The Great Patriotic War Could Not Be? - Alternative View

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The Great Patriotic War Could Not Be? - Alternative View
The Great Patriotic War Could Not Be? - Alternative View

Video: The Great Patriotic War Could Not Be? - Alternative View

Video: The Great Patriotic War Could Not Be? - Alternative View
Video: ⭐Great Patriotic War | Великая Отечественная война 2024, October

Leonid Reshetnikov, candidate of historical sciences, retired lieutenant general of the SVR

It's always hard to guess. But we can say with complete confidence that the chances of an attack on Russia would be much less. On the eve of the revolution, Russia developed at a tremendous pace. Our economy was second only to Germany, England and the United States. According to estimates, not even domestic, but Western experts, if there were no revolution, by the 40s. XX century our country had to become a world leader. By 1941, we could have taken the place of the United States. Imagine if there are fools who will declare war on the United States? A powerful country is of no interest for conquest - strong resistance can be met.

Why did the Soviet Union end up being attacked? One of the reasons is that Germany perceived our country as a colossus with feet of clay. Hitler reasoned: the revolution and the civil war threw the development of Russia 20 years back. We only by 1939-1940. in a number of indicators, they reached the level of development in 1913, while the rest of the countries went ahead during this time. Even in Germany, where the overthrow of the monarchy also took place, but which was able to avoid a civil war, all these years there was development. Second: if there were no revolution, Russia would have permanent allies and partners in the person of other states, which the Soviet Union did not have at the time of 1941. The USSR was perceived as a hostile state. The West feared the aspirations of the Soviet leadership, which declared that its goal was a world revolution. Moreover: when Hitler was preparing an attack on Europe,all countries tried to redirect its destructive energy to Russia. Another factor: in comparison with the USSR, the Russian Empire was ideologically more united. It was not a secret for Hitler that in the USSR millions of people are in camps for political reasons, like enemies of the people. And he concluded: it means that many do not support the Soviet government. Hitler did not calculate otherwise: in the fight against the Nazis, these people did not defend Stalin, but their homeland. Hitler underestimated the Russian patriotism that united the the fight against the fascists, these people did not defend Stalin, but their homeland. Hitler underestimated the Russian patriotism that united the the fight against the fascists, these people did not defend Stalin, but their homeland. Hitler underestimated the Russian patriotism that united the people.

Yes, we paid the highest price for the victory in the Great Patriotic War. But, unfortunately, the Americans became the actual winners of the Second World War. Yes, they lost 300 thousand killed in this war, but their economy did not suffer, their country was not destroyed. And in the end, they became the masters of the world, taking advantage of all the fruits of the Victory. Germany was defeated, France was unable to rise, England faded into the background. And the USSR received practically nothing, except for the underdeveloped countries of Eastern Europe, which we took in tow. In addition, it was necessary to rebuild their country, which was in ruins.

Leonid Reshetnikov