only fill the channel of your life, but also share it with your loved ones, without condemning or disrupting the natural course of the programs for the execution of events, the set of experiences by each creature.


Seven-year cycles

Ages 0 to 7: You are born on this planet with parents or some kind of adult to take care of your survival. During this period, you get the deepest imprint and acquire most of the skills that you will use later.


Your imprint is a product of education that your parents (guardians) and the community give you. An imprint determines what kind of person you should be when you become an adult. Such learning occurs mainly in the first 14 years of life.

It sets you apart from the crowd of people with the same roles, shells, and cultural heritage. Your parents, circumstances of your birth, relationships with your relatives in past lives, your grandparents, teachers, other influential adults, books, TV programs, fashion trends - all these "accidental" influences add something to your planned uniqueness.

The imprint sets your moral standards, your conscience, your dislikes, determines the development of your talents and abilities. It is the imprint that determines your uniqueness.

You build your relationship with society and your chosen parents in order to shape your future outlook on life. Your imprint prepares you to perform certain types of karmas and arrangements.

For example, if your father is a very domineering person, a dictator, and your mother is a very gentle, sacrificial, submissive woman, you will learn to identify yourself with both your father and your mother. Learning both roles will leave you with a deep imprint. This influence will shape you in such a way that you can go through the karmas that await you in the age of 14-28.

Perhaps your use of dominance in relation to loved ones will lead to trouble. Or maybe karma will connect you with the Servants in submission. You can break the habits you have acquired or weaken them if they are not helpful to you.

These cycles turn on at the moment of a person's birth, and unwind from the starting point of the sign of Aries, changing in a circle every seven years by the next sign of the zodiac. Bringing, in accordance with the new age, new energies, new opportunities and challenges.

Thus, there is a natural rhythm of human development through twelve seven-year stages, that is, eighty-four years. Each seven-year stage has its own characteristics.

By reading about this, you can analyze your life, especially your childhood. To figure out exactly what qualities your parents did not instill in you, and what difficulties you had to face in connection with their absence, and even now you probably have to work on it. The main thing is that, having discovered the qualities that are missing for harmonious relationships, you determine the goal of your development, you know what you need to reveal in yourself, and sometimes it can take a whole life. A person may be dissatisfied with himself all the time, because he knows what he wants to be, but even knowing and trying, he cannot achieve this. Throughout their lives, many remember the problems of childhood, already in childhood many decide that when they become parents, they will not act with their child, as his father or mother. You probably thought so too.

By your example, you will see that a child needs parental help in shaping character, that he needs to instill the right thoughts, direct his unbridled feelings into a creative channel.

The period up to 7 years passes under the sign of Aries.

The child is impulsive at this time. Stubborn, intensively developing, eagerly learns the world and wants to consolidate his experience for himself. Parents must create all conditions for the child to develop and manifest his creative abilities and independence. Children at this age need help to develop the best qualities of the planet Mars, the owner of Aries - activity, impulse to action, the ability to show will and perseverance. We need to teach them to control rudeness, unnecessary destructiveness and aggression. At the age of seven, children try to show their independence, to do everything in their own way, because in the sign of Aries, the strongest position of the Sun is. This should not be hindered. It is necessary to allow the child to create the world around him at his will, but it is very important to teach him to take responsibility for his actions and take into account the interests of others. At this time, capriciousness and fastidiousness should not be allowed when a child achieves the fulfillment of his desires in any way. It is necessary to teach him accuracy, the correct understanding of the purpose of actions, the ability to correctly allocate his time. The skills laid down at this time will be fixed for life.

The period from 7 to 14 years old passes under the sign of Taurus.

During this period of life, a person receives an understanding of material problems. Collecting, collecting beautiful things, learning arts, teaching how to spend money should be encouraged. In the sign of Taurus, the position of the Moon is the strongest, and the influence of the mother during this period is enormous. The child needs good emotional contact with the world, understanding and empathy. But in the same way, you cannot allow the child to do whatever he wants, you need to tame him, not let him rebel. He should be taught to control his actions and moderate aggressiveness, since Mars does not show the best qualities here. With permissiveness during this period, a rebel will grow up, showing the worst qualities of Uranus. Children at this age should not participate in rallies, be in large masses of people, it is undesirable to be in children's recreation camps so as not to fall under the harmful influence of Pluto,who rules over collective energies and magic.

The period from 14 to 21 years old passes under the sign of Gemini.

