&Ldquo; Gate Of The Gods &Rdquo; And Portals To Other Worlds - Alternative View

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&Ldquo; Gate Of The Gods &Rdquo; And Portals To Other Worlds - Alternative View
&Ldquo; Gate Of The Gods &Rdquo; And Portals To Other Worlds - Alternative View

Many ancient cultures have preserved legends about portals to other worlds or gateways to other Universes, where "creators" live. It is generally accepted that these are just myths and legends. However, in recently declassified FBI documents, there were claims that our Earth was visited by beings from other dimensions and planets. And NASA announced that there are apparently hidden portals in the Earth's magnetic field …

All this suggests that the legends about stargates, portals to parallel worlds and holes in space and time may contain a significant amount of truth …

"Gate of the Gods", Puerto de Hayu Marca, Peru

In 1996, they were discovered in the Puerto de Hayu Marca area by aspiring guide José Luis Delgado Mamani. Mamani claims that he had seen this gate in his dreams for many years before. He dreamed of a road that led to a mysterious pink marble gate, from which emanated "a bright blue light that looked like a shimmering tunnel."


As the locals say, this gate served "to enter the land of the gods." There are two openings in the gate - one in the form of a 7 by 7 meters square, and the second two meters high. Legends say that a large opening is for the gods, and the smaller one is for ordinary mortals. Those who dared to pass through the Gates of the Gods gained immortality and began to live among the gods.

One of the legends seems to confirm Mamani's strange dreams. It says that when the Spanish conquistadors arrived in Peru in the 16th century and began to plunder the wealth of the Incas, one of the priests named Amaru Maru fled from the temple with a precious gold disc - "The Key of the Gods of seven rays."

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Amaru Maru found the Gate of the Gods and gave it to the guards. After that, they performed a certain ritual, and the doorway opened - behind it was a tunnel with a bluish light. Aaru Maru entered the gate and disappeared forever, going to the land of the gods.

Curiously, the researchers found a small circular depression on the right side of the Gate of the Gods.

Abu Ghrab, Egypt

The Abu Ghrab Temple in Memphis is considered the oldest on the planet - it was built in the 3rd millennium BC. There is an ancient platform of alabaster (Egyptian crystal), which supposedly can “vibrate in unison with the Earth”. It is also able to open to a person so that he can communicate and be one on one with the “gods - high energies of the Universe” and move into the sky.


Interestingly, these legends about the connection and path of travel between worlds are similar to the myths of the Cherokee Indians. The Cherokee talk about the fact that some formless thinking creatures can travel along a "sound wave" from the Pleiade system to Earth.

In addition to legends, the platform in the Abu Ghrab temple surprises with the fact that it seems to be created using high technologies. For example, perfectly straight holes are drilled in it.

Stargate Sumerians on the Euphrates River

There is a famous Sumerian seal, which depicts a Sumerian god, apparently emerging from the stargate. On the sides of it, some glowing columns are visible. Other seals depicting the god Ninurta may well serve as evidence of the existence of a stargate.


Ninurta wears something very reminiscent of a modern clock in his arms and presses something that looks like a gateway button.

Researchers believe that the stargate of the Sumerian gods was located on the Euphrates River in the territory of modern Iraq and is located under the ruins of the Mesopotamian city of Eridu, which was destroyed before our era.

Researcher Elizabeth Veg is sure that it is about these gates that the Bible says, in chapter 9 of Revelation. “And the Fifth Angel blew his trumpet, and I saw a star from heaven falling on the earth, and the key to the well of the abyss was given to him. And he opened the well of the abyss, and the smoke rose from the well, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke of the well."

The "well of the abyss", according to Vogue, is the stargate.

"Gate of the Sun", Tiahuanaco, Bolivia

According to many researchers, the "Gate of the Sun" in Tiunako is a portal to the land of the gods. They are believed to be about 4,000 years old. Tiahuanaco is one of the most important sites in ancient America. Local legends say that the sun god Viracocha chose this place in order to create the human race.


The gate is carved from a single block of stone and decorated with human figures in "rectangular helmets." The upper vault of the arch is decorated with the image of the sun god with rays around his head.

