An Ancient Artifact From A Greek Tomb Of A Warrior - Alternative View

An Ancient Artifact From A Greek Tomb Of A Warrior - Alternative View
An Ancient Artifact From A Greek Tomb Of A Warrior - Alternative View

Video: An Ancient Artifact From A Greek Tomb Of A Warrior - Alternative View

Video: An Ancient Artifact From A Greek Tomb Of A Warrior - Alternative View
Video: Scientists Unearthed A 3,500 Year Old Tomb That’s Rewritten The History Of Western Civilization 2024, June

How many secrets are kept by ancient artifacts that archaeologists find on our planet? Some of these artifacts are so difficult to understand that it is not immediately possible to find what is hidden from prying eyes, and that is why they become even more mysterious.

The tomb with this artifact was discovered in the 30s of the last century and it is not known who exactly was buried in the tomb. At that time, archaeologists had some disagreements with the local authorities and they did not touch the tomb, they returned to excavations only 4 years ago. Historians have found that the tomb located next to the palace of Nestor dates back to 1500 millennium BC.

Interestingly, archaeologists have discovered thousands of ancient artifacts in the tomb that are of interest to many history buffs. The buried warrior was very famous and well connected, otherwise how to explain the incredible wealth that was found in the burial.


At first they did not pay any attention to this artifact and dug it out only in 2016, and some time later it aroused genuine interest among a wide range of people. The artifact itself is a 3.6 centimeters seal, which depicts 2 warriors. But it was not the picture itself that surprised the researchers, but the smallest details, so skillfully engraved on the seal and in order to see all the details, the scientists decided to study the artifact under a microscope.

The carving and the drawing itself were so flawless that scientists could not find a clear explanation of how the ancient masters managed to make such delicate jewelry work, because they did not have modern equipment. Some are inclined to believe that the seal could have been made by the gods themselves and the figure depicts the battle of the two gods itself, but how can you believe this?