Underground Tunnels Under All Continents And Oceans Of The Earth - Alternative View

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Underground Tunnels Under All Continents And Oceans Of The Earth - Alternative View
Underground Tunnels Under All Continents And Oceans Of The Earth - Alternative View

In the myths and legends of all the peoples of the Earth there is evidence of an underground civilization parallel to humans, reptilian humans. These are Snakes Navi among the Slavs, Dragons in the legends of China and Asia, Nagas of India. There are similar legends among the Indians of both Americas and among the shamans of Africa.

Many researchers both in Russia and in other countries of the world stumbled upon strange underground tunnels, lying at a depth of about 200-300 meters, having a regular shape and smooth walls, as if made of melted glass.


The mysterious underground universe exists not only in legends. In the previous decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Deeper and deeper, adventurers and miners make their way into the bowels of the Earth, and more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that now almost under us there is a whole network of tunnels stretching for thousands of kilometers and also enveloping the entire Earth with a network, as well as huge, sometimes even inhabited underground cities.

Scheme of an underground city in Turkey


We can say that this mystery has been solved, because modern researchers have already made their conclusion - we are not the only inhabitants on planet Earth. The evidence of ancient years, as well as the discoveries of scientists of the 20th - 21st centuries, argue that mysterious civilizations have existed on Earth, or rather, underground from ancient times to the present day.


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Representatives of these civilizations, for some reason, did not come into contact with people, but nevertheless they made themselves felt, and terrestrial humanity has long had stories and legends about mysterious and strange people who sometimes come out of the caves. In addition, modern people have less and less doubts about the existence of UFOs, which were often observed flying out of the ground or from the depths of the seas.

Research carried out by NASA specialists in conjunction with French scientists have discovered underground cities, as well as an underground branched network of tunnels and galleries, stretching tens and even thousands of kilometers in Altai, the Urals, Perm region, Tien Shan, Sahara and South America. And these are not the ancient land cities that collapsed and over time their ruins were covered with earth and forests. These are precisely underground cities and structures, erected in an unknown way right in the underground rocks.


Polish researcher Jan Paenk claims that a whole network of tunnels has been laid underground that lead to any country. These tunnels are created using high technology, unknown to people, and pass not only under the surface of the land, but also under the bed of the seas and oceans. The tunnels are not just pierced, but as if they were burnt out in underground rocks, and their walls are a frozen melt of rocks - smooth as glass and have an extraordinary strength. Jan Paenk met with miners who came across such tunnels while driving Shreks. According to the Polish scientist and many other researchers, flying saucers rush along these underground communications from one end of the world to the other. (Ufologists have a huge amount of evidence that UFOs fly out of the ground and from the depths of the seas). Such tunnels are also found in Ecuador,South Australia, USA, New Zealand. In addition, in many parts of the world, vertical, absolutely straight (like an arrow) wells with the same melted walls have been found. These wells have different depths from tens to several hundred meters.


The found underground map of the planet, compiled 5 million years ago, confirms the existence of a high-tech civilization. (More https://www.liveinternet.ru/users/4684188/post20355 …)

For the first time, they started talking about the unknown underground people in 1946. This happened after the writer, journalist and scientist Richard Shaver told the readers of the American paranormal magazine "Amazing Stories" about his contact with extraterrestrials living underground. According to Shaver, he lived for several weeks in the underworld of mutants, similar to demons, described in ancient legends and tales of earthlings.

It would be possible to write off this "contact" on the rampant imagination of the writer, if not for the hundreds of responses from readers who claimed that they also visited underground cities, communicated with their inhabitants and saw various miracles of technology, not only providing the underground inhabitants of the Earth with a comfortable existence in its very bowels, but also giving the opportunity … to control the consciousness of earthlings!


The mysterious underground world exists not only in legends. In recent decades, the number of visitors to the caves has increased markedly. Deeper and deeper, adventurers and miners make their way into the bowels of the Earth, more and more often they come across traces of the activities of mysterious underground inhabitants. It turned out that below us there is a whole network of tunnels stretching for thousands of kilometers and enveloping the entire Earth in a network, and huge, sometimes even inhabited underground cities.

