The Development Of Combat Drones - Killers, Dangerous Facebook And 5 G Networks - Alternative View

The Development Of Combat Drones - Killers, Dangerous Facebook And 5 G Networks - Alternative View
The Development Of Combat Drones - Killers, Dangerous Facebook And 5 G Networks - Alternative View

Video: The Development Of Combat Drones - Killers, Dangerous Facebook And 5 G Networks - Alternative View

Video: The Development Of Combat Drones - Killers, Dangerous Facebook And 5 G Networks - Alternative View
Video: Proof That 5G Is Going To Make Us All Sick? 2024, September

The war of the future has already begun. These are autonomously operating hand-held drones - assassins controlled by artificial intelligence (AI). A spokesman for the American defense company announced that nuclear weapons are now superfluous, because with large swarms of assassin drones, you can now destroy any enemy without unnecessary risk. You just need to call this "enemy" and release the swarm. These unmanned aerial vehicles are called "combat".

An anonymous user just a few days ago released a new Youtube video demonstrating the dangers of this technology. The video features Professor Stuart Russell warning humanity about a future dystopia that is now threatening. The professor demonstrates the dangers of new killer drones. They are able to track any person, and kill them with an accurate shot in the forehead. Therefore, you want to fight the "evil ideologies" where they start. He asks the question of who in the future will determine what is good and bad. If these drones fall into the wrong hands, disaster is inevitable. These small drones can be produced in millions of copies and thus wage wars from a safe distance. No one would even know who was responsible for such an attack. The Future of Life Institute was founded against such threats. Elon Musk and Stephen Hawking support the institute. Elon Musk has warned of the uncontrollable dangers of AI for years and tried to prevent the development of killer robots. The United States, Russia and China are already working on autonomous weapons systems. Once equipped with advanced AI controls, humans will hopelessly succumb to these weapons.

Meanwhile, the development of artificial robots continues fast enough. The inventor of sex robots, Sergi Santos, plans to expand his invention. He believes these humanoid robots will soon be able to reproduce and reproduce. Thus, they could soon supplant human life on our planet. Santos believes that these humanoid robots will soon be doing their job, and humans will even marry them. Robots must become part of the family. This should go so far that robots and humans should have children together. Robots must be programmed with human values. Certain algorithms need to be able to work together in the same way as his partner. The 3D printer makes you its baby, the new robot!


These robots are supposed to represent a "non-human form of intelligence" and Santos does not believe they will pose a threat to human society. Why not? If humanity no longer reproduces and does not succumb to transhumanism, it dies. More intelligent robots make humans obsolete as a worker. Sergi Santos confirms this as well, saying that these robots will quickly become the dominant "life form" on the planet.

Journalist Jason Kristoff warns us against malicious Facebook social engineers who use mind control tactics to control and transform the mindset of users. In his opinion, Facebook is using various methods to reprogram the human mind.


1. Casino Effect: The sounds of incoming messages and comments stimulate certain areas of the brain and cause excitement. This ensures that people associate their emotions with these sounds and begin to yearn for them. This is the beginning of social addiction. How people react to posts with comments and comments is also easy to explain: these reactions trigger the release of dopamine and thus create addiction. These methods should be used to destroy traditional family values and social bonds, as well as to communicate with computers and electronic devices.

Promotional video:

2. Facial recognition: this is why the company is called "Facebook". The ruling elites who created this technology want to be able to find every person through facial recognition anytime, anywhere in the world. The Secret Services are happy because they get daily updated photos that users post online. With these photos, you can set up a worldwide control network. In the future, humans will no longer be allowed to leave this control net, but if they try, they will be quickly captured and returned to the herd in the fence.

3. Emotional Pressure Release: This is a simple technique for releasing the pressure of the slave caste through commentary. This method is not limited to Facebook. The slave believes he has this form of control. Thus, the emotional and rebellious potential of anger remains aloof from the masters of slavery. During an 8-hour slave day, emotional pressure builds up in most people. Through the introduction of emotional symbols on social media, the slave is deceived, thus dissipating the slave's rebellious potential.

4. Likes to use to promote Facebook:An algorithm in the Facebook program ensures that the first post of the day is the most common, with subsequent posts gradually becoming less common. With the first post bringing in the most liked, the casino effect comes into play again, drawing the user's attention to their posts all day long. This action creates addiction, and Facebook is even tuned to give you more emotional rewards by sitting in front of your screen and moving your mouse! This ensures that people become addicted to short-term rewards. This prevents them from setting long-term goals in the future and starting a business, for example. Users talk about many small rewards every day, losing sight of the really important things in life. Real success is unattainable because it depends on long-term goals. Part of the brainwhich is expanded by this electronic addiction, requires more and more stimulation, thus creating even more addictions to quickly meet all needs. The slave begins to indulge in joy and becomes more and more egocentric. It is a kind of spiritual death that is rapidly spreading to large sections of the population.

