There are quite a few hypotheses concerning the occurrence of the UFO phenomenon, and among them the most common one is about “guys from the planets of other galaxies”. In general, it is fueled by quite normal logical arguments: if I saw a "sort of thing" in the sky and, analyzing this bright ball or saucer, could not find a match for it with earthly standards, then I assume that if IT flies, it means that it has come to us from above, from the sky, i.e. from space … everything looks very simple, right ??? But there is another interpretation of the phenomenon…. To begin with, I'll ask what is common between all paranormal phenomena, what do UFOs have in common with ghosts, poltergeists and other unexplained phenomena …? So, if we assume that they are all the same, something ONE, have the same nature! The meaning of this hypothesis isthat she suggests looking at UFOs as a paraphysical and parapsychic essence of our planet !!! I will try to explain it now.
To begin with, let's digress from the little green men and transfer our gaze to our perception of the world around us. Our reality is entirely based on our physical perceptions. If we can touch or feel something, we say that it is real, that is, it exists. We can see it, hear it, smell it, taste it, etc. And we do not have any doubts about the reality of our sensations. But we do not think about the fact that, being guided by such criteria, we can feel only a small part of the reality around us. Indeed, even if we take, for example, the eyes that have served us for so many centuries, we come to the conclusion that they did not serve us so well throughout the entire time. We are only able to see a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum. Light waves are actually visible vibrations of the spectrum, reminiscent of radio waves. The different frequencies are recorded as different colors by our sophisticated vision apparatus, consisting, roughly speaking, of thousands of tiny radio receivers carefully tuned to an extremely small portion of the ectromagnetic spectrum. We really don't see a lot at all, and we can say that we see exactly as much as is necessary for the perception of our immediate environment.
Cosmic rays - rays of the highest intensity of high frequency energy, penetrating everywhere - occupy one end of the spectrum. They are followed by powerful gamma rays, a form of energy that has proven so merciless with atomic bombs. Next we have X-rays, short wavelengths, penetrating most solids, ionizing gases, and illuminating photographic film. On the spectrum scale, they almost mix with gamma rays.
This is followed by a line of ultraviolet rays, which play a critical role in relation to UFO phenomena. These rays are invisible, but they can scorch the body and burn out the eyes. There are hundreds of reports of acute episodes of conjunctivitis following UFO sightings (it can be concluded that UFOs are emitting in large numbers and in gamma rays). Visible light on our scale is sandwiched between marks 5 and 6. This is the only part of the spectrum in which we can see and perceive what we see. The visible rays are mainly divided in frequency into blue, yellow and red. In combination, they can form white. The red rays are followed by infrared, which carry heat waves. (Many UFO witnesses stated that they felt heat radiation even when objects were many yards away.) The concentration of infrared rays can also scorch the eyes. These beams are shorter than microwave radio signals but longer than visible light.
And why, you ask me, I bring all this boring gradation of spectral waves!?! In order to push you a little more towards the awareness of the following. … At any moment of our life, we, in the literal sense of the word, are surrounded by a whole wall of electromagnetic waves emanating from a multitude of radio and television transmitters. We are deprived of the opportunity, unlike some animals, to see or somehow feel these waves, but you can always make sure of their existence by turning on the radio receiver. In other words, you need special equipment to sense waves that are beyond our perception. But if we again reason purely logically, then we can come to the conclusion that there are other waves around us that we cannot detect with any instruments. Now let's analyze further … and for this I will give one more example …
Each drop of water contains thousands of microforms of life. They are too small for us to see and feel. But any ten-year-old boy looking at this drop of water through a cheap school microscope can easily invade the microbial world. (I remember myself in the school years of my life, when in a biology lesson I looked through an antediluvian microscope and saw that something small in large quantities twitches in the water). But the inhabitants of a drop of water do not know about the existence of me or this boy with a microscope. Moreover, they do not know that the world around them, their liquid environment in which they float, is only an insignificant part of a much larger and completely different world … … analyzing, our mind leads us to the fact that our own world can also be a part of something something much more, which is beyond our most violent and sometimes sick imagination.
Now I can draw some conclusions that will help us in the future:
1. All solid bodies of our environment (or reality) are composed of energy.
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2. All energy is electromagnetic in nature.
3. The human eye can only see a tiny fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.
4. Electromagnetic waves of many different frequencies penetrate our reality. We live in a huge sea of electric waves …
So. we are surrounded by energies that we cannot see, and it is very possible that objects, beings and even whole worlds are formed from these energies, which we are also unable to see. But just because we don't see, hear, and feel them in some way doesn't mean that they don't exist, something “bigger”.
And this “more”, of course, also consists of wave energy, but this energy is different in frequency and forms atoms that are radically different from the atoms of our own world. This energy can coexist and even share some space with us (a kind of another dimension), not particularly interested in whether we like it or not.
So, if we now assume that the UFO is something all the more … what if the UFO is not an alien from some other planet!?! What if UFOs could indeed be creatures of the invisible world of our own planet !!!
Suppose that UFOs are paraphysical, capable of reflecting light like ghosts. Let us also assume, based on the testimony of numerous observers, that they become visible when they move from one position to another at ultra-high speeds. Then from all that has been said it follows that, while remaining visible at the time of movement, they do not dematerialize when the movement stops, but simply their mass becomes transparent due to their diffusion nature and etheric substance … Observational data confirm their paraphysicality, which increases the likelihood of their terrestrial origin, and not an alien …
And, probably, some of the “those” from the parallel world of ours are eager to demonstrate their power to us, others - to teach moral lessons … I dare to suggest that all these representatives of the astral world, very likely, sincerely appeal to human consciousness, sometimes pursuing special goals, maybe, urging us along the path of a technical breakthrough (if this has not already been done in zone 51) … and sometimes they simply amaze onlookers like us with a goal that is known only to the devil …
In real cases with UFOs, it is necessary to take into account the most seemingly incredible aspects. This includes numerous stories about ghosts and spirits, about strange psychopathic aberrations, about the world around us invisible to us, which from time to time invades our real world, about predictions and myths, about gods and demons … this is a world of illusions, a world of hallucinations, where everything that is unreal seems obscenely real and where reality itself is distorted under the influence of strange forces that, it would seem, can manipulate time, space and physical laws. And these forces are completely beyond our understanding !!!
I am more and more inclined to believe that the UFO phenomenon is fundamentally electromagnetic and is able to regulate the rays of electromagnetic energy to any and the desired frequency … The phenomenon is therefore in most cases invisible to us since it consists rather of energy than of any solid material, therefore, to be beyond the boundaries of our perception …
It is controlled by a great mind and throughout its history … it becomes visible from time to time (why?!? I'll touch on this a little later !!) for us … it can take any form - from plates and airships to a giant spaceship, or it can take the form of a living being - from little green men (which is more familiar to us) to terrible one-eyed giants.
But none of these configurations is their true form …