The owner of this sign is Mercury, it indicates that during this period it is necessary to intensively develop thinking and intellect through conscious training. You should learn to build connections and relationships with different people. It is necessary to get rid of the worst qualities of Mercury - fussiness, excessive curiosity, a craving for gossip and speculation, otherwise, these qualities will remain with a person for a long time, and it will be necessary to work with them a lot and hard already, as an adult, when it becomes clear that the manifestation of these qualities creates problems in life. In order not to succumb to the influence of the weak Jupiter in this sign, it is necessary to help a person form the correct worldview and relationships with people.

A very strong role model is needed, otherwise a person will grow up who does not recognize authorities, prone to pride and authoritarianism. This can cause an asocial lifestyle when a person does not fit into the framework of accepted social behavior. The task of the sign for further development is to master the energies of Chiron, learn the basics of diplomacy and compromise, be able to see the situation and people from different sides and reconcile extremes so that there will be no problems with this in the future life. Many people really lack these qualities in maturity, since no one suggested at the time and did not help to reveal them in themselves.

The period from 21 to 28 years old passes under the sign of Cancer.

The task and the program at this stage are set by the Moon. It encourages a person to improve the inner world, formalize feelings and emotions, create the foundations of a home and family, and become a parent. A strong Jupiter in this sign gives you time for self-knowledge, self-improvement, and building your own value system. We must learn to value and preserve the traditions of our ancestors, to adopt and pass on the creative experience of previous generations. Mars, weak in this sign, gives an order not to succumb to cowardice, not to show hysteria, suspicion. At this time, the problems of Saturn manifest themselves in overcoming constraint, tightness and isolation from other people, to get rid of greed and a sense of possessiveness.

The period from 28 to 35 years old passes under the sign of Leo.

The Sun reigns in the sign, creating during this period opportunities for the flourishing of a person's creative potential and physiological capabilities. In this bright period of life, it is not necessary to waste the enormous physical and creative forces that a person acquires in a team due to the influence of Pluto, it is not recommended to "scatter" unnecessarily. We must strive to accumulate this energy in order to reach creative heights. Excessive energy consumption during this time can lead to a sharp decline and ruin in life. You should not waste your energy on excitement, adventurism, strive for excessive freedom and secret vices, succumbing to the provocations of weak Uranus. In order not to fall under the illusions of Neptune, one should not study occultism at this time, get carried away with alcohol, drugs.

The period from 35 to 42 years old passes under the sign of Virgo.

The mistress of the Proserpine sign requires a person to be precise, scrupulous, methodical and humble with the circumstances of life. It is difficult to rebuild after a free creative period. We need to create our own system of life and health maintenance. You should pay attention to the little things and details, become a professional in your business. You cannot seize a lot of power and material values, expand your influence, travel a lot, contact with foreigners. We must beware of falling under the power of bad habits and secret addictions - alcoholism and drug addiction. The lack of true feelings during this period is compensated by the attitude towards love as a sport. The period is unfavorable for creating a family. The middle of the cycle is a mid-life crisis, when creative people often die (the return of the lunar nodes). 42 years - the half cycle of Uranus - brings a desire to dramatically change,turn over, renew your life. Divorce, change of place of residence, desire to budge something, to do something differently are very common. This period must be waited out, endured, then everything will be settled. If during this period a person is broken and humiliated, it can then end badly.

The period from 42 to 49 years old passes under the sign of Libra.

A good fruitful period in human life, like an Indian summer in nature. The rulers of this sign Venus and Chiron offer a period of harmony and balance, which brings stability of feelings. It makes it possible to make the right choice in life, create strong, stable connections. But you must strictly follow the rules and laws of ethics and morality of the society in which you live. Reasonable calmness is required from a person; one should not succumb to the provocations of the weak Mars here. To work out the problems of the Sun, one must feel like a mature person and get rid of any pressure.

The period from 49 to 56 years old passes under the sign of Scorpio.

Difficult critical age of psychological and physiological restructuring, contributing to the creation of emotional and sensory complexes. On Mars and Pluto, the destruction of old and the creation of new installations of life takes place. If a person is not ready for such a turn, then this period brings chaos and fermentation in his views. This is a difficult period, bringing the desire for a revolution in life, the need to destroy the old, succumbing to the energies of Uranus. But it is difficult to get accustomed to the new, a person is not used to it - this creates a tense internal state. The period brings the last burst of strength, which is good for spiritual development. It gives a person the opportunity to discover new abilities in himself, to carry out a new creative take-off, to acquire and manifest magical and occult abilities. Time is dangerous with diseases, nervous stresses, psychological shifts, suicides. At this time, emotional weakness, sexual impairment, manias and complexes are manifested. A strongly manifested period can break and destroy a person if he is not used to such loads and trials.

