We Live In A Completely Different World From The Past - Alternative View

We Live In A Completely Different World From The Past - Alternative View
We Live In A Completely Different World From The Past - Alternative View

Video: We Live In A Completely Different World From The Past - Alternative View

Video: We Live In A Completely Different World From The Past - Alternative View
Video: Coldplay - Don't Panic (Official Video) 2024, September

Still not convinced that the Earth is warming up quickly? And what do you say to that: the last time the global monthly temperature was below average was in February 1985! If you are 30 or younger, not a single month of your life has been colder than average.

“We live in a completely different world from the past,” says Mark Eakin, coordinator of NOAA's Reef Control Service. According to Ikin, it will not be long before the same age group will live only in temperatures above average.

Michael Mann, a climatologist at Pennsylvania State University (USA), in turn, believes that as long as people continue to heat the planet by burning fossil fuels, there is no "norm" or "average".

“Temperatures that are considered unusually warm today will be moderate in the future,” Mann says. "And what we will call warm in the future has no analogues now."

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) recently announced May 2016 was the 13th consecutive hottest month in a row. The series of record-breaking warm months is the longest since the beginning of weather observations in 1880. Temperatures in May 2016 were 0.87 ° C higher than the global average for the 20th century.

David Carlson, director of the World Climate Research Program, said the state of the planet's climate in 2016 "provides many reasons for concern."

In his statement, Carlson listed some of the most important "calls": "Extremely high temperatures, the rate of ice melting in March and May, which we usually do not see until July, the only generations of showers in memory."

“Super El Niño is only partly to blame,” he adds. "Anomaly is the new norm."

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NASA data shows that July 1985 was the last month with global below average temperatures. It was followed by 370 consecutive months with average or above average temperatures - slightly less than NOAA estimates. NASA uses the 1951-1980 time frame as its "reference period".

NOAA and NASA have declared 2015 the warmest year on record. Man-made global warming and strong El Niño are to blame for the extreme heat. 2016 is already on the way to breaking the record of the previous year. Gavin Schmidt, director of the Goddard Space Research Institute, is almost 100% sure of this.