NASA: We Live In A Holographic World Created By Aliens - Alternative View

NASA: We Live In A Holographic World Created By Aliens - Alternative View
NASA: We Live In A Holographic World Created By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: NASA: We Live In A Holographic World Created By Aliens - Alternative View

Video: NASA: We Live In A Holographic World Created By Aliens - Alternative View
Video: Stephen Hawking's Stark Warning for Humans to Leave Earth 2024, September

Many NASA specialists are quite flexible and even admit the possibility that humanity lives inside a hologram created by representatives of an alien civilization. How can you relate to the idea that everything that has ever been created by humanity is the product of some advanced computer program? That our relationships, feelings, memories are all generated by supercomputers?

This intriguing theory was first proposed by Nick Bostrom, professor of philosophy at the University of Oxford, who in 2005 was appointed director of the Institute for the Future of Humanity at Oxford.

This English research institute functions as part of the James Martin School of Philosophy and 21st Century School. The task of the institute is to study such most important and paramount areas for humanity as the impact of technology and the possibility of a global catastrophe in the future. In their work, researchers take an interdisciplinary approach.

The Institute also in every possible way promotes public participation in the management of the state, enterprises, universities and other organizations, the development of a two-way dialogue between them.

Nick Bostrom's theory, by the way, is shared by several other reputable scientists.

For example, Rich Terrail, director of the Center for Evolutionary Computing and Automated Design at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, suggested that our creator was a space programmer.

This means that we live in a holographic world, and everything around us, including ourselves, is “not real”. In a recent interview with Weiss magazine, NASA scientist Rich Terreil discussed the promise based on the rapidly accelerating ability of computers to model massive and complex worlds and systems.

“The fastest NASA supercomputers today are twice as fast as the human brain,” says Rich. - If you do a simple calculation according to Moore's Law (which says that the power of computer computing doubles every two years), you will see that these computers will have the ability to calculate in a month the entire human life of 80 years in length over the next decade, including - his every thought, born in any period of existence."

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Many admirers of this theory are inspired by the idea that in this situation, mankind did not have to go through all the stages of evolutionary development, starting with prehistoric slime.

One explanation is that we live within an artificially created model and see what we need to see at the most appropriate moment for this.

The idea that our universe is a fiction generated by computer code solves a number of inconsistencies and mysteries about space, including the quest for extraterrestrial life and the mysteries of dark matter.

But many researchers consider the Matrix theory to be wrong. Professor Peter Millikan, who teaches philosophy and computer science at the University of Oxford, points out that this theory is based on the assumption that the "superintelligence" outside the Matrix thinks in much the same way as humans. If we assume that the world is modeled by alien intelligence, then it is not clear why it is limited by the same ideas and methods that are characteristic of humans.

The group of supporters of the theory of the Matrix proceeds from the fact that the structure of the real world that we see around us, in many ways resembles a virtual grid form, that by itself it could not acquire such a form - therefore, it was modeled by computer intelligence.

Opponents believe that the structure of the "virtual grid" cannot be evidence of the existence of holographic reality, despite the fact that in real life, much is really based on a certain matrix.

Professor Millikan, nevertheless, believes that the idea of the Matrix itself is quite intriguing and interesting, although it belongs to the category of crazy ideas (he expressed this idea in an interview with "Earth. Chronicles of Life").