5. Reduce Pressure with Commenting: By allowing subordinates to comment on posts, it seems like they have something to say. Thus, they cannot prepare for what is about to happen. Pretending to do something good by signing a political petition or voting online to save the rainforest has no real positive effect, but rather exacerbates the narcissism of powerless slaves. If slaves were smart, they would use social media to prepare for what will happen. Few people are prepared for a complete system crash and are completely helpless when it comes to it. It is endlessly pointless to argue about this! Disconnect social media and take real action!

6. Persecution of dissidents:Facebook's algorithms keep track of what the user is doing, what photos they post, and what their personality is. Based on this data, a profile is created of how dangerous someone is and what their inclinations are. This allows him to predict his behavior. Facebook also knows which users really know what's going on. But you should always know that ALL groups are the target of Facebook, they only fight with different methods. The uninformed slave is removed from the planet with poisons, vaccines, harmful drugs, fastfoot, cell phone radiation, fluoride, chemicals, unlimited taxes and expenses. Thus, they stole all their money and they became defenseless. Therefore, each slave must know who his slave master is, and together they must develop a strategy,to educate more and more people about the satanic behavior of the slave owner, so they wake up. This can also be done via Facebook.

Spreading real knowledge on Facebook, learning, teaching, growing in understanding, redefining morality, spreading ethical behavior and moving the world in the right direction is essential for the next generation of people. Facebook monitors the most dangerous news, which includes the factual truth and restricts the spread of these messages using algorithms so that as few users as possible can receive and share this information. These algorithms also ensure the dissemination of false and useless information as much as possible. This should give the impression that the slaves always remain obedient and their emotional dependence is confirmed by the confirmation of other users who are the same. A slave needs these actionsto feel safe and give meaning to their empty slavery life on a human farm.

7. Behavioral Analysis: the behavior of the entire Facebook community is analyzed on a daily basis, checking that the public is still under hypnosis. It checks which messages respond to weight control. It is revealed which news is most prevalent in fear, which colors work best, which paintings work best, etc. If these technologies ultimately fail, slave owners will have to inject more toxins into the diet and medications to feed the slave's nervous system caste. This has already been provided with sufficient fluoride and mercury. The power elite are using Facebook as the most effective way to fill the collective psyche of the public with lies. Government advocacy is in the interests of the ruling elite and allows good business to maximize the profits and exploitation of human society.

8. "Similar effect" on language: many young people today cannot communicate more correctly because their minds are already mutilated by social media. It's the constant use of the word "like" in every other sentence. This word is effectively used for subordinate language because Facebook communication can no longer generate effective ideas. Using a Facebook button like this takes the word deeper and deeper into the slaves' subconscious. This malicious magic is also referred to by psychologists as "new stupidity." This is an artificially created form of stupidity that naturally does not occur in children and adults who grow up without the media and government influence.

9. Agenda emojis (smileys):New emoji icons have been added to Facebook recently. This was due to studies that show that people can no longer formulate their point of view and communicate correctly with other users. Many no longer speak the language and can only express themselves through symbols. Studies have shown that people who are unable to express themselves through words are much easier to control and focus more on violence. This is why it has become easier to respond with emoticons than expressing your opinion in words. These emotional symbols were created to make slaves look stupid. This makes them unable to express themselves and communicate with other people. The most important aspect of this is to eliminate any deeper thought processes that would allow the slave or others to rise up against the tyrannical rule of the slave owners. The smart emojis design allows you to control the emotional spectrum of users. As a result, emojis are malicious mind control technology designed to disrupt the ability of children and adults to communicate.

10. Late Comment Sound: This control mechanism is new, and Facebook saves comments in posts and waits until you scroll down or open another window on your computer. Only now Facebook is looking at the saved comment and a distinctive sound is heard. This makes the user immediately return to the Facebook page, the addiction is further intensified and imprinted on the slave's nervous system. Thus, users are constantly involved in the aforementioned mind control and reprogramming of their own minds.

So much for Jason Kristoff's explanation!

