A Winged Ship From Aethyria - Alternative View

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A Winged Ship From Aethyria - Alternative View
A Winged Ship From Aethyria - Alternative View

Video: A Winged Ship From Aethyria - Alternative View

Video: A Winged Ship From Aethyria - Alternative View
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Star shower

On the evening of October 9, thousands of Americans took to the streets to watch the rain of stars. Astronomers predicted in advance that that evening, the Earth will meet with meteors from the Draconid stream. The sky did not disappoint them. Virginia van den Noort of the Lick Observatory calculated that from 19:00 to 20:00 more than 10 thousand meteors burned out in the atmosphere. During the peak of the star rain over California, we saw up to 180 meteors per minute!

That evening, residents of the California city of San Diego saw something that astronomers did not predict. An object similar to a projectile with wings appeared in the sky. It was much larger than the plane and was surrounded by a bluish-white glow. City hospital attendant William Nabers called the newspaper the next day:

- I saw the object at about 20:00. He was on the right side of the moon and flew in her direction. I didn't notice any movement of the wings. The nurse said that she saw a strange apparatus in the sky even later, at about three in the morning.

Mrs. E. M., who did not want to see her name in the press, noticed the object between 8 and 9 pm:

- He moved towards the moon at an average speed. It was definitely not an airplane. He flapped wide wings, shaped like the wings of a butterfly. There was a glow around the hull.

Some eyewitnesses drew attention to the "winged projectile" as it crossed the disk of the moon. One of the women compared the object to a large bat:

Its dark body seemed lighter than its wings. The wings moved slowly up and down. Judging by its enormous size, it was not an airplane or a bird. I saw him between two houses. The device flew rather slowly and crossed this small space in one and a half minutes.

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Amateur astronomer Bob Stevenson of the nearby town of El Cajon examined it through a telescope and confirmed that the huge apparatus looked sickle-shaped from its wings. But he was not the most important witness. From the top floor of a building in the heart of downtown San Diego, the medium Marc Probert watched the object.

The weirdness of the artist

The future medium was born on February 5, 1907 in Beyonne, New Jersey. His mother passed away when he was 12 years old. A few months later, Mark Probert was sent to a private school. Having hardly finished the sixth grade, the guy fled and hired a cabin boy on a merchant ship.

After many adventures and hard labor, 18-year-old Probert parted ways with the fleet. He tried many activities: he worked as a jockey, a receptionist, performed in vaudeville, taught to dance and typed manuscripts on a typewriter. Finally, Mark learned to draw well and got hired by a company that made visual aids for schools. There he met a girl named Irene.

“Once I saw a translucent figure of a man behind her,” Mark recalled many years later. - She had enough density to clearly see the features. The man smiled, leaning towards Irene, and a feeling shone in his eyes, which I could not perceive otherwise than love. He put his once strong hands on her shoulders and disappeared. I knew that I could be ridiculed, but still told Irene about what he saw and described the man. She replied, “This is how my father looked. He died recently."

I must say that this was not the first encounter with something mystical. One day, a man-sized cloud of black dust appeared in the room where I was painting. It made a shrill sound. A cloud passed over the bed and shook her violently. The previous owner of the room died on this bed eight months ago.

On June 4, 1942, Mark and Irene were married. Soon, the spouse began to complain that every night he spoke in a dream in unfamiliar languages. Irene recorded the "speeches" on a tape recorder. After listening to the tape, Mark did not understand what he had said. When the tape was played back to linguists, it turned out that Probert spoke eight languages, including Latin, Sanskrit, Japanese and Chinese.

"Inner circle"

Professor Mid Lane, who is fond of spiritualism and parapsychology, became interested in the artist.

“You must be a trance medium,” the professor suggested. - The departed may try to control your body when you are asleep or consciousness is turned off.

The professor taught Probert to relax and go into a trance. In September 1945, the artist "passed out" and the power over his body passed to another entity. The one who entered the body of Mark said that during his life he was called Martin Lingford. He lived in New York in the late 19th century and died young. He was chosen for contact through Mark because of his knowledge of the English language. He represents a group of 16 late philosophers, priests and scientists willing to share their wisdom with humanity. Dream conversations were the first attempts to use the medium's body for communication.

Waking up from a trance, Mark did not remember anything, but the shocked faces of the professor and his wife spoke better than any words about the success of the experiment. Over time, Mark learned to go into a trance in daylight, not paying attention to the audience. The spirits occupying his body also adapted and learned to speak English well, although only three of them spoke English during his lifetime. Mark never took money for the sessions, earning a good living with his main profession.

The sessions with Probert became a sensation. Over time, Professor Lane learned that the group of great people of the other world, about which the late Lingford spoke, included the Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu, the German professor Alfred Luntz who died in 1893, and the Italian astronomer Ramon Natali, who once worked with Galileo Galilei. The rest of the characters were unknown to historians. This group was headed by Yada Di Shiite - a priest of a civilization that disappeared long before the appearance of modern humanity. He died 500 thousand years ago under the wall of the collapsed temple. Mead Lane called the group of otherworldly sages "The Inner Circle."

Another world object

But back to the UFO from San Diego. On the evening of October 10, 1946, another session took place. This time the body of Probert was occupied not by someone from the "Inner Circle", but by an entity unknown to the participants. She could hardly explain herself with the help of the medium's vocal cords:

- The bird-like object flapping its wings is called Karita. It is a mechanical apparatus from a planet many thousands of miles from Earth. He was deliberately sent into the earth's atmosphere at this time: its inhabitants knew that many earthlings would closely watch the sky. Carita moves by levitation. The wings only flap when flying in the atmosphere. The ship consists of ten thousand parts. The outer frame is made of thinly coated balsa wood. The wings are powered by electricity …

For a while, speech became completely illegible. Then the body of Probert was occupied by Ramakalo, who was an Indian guru during his lifetime:

- I cannot tell you the planet where the device came from. Its inhabitants have been trying for many years to make contact with the Earth. The Earth is now emitting a strong pillar or beam of light to facilitate interplanetary travel. They are much more advanced than you. They have come in peace and would like to land, but are afraid they will be received with hostility. They want you to gather a group of scientists to meet them in a secluded place.

Professor Lane told all of this to reporters from the San Diego Union newspaper. He stated that he does not vouch for the authenticity of the information.

Discovery of Etheria

During a session on October 20, 1946, an unknown entity reappeared.

She said that the alien ship did not come from one of the planets in the solar system, but from a parallel world unknown to us. He came out of his "vibration frequency" and accepted the earthly frequency to manifest with us.

Mid Lane called the parallel world Ethereum. In the summer of 1947, when silver flying saucers burst into the skies over America, the professor was the only scientist who did not get lost. His theory, of course, was then not taken seriously by either the military or the first ufologists. It became popular many years later, when everyone realized that UFOs can become transparent, suddenly disappear and appear. Mead Lane's theory explained this very simply: the devices change the "vibration frequency", moving between worlds.

The professor died in 1961 without waiting for direct contact with the inhabitants of Etheria. Eight years later, Mark Probert passed away. Ufologists continue to use their theory, not suspecting that it arose before the advent of the "era of flying saucers" thanks to clues from the other world.