The period from 56 to 63 is under the sign of Sagittarius.

The energies of the sign during this period incline a person to strive for religion, philosophy, immersion in ideological problems. This is the time of departure from earthly worries. A person already has mature attitudes in life, can use the fruits of his past activities. He gains authority, he wants to live for himself - to travel, read, engage in a summer residence, an apartment. Pettiness, grumpiness, a desire to teach everyone are signs of old age, which constantly destroys a person. A fussy thirst for knowledge that was not received in youth is dangerous. There is no need to randomly grab any information, at this time a person is vulnerable to false teachings.

You have to be fair, diplomatic, and consider everything from the position of an arbiter. Mature conservatism and caution should be combined with life experience and optimism obtained without adventures. During this period, one should develop dialectical thinking, see two sides in each phenomenon, strive to cognize opposites. High-level paths for any person at this age are ideology and politics.

The period 63 to 70 years is marked by Capricorn.

The task of a person of this age is to get out of the shell of stereotypical ideas, to destroy the external circumstances that hold him down, to get out of the framework into which he has driven himself. You need to free your spirit so that earthly problems do not press on your spiritual life. You should have your own life core, a sober view of the world, be able to clearly distinguish between falsehood and truth, assess every life phenomenon and not be afraid of anything - the main quality of this age. No fear of anything. You can't impose your opinion on other people, Jupiter in this sign is weak. Do not stupidly persist, defending your wrong position. We must learn to listen to and understand our opponents and opponents, be able to forgive another person. You don't have to play a strong personality. You should not play when you are young, do things unusual for your age, emotionally overexert yourself,The moon in this sign is in a weak position. There is no need to show despotism towards your loved ones. The best qualities of this period according to the ruler Saturn are a developed sense of duty, responsibility, asceticism, limiting oneself in many ways, sacrifice, spiritual practice, detachment from small earthly problems. A clear mastery of the rhythms of your body and health. Everything is good in moderation.

The period from 70 to 77 years passes under the sign of Aquarius.

At this age, a person must finally separate good from evil and make the last choice between them. You should realize all the deeds he has done in the past life, while maintaining your free core. If during this period the flesh wins, memory deteriorates, the person becomes talkative, falls into insanity, falls out of the awareness of life. A person's mind lamp is extinguished, which leads to an irreversible process of spiritual and physical disintegration.

The period from 77 to 84 years is under the sign of Pisces.

Completion of the cycle depending on the spiritual level of the person. A person who has lost his spiritual core suffers dementia and senile insanity. Everything falls to pieces for him. Small details of the distant past emerge in memory, and a recent, major event is forgotten and disappears from memory. The disintegration of the physical body progresses. With a high spiritual core, such self-knowledge is acquired for which there are no secrets, everything becomes obvious. Man cognizes cosmic laws, higher love as cognition of the language of nature, merging with the divine in nature. You can enter a new creative cycle. Thus comes natural rejuvenation, renewal of the physical body. Activity, energy can wake up, memory can be restored, eyesight sharpened, and even new teeth and hair can grow.

After 84 years, the second circle of this twelve-year cycle unwinds at a higher level, that is, the period under the sign of Aries begins again and beyond.

It is amazing that after 84 years for a person really concrete rejuvenation, if before that the mind did not darken, remained pure and, moreover, spiritual, if the person developed !!! It is at this time that merging with the Divine takes place, the comprehension of His love !!!

Every year and every seven years, a person is faced with the task of changing. In a person striving for development, for perfection, changes occur naturally, without special disruptions, but for many with delays and distortions. Movement according to the signs of the zodiac establishes in life the rhythm of the awakening of fire, the cycle of freedom, transformation, the inclusion of karmic experience, depending on the influence of the planets in each sign. The most important time is entering the beginning of the cycle. At the very beginning of the seven-year cycle, literally from the day of birth, it is very important to consciously tune in to a change in life guidelines. In order to understand this thoroughly, professional help is, of course, useful regarding your personal life.

Age 42 to 49 is one of the best times for everyone. This was the period of fulfillment of the destiny, the task of the soul.

