To Slaves Slave Life - Alternative View

To Slaves Slave Life - Alternative View
To Slaves Slave Life - Alternative View

Video: To Slaves Slave Life - Alternative View

Video: To Slaves Slave Life - Alternative View
Video: Ex Slaves talk about Slavery in the USA 2024, June

What does advertising teach us? Right! It replaces life - natural principles, directing you to childlessness, debauchery, consumption, love of luxury, to stupefaction and other burning of life and health. Why children? Live for yourself, for your pleasure! Use condoms and enjoy - no obligation (morale just above amoeba). Casual relationships are irresponsibility, moral deformity aimed at the "calf" between the legs, this is the same slavery to one's lust, lack of will, like alcohol, drug and tobacco addiction.

Do you use an old model (smartphone, car, watch …)? - you're a loser! Take a loan and buy on credit, buy a new one, it is of worse quality than what it was, but it is new! Consume! You should buy what is fashionable and should not think about anything. And who promotes you a luxurious life in mansions and yachts? Those who have not done anything in their lives, but mostly those who deceived you like a sucker.

The tops will not do anything to somehow improve your life. How much pathos and enthusiasm there is in the newest discovery of scientists, the area of discovery does not matter. As an example: the field of medical scientists - chemists in the discovery of a method of treating cancer. Oh really? How many times have we heard this, even if not about the discovery itself, but certainly about the threshold on which they always stand. And the result? Zero! Progress is not needed by anyone in power! Did you know that the following have already been invented:

- car engine on water, - converting plastic waste into gasoline, - electric motor for cars (was invented at the beginning of the 20th century), - transmission of electricity by air, - autonomous static electric generator for the whole city, Promotional video:

- heat-resistant composite, - generating electricity from the ground, - and much more.

Someone did not hear about this at all, but whoever heard it knows under what secrecy, under what seals these inventions are.

If you are a thinking person, not a slave to consumption. If you have a real education, then you understand that those economic schemes that are served to us on a silver platter are complete lies! As well as the theory of Einstein, as a myth about drinking Russia (read about 1858-1960, when an anti-alcohol riot took place in Russia) and Mendeleev with vodka, as the repression of Stalin (how Khrushchev rewrote history, painting over his dirty deeds and thoughts), as on Newton's head fell an apple, like the Tatar-Mongol yoke, like the construction of St. Petersburg, and how, how, how the list goes on and on. If you have been thinking about your own life, you certainly wondered about its meaning!

So tell me, what is the meaning of life - yours, your kind, your fatherland?