The Bible Described In Detail The Dinosaur - Alternative View

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The Bible Described In Detail The Dinosaur - Alternative View
The Bible Described In Detail The Dinosaur - Alternative View

Video: The Bible Described In Detail The Dinosaur - Alternative View

Video: The Bible Described In Detail The Dinosaur - Alternative View
Video: What's The Biblical View On Dinosaurs? 2024, October

On New Year's Eve, employees of the Far Eastern Federal University announced the opening. They answered the question - why did the dinosaurs die

In short, the theory is as follows: 150 million years ago, Earth's gravity increased 2.079 times, because of this, the muscles and bones of giant lizards were unable to support a huge weight. "Multi-storey" tyrannosaurs and diplodocus were literally flattened against the ground, and small reptiles were finished off by hunger and evolution.

According to Russian scientists, a dense cloud of interstellar cosmic dust, where the solar system got 150-200 million years ago, is to blame for the tragedy that happened to the dinosaurs. Because of it, a huge amount of small meteorites and other debris settled on the surface of the Earth, which doubled the weight of the planet and the force of its gravity.

“This made the ancient lizards grind,” says one of the authors of the hypothesis, Professor Anatoly Drozdov. The euphoria over this discovery passed quickly. The unfortunate scientists were asked to estimate which layer of dust had to settle on the Earth in order for the force of gravity to double. It turned out to be 1270 meters.

Yes, from under such a thickness, we would never have unearthed a single dinosaur. Meanwhile, their found remains clearly prove that dinosaurs are buried on the surface of the planet. It turns out that the force of gravity has changed on the Earth, which has not changed its size. Or changed, but not due to spraying outside, but due to "swelling" from the inside.

The Peruvian Ica stones and the Mexican Acambaro figurines are from 500 to 4000 years old. They are clearly made by the Indians from nature


In the 90s, the theory of astrophysicist William Carrey was widely discussed in the scientific community. In his book "In Search of Patterns of Development of the Earth and the Universe", as proof of the "swelling" of the planet, he cites the outlines of the continents and geological studies, which clearly show us that earlier both America, Africa, Eurasia and Australia were one continent - Gondwana. Before Carrie, it was believed that Gondwana was located in one hemisphere, and the ocean - in the other. But this was contrary to the laws of physics.

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Indeed, for a rotating planet, water should be evenly distributed over the irregularities, as we are seeing now. From this, Carrie concludes that Gondwana occupied the entire surface of the Earth, the diameter of which was several times smaller. This means that the gravity was less, which is why the dinosaurs swelled up to obscenity.

According to Carrie, over hundreds of millions of years, the Earth was "ripped apart" from the inside, because of which a single continent cracked into continents, the force of gravity naturally increased, and organisms evolutionarily decreased in size … However, where did the additional mass appear in the Earth's interior, and the breakthrough of water, as in modern oceans, Carrie could not explain. In general, wherever you go, there is a wedge for "big science".

This stegosaurus is depicted on the wall of the Cambodian temple of Ta Prohm, built in 1186


Paradise is warm and damp

So what were the conditions for the existence of dinosaurs? The Bible gives the most accurate answer. There it is described in full detail: “And God created the firmament; And he separated the water that is under the firmament from the water that is above the firmament. And it became so. And God called the firmament Heaven."

The book informs us that, in addition to the air shell, or the atmospheric layer, there was also a water shell around the Earth - "the water that is above the firmament", above the sky. The presence of this shell created the so-called greenhouse effect: "For the Lord God did not send rain to the earth, but steam rose from the earth and watered all the faces of the earth."

In scientific terms, the following happened. Due to the intense activity of the Sun, huge masses of water evaporated. Due to the high density of the atmosphere, it lingered at the top, forming a water bubble around the planet. The layer of water particles in the upper atmosphere completely filtered all the negative energy of the Sun.

Under such conditions, lush vegetation flourished, far exceeding the size of today. The dense atmosphere provided other benefits as well. The trees grew up to two kilometers high, and the dinosaurs literally "swam" in it, as in water, and the giant tail was not heavy for them. It worked like fins in fish.

Likewise, pterodactyls, which do not possess the aerodynamic properties of modern birds, soared and maneuvered very effectively in dense air spaces. There is one more important circumstance related to the climatic conditions of the antediluvian Earth. There was one continuous summer. According to the Bible, the concept of changing the seasons appeared only after the flood.

Before him, the earth's axis was parallel to the sun, which is why the distance from different parts of the earth to the luminary was unchanged all year round. As a result, the temperature was distributed evenly throughout the planet and did not change either day or night. That very paradise on Earth. Warm and damp, as described in Gorky's Song of the Falcon. What happened after the flood? How have climatic conditions changed?

The Bible says about the one-time creation of all things. There is more and more evidence of this every year.


During the flood, the water shell collapsed, the entire mass of water fell on the earth: "All the springs of the great abyss were opened, and the windows of heaven were opened." That is why, and not because of some kind of cosmic dust, the planet has almost doubled its weight, and the ocean has covered most of the land, turning endless tropical swamps into a surface of water.

When the Earth lost a significant part of the atmosphere, almost all large animals died, and the forests fell due to the fact that the density of the atmosphere decreased significantly and could no longer support such giants. The planet was covered with rubble of trees up to several hundred meters thick. It was then that from the remains of organic matter, layers of organic minerals - coal, oil and gas - were formed. All at once.

As a result of this global catastrophe, most likely caused by the fall of a meteorite, a completely different world was formed on Earth. The vegetation has become scarce. Reptiles could now live only in certain warm regions of the globe, and warm-blooded animals gradually supplanted the dinosaurs. Although at the equator and in the depths of the oceans, they should have been partially preserved, right up to our times. There is more than enough evidence of human encounters with dinosaurs.