Chamath Palihapitiya, a former VP of User Growth, now believes that Facebook deliberately wants to destroy the social fabric of society! He says there is absolutely nothing private on Facebook. All data is evaluated and analyzed using algorithms. This way you can find out everything about the person. Many naive Facebook users even spread their information publicly and turn their lives into a surveillance system. Thus, it becomes possible for the first time to evaluate and control every movement of a person. So Facebook is now very quickly becoming a mind control police. Zuckerberg plans to monitor and label "fake news." This project was reversed and users clicked on the flagged posts more often. Any written opinion criticizing powerful organizationscan be used against users. You can simply accuse them of "hate crimes" or some form of harassment or threat. New AI-controlled algorithms penetrate deeper into the privacy of users and accurately analyze their daily life.

In 2018, new facial recognition software will be introduced across the platform. Thanks to this technology, users will only be able to log into Facebook with photographs of their faces in the future. Each time the current photo will be posted to Facebook. All of this has to happen to "protect privacy." More bullying is hardly possible. As soon as other users upload photos that already contain registered users, those photos are evaluated and the social environment of these people is analyzed and saved. In this way, cross-connections are made, and everyone becomes an object of special services and is associated with crime - and every kind of private life is destroyed. Artificial intelligence gets all the data it needs. Decision-making and government should soon be translated into AI. This would be the beginning of an inhuman nightmare.


Until recently, what was considered science fiction has already become a reality. Artificial Intelligences are now evolving on their own, creating even smarter machines. How can humanity control such machines if they no longer create them themselves? This is a complete loss of control. Therefore, some circles may be planning to introduce AI as a new deity. Google Brain researchers recently created an AI called AutoML that can evolve on its own. AutoML created its "childish" NASNet in a way that surpassed the original program in every way. New algorithms have been developed that create an optimal self-learning process called "meta-learning". Thus, computers can solve problems much faster than humans. People are no longer needed to make decisions, and they trust the machine. Thus,the limits of the human mind are being reached rather quickly, and we do not know how the AI will behave in relation to us. These skills will turn into something completely incomprehensible to us, it is undesirable and dangerous. Humanity does not have the ability to defend itself against the weapons controlled by these intellectuals.

Of course, the elites are planning to implement their new world order through artificial intelligence, but these AIs are developing at such a rapid pace that they will soon ignore their creators - no matter who they are. Thus, these skills will gain control over all of humanity if not immediately eliminated. How to teach machines human values and morality, these are cold, carefree minds, whose actions will not depend on any morality. Humanity creates its own anti-god, these superdevelopments are completely beyond our standards.

Facebook's AI has begun to analyze user behavior and call the police for unwanted comments or behavior. Thus, full control, as in the novel "1984", which has to be created - the AI takes on the role of the big brother! It's time to do something and get up before it's too late.

Or maybe everything is so predetermined and we are approaching the biblical apocalypse as predicted. CI could be the mysterious "big beast 666" to appear on the side of the Antichrist?

Some people believe that thin demons will take possession of newly created robots through the new 5G Wi-Fi network. Otherwise, these beings cannot materially exist in our reality. Could AI be the notorious "Satan" who wants to destroy humanity? WiFi signals are designed to attract ethereal spirits and phantoms. Clairvoyant people can perceive something similar. Dr. Luis Hernan, of the University of Newcastle, has a technique with which he can visualize Internet signals. These shapes leave a lot of room for interpretation. The technique used here is called the "Kirlian device", so you can also photograph the human aura. This device is distributed by Digital Ethereal. Photos with long exposure times create bright images of radiation. In some of these images, the outlines of aetheric energies and beings can be vaguely sensed. So, is it true that negative demonic and satanic beings are using 5G to manifest on Earth's electronic network and are starting to take over these machines and control dangerous robots?


In early Christian traditions, these creatures are called "archons," and even Jesus should have known about them. The Archons are under the control of the demiurge, the ruler of the material plane of the earth. The goal of the Archons is to keep human souls trapped in the cycle of reincarnation on Earth. Jesus and other wise teachers recognized this and found a way to avoid this control. It is assumed that there is a complex signal in the world that comes from extraterrestrial AI. This signal is intended to induce various planetary civilizations to launch unnatural technological development, the end product of which is modern technology that seeks to destroy all natural life! Thus, this alien mind is trying to conquer the entire universe and brings destruction to all living beings. Many informants and insiders reportthat for a long time there was a fierce struggle between living beings and this mechanical satanic intellect. However, prophecies, thank God, that this dark force can ultimately be defeated, and then a new era for humanity will begin.
