Ten Miracles Of The Kazan Icon Of The Mother Of God - Alternative View

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Ten Miracles Of The Kazan Icon Of The Mother Of God - Alternative View
Ten Miracles Of The Kazan Icon Of The Mother Of God - Alternative View

Video: Ten Miracles Of The Kazan Icon Of The Mother Of God - Alternative View

Video: Ten Miracles Of The Kazan Icon Of The Mother Of God - Alternative View
Video: MARVELLOUS DIVEYEVO 2024, September

November 4 is the day of celebration of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. The miraculous Kazan icon of the Mother of God is considered one of the most revered Orthodox icons, because after its miraculous appearance Russia was saved from enemies more than once, and thousands of people received healing from numerous diseases, especially from eye diseases and blindness. Today we decided to tell about ten miracles of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God.

The Kazan Icon of the Mother of God is a miraculous icon of the Mother of God, which appeared in Kazan in 1579. The prototype of this icon has been lost.

The miraculous appearance of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

The miraculous appearance of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God occurred in the summer of 1579, when there was a terrible heat and dryness in Kazan, because of which a terrible fire began to blaze in the city. It began near the Church of St. Nicholas, and then spread to the Kazan Kremlin. Many believers wept and grieved at this terrible sight, while unbelievers laughed and gloated. In that terrible fire, the roofs of many families burned down, including the archer Daniel Onuchian. And now his daughter Maronushka had a vision one night - the Mother of God Herself - the Most Holy Theotokos - appeared to her.

The Most Holy Mother of God told Matrona to find a place where Her icon lies underground, and this very icon could be reached. Matrona was very impressed with this dream and told her relatives about it, but they did not believe her, because the Orthodox people knew that it was very dangerous to attach importance to dreams. But Matrona had a dream not just once or twice, but three times. And for the third time Matrona saw that the Mother of God was angry that the girl had not dug up the icon. It was then that the Mother of God said to Matrona: "If you do not fulfill My command, then I will appear in another place, and you will perish."

Then Matrona was seriously scared, then her parents believed her. And Matrona and her mother began to dig in the indicated place, where they found the holy icon. Archbishop Jeremiah arrived at the place of the miraculous finding at the head of the clergy. and soon the icon was transferred with a procession to the Annunciation Cathedral, and during the procession with the miraculous Kazan icon, two blind men, Joseph and Nikita, were healed.

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Intercession for Russia before the Poles

In those days when Moscow was occupied by the Poles, and strife was widening throughout the Russian land, one of the sufferers for the Holy Faith and the Fatherland, being in custody, managed to secretly send a letter to Nizhny Novgorod, in which he ordered to write to Kazan as soon as possible to Metropolitan Ephraim, so that he sent a teaching letter to the regiments to the boyars and the Cossack army, so that the soldiers would stand firm for the faith and do good deeds: they would stop robbery, help the unfortunate and do other useful things.


The citizens of Nizhny Novgorod immediately responded to the call of the chief priest. The assembled militia was led by Prince Dimitri Mikhailovich Pozharsky, and the Kazan squads who joined him brought with them a copy of the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. It was then that the Most Holy Lady took all the militia under Her protection, and Russia was saved by Her intercession.

As soon as the Poles were expelled from Moscow, Prince Pozharsky placed the holy Kazan icon in his parish and richly decorated it. Later, Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich established two days to celebrate in honor of the Kazan icon: July 8 (July 21) - the day the icon was found and October 22 (November 4) - the day when the Moscow state was cleared of the enemy.

Insight of a blind baby

The Mother of God manifested many miracles through her miraculous Kazan image. And then one day an unfortunate woman came to the temple, whose little child was completely blind. The mother held the baby in her arms and prayed for a long time with tears before the holy and miraculous Image of the Mother of God for the insight of her child's blind eyes.

And suddenly, at some point, the baby began to touch his mother's face with his hands. All who prayed before the Most Pure Image, together with the archbishop, looked at the baby and saw how he touched his mother's face with his hands. Then the archbishop commanded that an apple be brought to the child, which the baby immediately began to grab. It was then that everyone made sure that the child had received his sight and immediately gave glory to God and His Most Pure Mother, Our Lady of Our Lady, who works wonderful miracles.