The models for the Scandinavian and Russian boats were plesiosaurs, which were found in many rivers and lakes.


The stones tell the truth

There are several theories proving that life on Earth is very young. If you again believe the Bible, then the planet and all things are only six and a half thousand years old. Let's assume that's the case. Then it becomes clear how many megalithic buildings were created. They were erected in the conditions of the same low gravity, when huge blocks were calmly dragged by several people. What kind of people were they?

Most likely, again given the Earth's reduced gravity, they are also giants. In the writings of Nicholas Roerich, Helena Blavatsky, Ernst Muldashev and many others, there are references to the fact that the fifth race now lives on Earth. People of the first race were 55 meters tall, the second was 37 meters, the third was 18 meters, the fourth was 7.5 meters and ours, the fifth, was about two meters.

In Afghanistan, five Buddha statues of exactly these sizes were carved into the rock of the Bamiyan Valley. Before they were destroyed by the Taliban, they clearly hinted at the growth of each race. Archaeologists around the world are finding eight-meter skeletons of people. And also the prints of their feet. Accordingly, dinosaurs were not particularly dangerous for them.

Man has always been the king of nature. And gradually became smaller with her. Among the evidence for the peaceful coexistence of man and the dinosaur, two can be called completely irrefutable. Firstly, these are stones found near the Peruvian city of Ica.

The first mention of black stones with images of strange animals engraved on them dates back to around the 15th century. Today there are tens of thousands of such artifacts. The director of the Peruvian Museum of Antiquities, Dr. Javier Cabrera, spent 20 years studying the collection before publicly coming up with his findings. And one of the main ones - “Homo sapiens” and dinosaurs simultaneously lived on the territory of ancient America.

- The remains of the first dinosaurs were classified only 150 years ago, and the systematization of giant reptiles was done quite recently. The people who created the Ica stones at the turn of the XIV-XV centuries would not have had an idea of dinosaurs if they had not been familiar with them live, - Cabrera is sure. From the point of view of the supporters of creationism, there are no problems in the intersection of man with dinosaurs, since the world was created by God at a time and in full, so to speak, complete set.

Not so long ago, when the earth's gravity was half as much, and the atmosphere was much denser, man grew up to match the lizards. Skeletons of giants are found, but destroyed or hidden from the public


This is confirmed by the figurines of an unknown culture from the Mexican city of Acambaro - tens of thousands of clay figurines depicting fossil animals, people of all races and dinosaurs. They were discovered in 1944 by the German amateur archaeologist Voldemar Julsrud. As with the Ica stones, the Mexican collection contains a significant number of images of humans along with dinosaurs of various species.

In the late 60s, radiocarbon and thermoluminescent dating of the figurines was carried out. All examinations confirmed the ancient age of the finds, no less than 2000 years BC. Academic science, naturally, categorically rejects such a conclusion. Why has all this been preserved only in the territories of both Americas, and not in Europe, for example?

All documentary references to dinosaurs have killed culture and science. Think of the Inquisition burning ancient books. Troubles, riots and church reforms in Russia, each time destroying the chronicles. But still, the evidence was not completely destroyed. The chronicles of European cities abound with stories about the battles of minstrels and knights with numerous dragons, as well as descriptions of the places of these feats.

In addition, by analogy with the Ica stones, visible evidence remained. Remember the boats of the Vikings, Varangians, Russian knights. Their noses were adorned with an accurate representation of the muzzle of a plesiosaur. Long neck, small head with huge eyes and a toothed mouth. All ancient Scandinavian literature is filled with sea dragons.

Why is there an ancient, 400-year history since the time of Christopher Columbus, called "the great time of sailing ships", along with the discoveries of new lands, only describe encounters with sea monsters. The very ones who survived in the depths of the seas after the flood. Why have you seen it before, but not now? Very simple. Sailboats swim quietly and do not frighten ichthyosaurs.

Today, the loud sound of an engine under water can be heard hundreds of kilometers away. Ichthyosaurs have learned to avoid sea routes. Yes, and they become less over the years, of course.

His tail is like a cedar

Meanwhile, the Bible for hundreds of years contains a description of animals that we call dinosaurs today. One has only to read the book of Job: “Here is his strength in his loins, and his strength in the muscles of his belly. Turns his tail like a cedar; the veins on his thighs are intertwined. His legs are like copper pipes; his bones are like iron bars …"

This is the spitting image of a diplodocus. Although in the synodal translation it is called a hippopotamus. Why? Because the very word "dinosaur" appeared only at the end of the 19th century. But the hippo's tail is a twig, not a cedar. And here is the description of the armored giant: “… I will not keep silent about its members, about their strength and beautiful proportionality. Who can open the top of his garment, who can fit his double jaws? Who can open the doors of his face? The circle of his teeth is horror.

His strong shields are splendor; they are sealed, as it were, with a firm seal. One touches the other close, so that the air does not pass between them …”Considering the age of the Bible and the details with which it tells about dinosaurs, you can be sure: the author saw them with his own eyes. One of the main supporters of the existence of prehistoric animals in the modern world is the famous American preacher Rev. Ken Hovind.

- In the book of Job it is written: “he lies down under shady trees, under the roof of reeds and in the swamps,” Hovind reads the scriptures.

- The largest swamp in the world is in the African Congo. It's called Likouala and is 80 percent unexplored. But all the scientists who worked there received certificates from local residents about meetings with some monsters.

You say, "Wait, are the dinosaurs still alive?" Giant - no, they could not survive due to climate change. But there are many smaller ones. Even venerable scientists do not argue with the Reverend Hovind. They understand that the Amazon jungle and the African jungle are as far from science as the depths of the oceans, which means that even a bald devil can be found there. You will catch figs.