Historical Traces Of The Mysterious Hyperboreans - Alternative View

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Historical Traces Of The Mysterious Hyperboreans - Alternative View
Historical Traces Of The Mysterious Hyperboreans - Alternative View

Video: Historical Traces Of The Mysterious Hyperboreans - Alternative View

Video: Historical Traces Of The Mysterious Hyperboreans - Alternative View
Video: History of Half-Life (1998 - 2020) 2024, September

In the ancient written sources of Greece, India, Persia and other countries, there is a description of the peoples who inhabited the territory of circumpolar Russia more than 2.5 thousand years ago. Among the ancient states there was also the mysterious country of the Hyperboreans, practically unknown and unexplored in our days.

The encyclopedia says that the Hyperboreans are a people living on the other side of the north wind of Borea, which blows from the caves of the northern mountains.

They are a fabulous people who lived in some paradise country, forever young, not knowing disease, enjoying the uninterrupted "light of the heart." They did not know wars and even quarrels, never fell under the vengeance of Nemesis and were dedicated to the god Apollo. Each of them could live up to 1000 years.

Nowadays, many peoples living in the Arctic zone, including the Ural-Altai, Chukchi, Kamchadals and American natives, are trying to classify as Hyperboreans. But this issue remains largely unresolved. What do the ancient sources say?

What Greeks say about Hyperboreans

The Greek geographer Theopont (IV century BC) gives information about the Hyperboreans, about which the demigod Silenus informs the Phrygian king Misad during their conversation: “Europe, Asia and Africa were islands surrounded on all sides by the ocean. Outside of this world, there is another island with many inhabitants. The numerous army of this island (the empire of Atlantis) tried to invade our lands by crossing the ocean. They reached the land of the Hyperboreans, whom everyone considered the happiest people in this part of the land (the polar part of modern Russia). But when the conquerors saw how the Hyperboreans (hiding in caves) live, they considered them so unhappy that they abandoned all their aggressive intentions and returned home, having concluded a friendly agreement."

Herodotus (IV century BC) reports that the Hyperboreans lived behind the Ripean mountains (Ural), behind the Scythians, to the north of them. It is also reported that the Hyperboreans once sent gifts to the Greek island of Delos (for Leto with Apollo and Artemis) with their girls, Hyperoche and Laodice, accompanied by five young men. The fate of the messengers remained unknown, but since then the Hyperboreans have not been to the island themselves, and the gifts were passed on through the neighbors in the relay until they reached the island of Delos.

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Povazaniy claimed that the famous Delphic sanctuary of Apollo was built by Hyperborean priests, among whom was the singer Aries. It is known that, having matured, Apollo flew in Zeus's chariot every summer to Hyperborea, to the banks of the shady Istra (the modern Ob river, but with the source of the Irtysh) to the homeland of his ancestors - the god of the Hyperboreans, the titan Koya with his wife Phoebe, who are the parents of his mother Leto. The Scythian king Prometheus flew in the same chariot to his place in the Northern Urals (the area of the source of the Lobva and Bolshaya Kosva rivers).

Apollo was considered a prophet, oracle, healer, god, founder and builder of cities. With the help of the Hyperborean priests, he built cities and temples in Delphi, Asia Minor, Italy, Claros, Didyma, Colophon, Kumah, Gaul, on the Peloponnese, in his life he was closely associated with Hyperborea. There he himself, his son Asclepius and other children received knowledge from the sage Chiron and the Hyperborean priests.

The Greeks reported that high morals, art, religious and esoteric beliefs and various crafts necessary to meet the needs of the country flourished in Hyperborea. Agriculture, animal husbandry, weaving, construction, mining, leatherworking, woodworking industries were developed. The Hyperboreans had land, river and sea transport, lively trade with neighboring peoples, as well as with India, Persia, China, and Europe.

It is known that the Greeks moved to Greece from across the Caspian Sea about 4 thousand years ago. Previously, they lived near the rivers Khatanga and Olenek, next to the Hyperboreans, Arimaspians, Scythians. Therefore, these peoples have so much in common in historical messages.