There are also legends in Russia about the mysterious people of Chud, which, from persecution, go to the undergrounds of the Ural Mountains.

Pavel Miroshnichenko, spelestologist and researcher who studies artificial structures, wrote about the existence of a system of global tunnels in Russia in his book "The Legend of the LSP". The lines of global tunnels drawn by him on the map of the former USSR went from the Crimea and the Caucasus to the well-known Medveditskaya ridge. In each of these places, groups of ufologists, speleologists, researchers of the unknown discovered fragments of tunnels or mysterious bottomless wells.

For many years, the Medveditskaya ridge has been studied by expeditions organized by the Kosmopoisk association. The researchers not only managed to record the stories of local residents, but also with the help of geophysical equipment to prove the reality of the existence of the dungeons. Unfortunately, after the Second World War, the mouths of the tunnels were blown up.

According to the stories of old-timers, the caves are underground tunnels located parallel to each other, with a diameter of, according to various sources, from 6 to 20 meters, besides having smooth and even walls. It was decided to start excavating the tunnels and placed snow-white flags for orientation. The top view was the following: the flags were placed as if by a thread! The cave was straight as an arrow. Until now, such flat underground rivers, faults or cracks have not been understood in nature. At the very top of the mountain, it was discovered that the cave was expanding to 35 meters, and three more branches extend from this large hall in different directions. And they lead … to the UFO landing sites. Thus, it turns out that the tunnels are somehow artificial. But who was it useful to build such an amazing structure? Such accuracy would be nicely needed,be this tunnel the runway of some underground airfield. But this version also disappears: firstly, before 1942, they did not build runways underground, but shelters for aircraft; secondly, a mountain located immediately before the exit would greatly interfere with the takeoff of the plane from the tunnel. Unless it was not airplanes that flew in the tunnel, but vehicles with an even better control system than airplanes.

It is also curious that quite by chance near one of the villages the builders accidentally dug up an old burial ground, where the skeletons of … giants, people 2.5 m tall, who lived here, perhaps, for a long time before the modern era, were found. In the village not far from the excavations, it is still remembered how in former times, during plowing, human skulls were often found on the field "the size of two times more common." And on the other side of the Medveditsa River, upstream, in the area of the village of the same name, other diggers have already opened an ancient burial of the Lilliputian people, whose height did not exceed 50-60 cm. The question "who stayed in this area?" - remains open …

Sablinskie caves


The sub-latitudinal tunnel stretching from Crimea to the east in the Ural Mountains region intersects with another one, which stretches from north to east. Therefore, along this tunnel, you can hear stories about the "Divyah people", which at the beginning of the last century went out to the local residents. "Divya people", - is told in the epics, widespread in the Urals, - they live in the Ural mountains, they have exits to the caves. The culture around them is the greatest. "Divya people" are small, very beautiful, and also with a pleasant voice, only a select few can hear them … An old man from "Divya people" comes to the square and predicts what will become. An unworthy person hears nothing, and also does not observe anything, but the men in those places know everything that the Bolsheviks are now hiding."


In South America, there are amazing caves connected by endless intricate passages - the so-called chinkanas. The legends of the Hopi Indians say that people-snakes live in their depths. These caves are practically unexplored. By order of the authorities, all entrances to them are tightly closed with bars. Dozens of adventurers have already disappeared without a trace in the Chinkanas. Some tried to penetrate into the dark depths out of curiosity, others - because of the thirst for profit: according to legend, the treasures of the Incas are hidden in the Chinkanas. Only a few managed to get out of the creepy caves. But even these "lucky ones" were permanently damaged in their minds. From the incoherent stories of the survivors, one can understand that they met in the depths of the earth with strange creatures. These inhabitants of the underworld were both human and serpentine at the same time.


There are snapshots of fragments of global dungeons in North America. The author of the book about Shambhala, Andrew Thomas, based on a thorough analysis of the stories of American cavers, claims that there are direct underground passages in the mountains of California that lead to the state of New Mexico.