Despite the fact that the gate is now upright, when it was discovered by European researchers in the mid-1800s, it was lying on the ground. They also have a large crack in the upper right of the arch. It is unknown who broke them and dropped them.

Stonehenge, Wiltshire, England

One of the most famous archaeological sites on Earth is Stonehenge. It is also one of the most controversial and discussed, for it is not known for certain when it was built and for what purpose. Most historians believe that it was created about 5,000 years ago from stones that were taken from a mine located 386 km from Stonehenge.


It is curious that Stonehenge is located at the intersection of several ley lines - imaginary lines that connect the most unusual traces of past civilizations on Earth - pyramids, temples, etc.

One theory of Stonehenge's purpose is that it is a stargate. One strange incident that happened in these places may support this theory.

In August 1971, a whole group of hippies disappeared here, apparently while trying to "activate" the stargate. On the eve, they pitched tents near the monument. Eyewitnesses recall that at two o'clock in the morning lightning suddenly struck in the Stonehenge area, a bluish light appeared and strong screams were heard. When the police arrived at the scene, they did not find a single person - only tents and a still burning fire.

Stone structure in Lake Michigan

In 2007, while searching for the remains of sunken ships, scientists discovered a stone structure in Lake Michigan at a depth of 12 meters. The discovery was made by Mark Holley, professor of underwater archeology at Northwestern Michigan University, and his colleague Brian Abbott. They believe that this Stonehenge-like structure is about 9000 years old, but interestingly, one of the stones has a carving in the form of a mastodon that died out more than 10,000 years ago.


The exact coordinates of the find are still kept secret - this condition was set by the local Indian tribes who do not want an influx of tourists and curious people on their land. Some researchers believe that this structure is the remains of a star gate.

This area was previously known as the "Michigan Triangle". Here, just like in the Bermuda Triangle, strange disappearances of people and ships occur. In 1891, a schooner disappeared here along with seven crew members. In 1921, 11 people on board the boat disappeared, which was later found empty.

In 1937, the McFarland was cruising across the lake. His captain retired to his cabin to rest. Three hours later, the second mate went to wake the captain. The door was locked; he did not respond to knocking. Then the door was broken open - the repentance was empty, while the windows were tightly closed. However, the captain disappeared without a trace.

Stargate in Ramansu Uyana, Sri Lanka

Among the boulders and caves of Ramansu Uyana Park, there is a map of the starry sky carved into a large piece of stone. There are stone seats right in front of the star map.


As the researchers say, the symbols carved into the stone are the code that opens the star gates and allows travel from this world to other places in the universe.

The local map is called Sakwala Chakraya, which translates as "The Revolving Circle of the Universe." In many ancient Native American legends, stargates or portals were in the form of revolving circles. Similar star maps have been found in other ancient sites such as Abu Ghrab in Egypt and many other ancient sites in the South American Andes.

Gebekli Tepe, Turkey

The temple in Gebekli Tepe is 12,000 years old. It is famous for its T-shaped stone pillars, each of which has carvings in the form of animals, such as lions or sheep. Some of the pillars form something like a gate. It is believed that these are the remains of a star gate, which ancient people used as a portal to the "heavenly world".


The columns are very similar to the Gate of the Gods in Peru. Interestingly, the Incas talked about the connection with people from the Pleiades star system, which is also T-shaped. Like other supposed portals, Gebekli Tepe is located at the intersection of two ley lines.

Sedona Whirlwinds and "Door of the Gods", USA

Sedona, a small town in Arizona, was once known to the Indian tribes as Navanda and was the most sacred to them.


It is said that the red desert cliffs that surround a small city can create swirls with the potential to transport people to another world or dimension. Native Americans believed these breeds had a certain spiritual charge. In addition, they claim that in the mountains nearby there is the Door of the Gods - a strange stone portal to another time and space.

Local legends say that once this door was found by three gold diggers. One of them passed through them and immediately disappeared, and the other two immediately disappeared from the scene, fearing that they had angered the ancient spirits. They said that there was a clear blue sky behind the arch, although it was cloudy around that time …