Life task

A life task is the main lesson that you want to complete during this life, one of the goals, or focuses, of this life. Everyone has one, two or more tasks in life.

A life task may be related to your career. For example, you may want to become a great healer - such a task itself produces a payback for karma and serves the good of humanity.

Often, however, life's tasks are associated with correcting mistakes in the emotional sphere, solving problems related to the field of philosophy or with one's own position, which remained unresolved from past lives.

Your challenge in life may be that you must learn to be a good father. You can challenge yourself to be an optimist.

The challenge may be to improve sexual or family relationships.

You may decide to learn how to make good contact with plants or animals. Or maybe you want to become an influential politician on a global scale.

Your life task may include four or five points at a time. You can determine what your task in life is by understanding in which area you are constantly drawn to receive more and more new lessons.

People begin to understand their life task between the ages of 21 and 28. In the next period, they begin to focus on her.

Most people mature to fulfill their task in life between 35 and 42 years old, although by this age their skill in the area of interest is still imperfect. Until that time, people are also doing some things to solve this problem, but the scale is not yet the same.

By the age of 42, they are already much more active, and after this age they are fully involved in solving their problem.

Age 49 to 56: You feel like you've come to the climax of your life. You are proud of yourself, happy that you have accomplished most of what you came into this life for. If anything remains unfinished - for example, you didn't get the job, relationship, or fitness you want - you try to work it out.

You can either decide that you like you anyway and do not complete the unfinished business, or you can proceed with the completion immediately. You get down to business feeling like a competent and professional leader in many areas. Nothing confuses or annoys you like it did when you were young.

At this age, a sense of completion comes. If a person dies at the age of 56, his life can be considered fully fulfilled on the scale of the world plan. By this age, you have learned all the major phases of life. By this age, almost all karma is fulfilled, although, due to the increase in life expectancy, people can create karmas at this age if they plan to live a long time. During this period, you get used to who you really are. During this period, you can get the most out of life.

Conversely, if you have never allowed yourself to have what you wanted, or if you did not study your imprint between the ages of 28 and 35, the cycle from 49 to 56 can bring you pain and anguish and force you to drastically break your life patterns. … It is at this age that people find sexual partners for themselves, much younger than themselves, in order to sort of return to youth and start all over again.

They try to get back to the way of thinking that was young and address the issues they missed out on in their 20s or 30s. This is done only by people who are unhappy with their achievements. Otherwise, this is a very pleasant period when you can flourish and when people will be equal to our authority.

If you die before age 56, you usually come back to live a very similar life, which you will end this time. (It happens from time to time that you completely end your life at an earlier age, perhaps even at 40.)

If you die before the age of 56, it is usually due to karma. In such cases, you soon return to the same cultural and social conditions, to similar (or the same!) Parents and start all over again, changing the circumstances in such a way as to make your new life successful.

Age 56 to 63: This is a revaluation period. Life becomes calmer. A person thinks about completing his affairs. From 35 to 56 years old, you enrich society with your deeds.

At the age of 56-63, you reduce energy consumption, slowly leave the noisy scene of life and turn to yourself.

As you prepare for relaxation during the later phases of your life, you think more about who and what you are, you develop a more philosophical mindset. Many return to the religion or spiritual practice of their youth, find a religion in which they can find faith or philosophy that explains life to them.

You begin to transfer many things to your children, the younger generation. You feel like you can relax. You begin to pay more attention to yourself, and not to the younger and older generations. By the age of 63, most people want to quit their jobs.

Age 63 to 70: The reappraisal becomes more intense. You leave your social role and spend a lot of time alone or in a small circle of loved ones. Most people at this age decide that they have lived enough and die.

Ages 71 and up: You are enjoying the fruits of your life's work. You also receive certain lessons related to health, addiction and independence, caring karmas (related to people who should look after you in old age). Perhaps you owe someone to stay longer in his life and leave your imprint in it, as in the case when your children die and you have to take care of your grandchildren.

For the most part, by this age, people feel that they have completed their lives, and live only if something holds them back, for example, long-term karma or their own karma, which they have not yet fulfilled.

People who want to go through as many tests and lessons as possible live longer than 70 years.

Many people are planning to live longer in the future as these options are available now that nutrition and health conditions have improved.

People can decide to leave life when they completely fulfill their karmas, when no one depends on them and they can relax. They use old age for rest, except for a few karmas associated with deterioration in physical condition and decreased activity.