Once the American military also had to start exploring the mysterious thousand-kilometer tunnels. An underground nuclear explosion was made at a test site in Nevada. Exactly two hours later, at a military base in Canada, 2,000 kilometers from the explosion site, a radiation level 20 times higher than the norm was recorded. Geologists' research has shown that there is an underground cavity next to the Canadian base that connects to the huge cave system that runs through the North American continent.

There are especially many legends about the underworld of Tibet and the Himalayas. Here in the mountains there are tunnels that go deep into the ground. Through them, the "initiate" can travel to the center of the planet and meet with representatives of the ancient underground civilization. But not only wise beings who give advice to “initiates” live in the underworld of India. Ancient Indian legends tell of the mysterious kingdom of the Nagas hidden in the depths of the mountains. It is inhabited by the Nanasy - people-snakes who keep countless treasures in their caves. Cold-blooded like snakes, these creatures are incapable of experiencing human feelings. They cannot keep warm themselves and steal warmth, bodily and spiritual, from other living beings.


A very interesting testimony about the visit to the mysterious tunnels was left by the famous traveler and initiate Georgy Sidorov in his book "The Radiance of the Highest Gods and the Crackers":

“Having had a quick breakfast, we harnessed the reindeer and, jumping on the sled, rushed down the gentle slope. Thirty minutes later it was full daylight, and I saw a chain of low hills approaching us.

- Here we are at the goal, - showed the roller * cheldon to the hills. - A little more and let go of the deer.

This meant that we would not be here for a day or two, but much longer. Having driven three or four kilometers, Svetozar stopped the sled and, nodding at a boulder sticking out of the snow, said:

- You see, if there are outliers like this on the slopes of the hills, remember the shape of the boulder, this is very important, then the entrance to the underworld is nearby. Look, the boulder is practically one. Other stones from it stand at a distance of two hundred or more steps. This is also a sign, ” the cheldon pointed with his hand to the stones lying in the distance. - Let’s untie the deer, while I’ll dig out the slab covering the entrance to the well.

When I returned, the entrance to the underworld was already open. A flat stone slab resembling a large shield was pushed aside and gray basalt steps were visible under it.

- Welcome! - the keeper pointed at them. - Only me first. And you follow me.

- But what about the light! I asked.

- I have this! Cheldon pulled out a flashlight from his bosom. - And then without light you will have to walk about five hundred meters, no more. Then everything is illuminated.

I didn't ask who, I just silently followed Svetozar.

The guardian with a backpack on his shoulders walked in front and illuminated the road with his flashlight. I did not lag behind, track in track, moved after him. The steps sloped steeply downward, and there was such an oppressive silence around us that it seemed like the beating of our hearts could be heard.

Taking my eyes off the steps for a second, I looked at the walls of the tunnel. And he was amazed: they were covered with something smooth and shiny, like glass.

- What is it? - I touched a strange substance with my hand.

- Obsidian, - Svetozar turned to me. - Once upon a time, the gallery was burned with a laser. See which walls? They are round. This is what is left of the fused basalt. A substance like glass.

When we walked a couple hundred more steps, a faint light dawned ahead.

- You see! - showed the keeper. - This is a gallery or crosscut. It is fully illuminated.

- What ?! - I could not resist.

- You will see soon, Svetozar mysteriously looked at me. - Only please, do not be surprised at anything. A fairy tale has begun for you. And now you are a fairytale hero.

When we entered the gallery, I saw on its ceiling a glass lamp elongated like a drop, in which something was dazzlingly glowing. The lamp was suspended from the ceiling, which is approximately three and a half meters high. Behind this strange lamp, at a distance of ten paces, another lantern was shining, followed by a second, then a third, a fourth, and so on - all over the crosscut. Thanks to these amazing fixtures, the gallery was fully illuminated. Opening my mouth, I looked at the stunning picture and could not understand where I was.

- Why don't the wires run to the lanterns? - I pointed to the ceiling to Svetozar.