Of the children of Apollo, the most famous is Asclepius, who became famous in the field of medicine. He wrote and left behind a generalized knowledge of medicine in multivolume books, mentioned in various sources, but which have not survived to this day. Shamans of our northern peoples (up to the 20th century) widely used acupuncture, moxibustion and many other methods for treatment, which are now traditionally oriental medicine, which is confirmed by the exposition of the Tomsk Medical Museum of the Peoples of the North. It is possible that such knowledge in the field of healing existed on all ancient continents, and was later lost. But today they have begun a second march across the continents from the countries of the East.

Hyperborea was visited by Greek merchants, scientists, travelers who left information about this polar country, where there are snows, polar days and nights, and the population escapes from the cold in underground dwellings in which there were temples and other structures.

The ancient Greek writer Aelion described an amazing cult rite of the country of the Hyperboreans, where Apollo has priests - the sons of Boreas and Chiron - six cubits tall. Whenever the ordained rites are performed at the prescribed time, flocks of swans flock from the Ripean Mountains. Majestic birds fly around the temple, as if cleaning it with their flight. The spectacle is mesmerizing in its beauty. After that, when the harmonious chorus of priests, accompanied by the kifarists, begins to praise God, the swans echo the experienced singers, smoothly and accurately repeating the sacred chant.

In the folklore of a number of peoples, a description of wonderful clear-voiced maidens who could fly like swans has been preserved. The Greeks identified them with the wise Gorgons. Perseus, in Hyperborea, performed his "feat" by cutting off the head of Medusa the Gorgon.

The Greek Aristeus (VII century BC), who wrote the poem "Arimaspeya", also visited Hyperborea. By origin, he was considered a Hyperborean. In a poem, he described this country in detail. Aristeus possessed clairvoyance and could himself, lying in bed, fly in the astral body. At the same time, he (through the astral body) surveyed large territories from above, flying over countries, seas, rivers, forests, reaching the borders of the country of the Hyperboreans. After the return of his astral body (soul), Aristeus got up and wrote down what he saw. According to Greek sources, individual priests of Abaris, who arrived from Hyperborea in Greece, also had similar abilities. Abaris, on a one and a half meter metal "arrow of Apollo of Hyperborean" presented to him, with a special device in its plumage, crossed rivers, seas and impassable places, traveling as if by air (see.(see figure). During the journey, he performed purifications, expelled pestilence and epidemics, made reliable predictions about earthquakes, calmed stormy winds and pacified river and sea waves.


Apparently, it is not for nothing that many ancient authors, including the largest ancient historians, persistently speak of the flying abilities of the Hyperboreans, that is, their possession of flight techniques. It is true that Lucian described them as such, not without irony. Could it be that the ancient inhabitants of the Arctic had mastered the technique of aeronautics? Why not? After all, many images of probable aircraft - such as balloons - have survived among the rock paintings of Lake Onega

The Hellenic Sun God Apollo, who was born in Hyperborea and received one of his main epithets from his place of birth, constantly visited his distant homeland and the ancestral home of almost all Mediterranean peoples. Several images of Apollo flying towards the Hyperboreans have survived. At the same time, the artists persistently reproduced a winged platform that was completely atypical for ancient pictorial symbolism, and, presumably, ascending to some kind of real transformation.

Apollo (like his sister Artemis) - the children of Zeus from his first wife, the Titanide Leto, are uniquely associated with Hyperborea. According to the testimony of ancient authors and the conviction of the ancient Greeks and Romans, Apollo not only periodically returned to Hyperborea in a chariot drawn by swans, but the Hyperboreans themselves, the northerners, constantly came to Hellas with gifts in honor of Apollo. There is also a substantive link between Apollo and Hyperborea. Apollo is the God of the Sun, and Hyperborea is that northern country where the Sun does not set in summer for several months. Geographically, such a country can be located only in the Arctic Circle. The cosmic-stellar nature of Apollo is due to its origin.

Apollo's sister, the Goddess Artemis, is also inextricably linked with Hyperborea. Apollodorus (1, 1U, 5) draws her as an intercessor of the Hyperboreans. The Hyperborean affiliation of Artemis is also mentioned in the most ancient ode of Pindar, dedicated to Heracles of Hyperborean. According to Pindar, Hercules reached Hyperborea in order to perform another feat - to get the golden-horned Cyrene Doe:

“He reached the lands behind the icy Boreas.