- What for? - smiled the sorcerer. - Plasma glows in them. Energy comes from the ether, it is visible and invisible around it!

- How does she do it? No instruments visible!

- And you won't see, because the whole construction is field. From the higher dimension the energy of the ether flows into ours. Hence the bright glow.

“It's still a mystery to me,” I said.

- With time, you will figure it out. I also goggled at first. Come on, let's go and go!

And we walked side by side on the smooth floor of the gallery. Ten minutes later, I felt that I was not only warmed up, but I felt hot.

- What, are you afraid to fry? - Svetozar looked at my flushed face. “I’m too hot, so I suggest you throw off your outerwear here and go light.”

With these words, the sorcerer untied the ties of his fur coat and laid it on the floor. Looking at him, I did the same.

- It's actually warm here! - I raised my hand. - Maybe the lights are warming?

- We just went downhill. This is the natural warmth of our mother Earth. Let's go, they are already waiting for us! It's not good to be late! - Svetozar spurred me on.

- Who? - I goggled at him. - Isn't it the Minotaur? This is just the place for him!

- Minotaur! Ha ha ha! - the sorcerer laughed. - Do you hear, Dadonych, they called you the Minotaur!

At that moment, literally someone in all white came out of the wall. I recoiled at the sight of him. Cherdyntsev's eyes were staring at me.

“I told you that we’ll meet soon,” he put his sinewy hand on my shoulder. And you doubted …

- But how? - I wondered. - Is that possible?!

- As you see! - Svetozar pointed at Dadonych. - I told you that our grandfather has a stupa in the snow near the hut.

- Do not invent an unbelievable thing! - the old man cut off the cheldon. - No stupa. You just don't know a lot, buddy. But this is fixable. Two hundred years later, maybe even earlier, and you will learn my tricks.

- In two hundred !!! - my legs gave way.

- What don't you like? This is a normal period.

- Wherever you throw it - it's all nonsense! Everything is easy! And in fact? There is a whole temporary abyss here!

- I don’t understand you? - Dadonych stepped back from me. - Don't you want to live?

- Or maybe two hundred years are not enough for you? - Svetozar supported his friend.

“And I want to live, and I’m not averse to telepathy for a couple of hundred years. It's just that your tricks do not fit in my head!

Hearing my last word, Cherdyntsev frowned.

- That's what you say, but don't talk! We're not from the circus! Before you are two guardians, you fool! On knees! - suddenly shouted Dadonych. - Right now, on your knees! Otherwise, I'll turn you into a frog, and you'll croak here for ten years! To meet and see us off.

Not understanding what was happening, I was involuntarily at a loss. Dadonych looked quite serious, but what a strange demand?

- Let me kneel for him, O Great? - Svetozar said, lowering his eyes and folding his hands on his chest. - He's so wild and dark that he doesn't understand who he's dealing with?

And then the cheldon began to descend.

- Look what his face is! - suddenly Cherdyntsev pointed at me. - He actually believed in my demand! Ha ha ha! - echoed through the gallery again.

This time I crumpled too.

- Well, we were joking and that's enough! - Calming down, Cherdyntsev looked at us. - I hope you showed Beloslav the ruins?

- We were even on the nearest pyramid. On the slope where the observatory once stood, - smiled cheldon.

- Well, well done! Now it's time to show our future helper something else. Let's go!

And the old man walked briskly through the gallery. A few minutes later, having passed a lot of intersections, he led us to a massive bronze door.

- Open it! - the old man showed Svetozar to the closed doors.

Svetozar held out his hand and the door began to swing open slowly. When it opened, we entered a gigantic hall illuminated by huge lamps.

- What is it? - I did not understand. - Where did we end up?

- Look carefully, young man, - Dadonych pointed to the floor of the hall.

And then I was dumbfounded. In front of me was a giant map of the earth's land carved out of various kinds of minerals and rocks. It had oceans and seas! There was everything! At the sight of such beauty, I grabbed my head. Consciousness refused to believe."

This review cannot cover the entirety of the topic. I hope it will serve as an impetus for new seekers.