There is Latona's daughter, the rider of horses, Met him coming to take

From the gorges and winding bowels of Arcadia

By the decree of Eurystheus, by the fate of his father

Golden-horned doe …"

Titanide's mother Leto gave birth to her sun-bearing son on the island of Asteria, which means "star". Sister Leto was also called Asteria (Star). There is a version. that the cult of Apollo was reintroduced into the Mediterranean already in the days of Ancient Rome. The cult of the common Indo-European Solntsebog was brought here by the Proto-Slavic tribes of the Wends, who founded and named the modern cities of Venice and Vienna.

It was the Hyperborean priests, the servants of Apollo, who founded the first temple in honor of the Sun God in Delphi, maintaining constant contact with the northern metropolis.

Pausanias claimed that the famous Delphic sanctuary of Apollo was built by Hyperborean priests, among whom was the singer Olen.

So the many-Orthodox here they called a sanctuary to God

“Also Olen : he was the first prophet of the prophetic Phoebus, The first one, which was composed of songs from ancient tunes.

Pausanias . Description of Hellas. X. V, 8.

The swan is a symbol of Hyperborea. The sea deity Forky - the son of Gaia-Earth and the prototype of the Russian Sea tsar was married to the titanide Keto. Their six daughters, who were born in the Hyperborean limits, were initially revered as beautiful Swan Maidens (only much later, for ideological reasons, they were turned into ugly monsters - Grai and Gorgons). The discrediting of the Gorgons followed the same pattern and, apparently, for the same reasons as the attribution of opposite signs and negative meanings during the disintegration of the common Indo-Iranian pantheon into separate religious systems (this happened after the migration of the Aryans from North to South), when the “devi "And" ahura "(light divine beings) become" devas "and" asuras "- evil demons and bloodthirsty werewolves. This is a worldwide tradition inherent in all times, peoples, religions without exception.

During the reign of the god Crohn, who ruled during the Golden Age, large sports national games began to be held in Hyperborea, long before the appearance of the Greek Olympic Games. These games were held in several places: at the sources of the Pur and Tolka rivers, east of the mouth of the Yenisei (the remains of large stone structures have been preserved there) and others. It was the Hyperboreans who recommended the Greeks to reward the winners of the Olympic Games with an olive branch instead of an apple branch and gave them the sacred olive tree.

The king of the Scythians during the life of Koy and Zeus was Prometheus. The country of the Scythians was located in the Northern Urals. The residence of Prometheus was at the source of the Lobva and Bolshaya Kosva rivers. Legends say that Prometheus gave people writing and counting, but in reality, he most likely carried out another reform of the writing that existed before him.

There is no doubt that the Hyperboreans had their own written language, since without it Chiron and Asclepius could not have written books on medicine. By the way, the ancient writing system among the northern peoples (Yamal - Taimyr) was preserved until the beginning of the 20th century.

The Hyperboreans possessed the technology for the development of underground deposits of useful metals. They could tunnel under rivers, lakes and even the bottom of the sea. Hyperboreans built unique underground structures. During the cold weather, they found shelter in underground cities, where it was warm and protected from space and other influences.

Aristeus, describing his journey through Hyperborea, reports on many marvelous stone statues.

Contrary to popular belief, the culture of the pyramids is not of southern, but of northern origin. In a cult-ritual and architectural-aesthetic form, they reproduce the oldest symbol of the Arctic ancestral home - the Polar Mount Meru. According to archaic mythological concepts, it is located at the North Pole and is the axis of the world - the center of the Universe.

There is a mountain in the world, steep hill Meru, It is impossible for her to find any comparison or measure.

In transcendental beauty, in an inaccessible space, She sparkles in golden decoration

The top is clad with her pearls.

Its top is hidden by clouds.

On this summit, in the pearl hall, Once the heavenly Gods sat down …

Mahabharata. Book 1. (Translated by S. Lipkin)

Apollo's arrow