Insight of the monk Joseph

Joseph, a monk of the Trinity Monastery in Kazan, suffered from blindness. Having learned about the great miracles working from the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, he came to the cathedral church of the Most Holy Theotokos and served a prayer service before Her icon, but Joseph never received healing at the end of the prayer service. Inoka was overcome with grief and grief with which he went home.

When he came to his house, he decided to lie down and rest, and when he dozed off, he suddenly saw an icon of the Most Holy Theotokos, from which he heard a voice commanding him to go to the house of the Most Pure One, serve a prayer service, and then wipe his face with a shroud. After which the Mother of God said that the monk would receive healing. When Joseph did what the Mother of God commanded him, he immediately received his sight.

Healing the Relaxed

In Kazan, at the prospfirny of the Posad church of the First-Supreme Apostles Peter and Paul, the faithful and God-fearing widow Julita, the son of Isaac had been in relaxation for two and a half years. His illness was so severe that he could not even put his feet on the floor. Having learned about the miraculous Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, Isaac asked his mother to serve a prayer service at the Image. Isaac himself lay in his house and tearfully prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos in order to see her miraculous Image for himself.

At some point, Isaac felt a slight relief from heavy relaxation and, by the grace of the Most Pure Theotokos, suddenly got up on his own feet, trying to walk a little. Isaac immediately took two staffs and. relying on them, he went to the monastery to the miraculous Image of the All-Merciful Mother of God. When Isaac saw his own mother, she was so amazed that she did not immediately come to her senses, and when she came to her senses, she realized what a great miracle the Mother of God had performed and, falling before the Most Pure Image of the Mother of God, began to earnestly thank the Mother of God with tears. When Isaac was finally healed, he and his mother gave praise and glory to God and the Most Pure Theotokos and went home, while praising and glorifying the Most High God, Working wondrous and glorious miracles.

Defense for Russia in the Great Patriotic War

In 1941, it seemed to many that there would be no salvation. Then the Metropolitan of the Lebanese mountains, Elijah, received a revelation from above, and what was told to him, he passed on to the Soviet leadership. The most amazing thing was that Joseph Stalin did everything that was ordered. And according to the order - after the end of the war, Stalin had to tell about how Russia was saved.

After the war, Stalin learned that Metropolitan Elijah prayed every day before the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God for intercession for Russia and victory in the war. Stalin thanked Metropolitan Elijah by giving him an icon of the Kazan Mother of God, a cross with jewels and a panagia decorated with precious stones from all regions of the country, so that all of Russia could participate in this gift. On Stalin's personal order, the most skilled jewelers made a panagia and a cross.

Metropolitan Elijah was greeted in Moscow very solemnly, and when he received wonderful gifts, he said the following: “I am happy that I happened to witness the revival of the Orthodox Faith in Holy Russia and see that the Lord and the Mother of God did not leave your country, but on the contrary - honored her with special Grace. With great gratitude I accept these gifts from all the Russian land, as a memory of my beloved country and its people."

Healing Sore Feet

One boyar's son, whose name was Ivashka, nicknamed Kuzminsky, had a wife. Who was sick with a terrible disease - her legs were so sick that she could not even move them. Moreover, the disease got worse and worse every day. And no one could help the unfortunate woman in any way. Having learned about the miraculous Kazan Image of the Most Pure Mother of God, the woman asked her to come to him.

And when she saw the painful image of the Most Pure One, then with extraordinary faith and hot tears she began to pray to the Most Holy Theotokos, asking the Lady for Her mercy. And so, during the prayer service, the woman was immediately healed and already went home with her healthy legs, overwhelmed with joy and thanks to God and His Most Pure Mother for her miraculous healing.

Healing from dementia

In the city of Laishev there lived a man named Kozma, who suffered from the ailment of dementia. At some point, his relatives advised him to go to the Kazan Monastery to the Most Pure Mother of God and ask for healing. When Kozma regained consciousness, he immediately began to pray to the Most Pure Theotokos for healing. And so, by the grace of God and the help of the Mother of God, Kozma received healing. He served a prayer service and immediately received complete healing from a relaxed mind, became healthy, and when, rejoicing, he went home, he fervently praised God and the Most Pure Theotokos.


In the city of Sviyazhsk lived the priest of the church of St. Nicholas the Great the Wonderworker John, and he had a wife named Domna. There lived a neighbor next to them, who, by the action of the evil one, deliberately or by innocence, gave Domna a drink to such a state that she, Domna, turned into a mad woman who, disheveled and wild, shouted and shamed both her husband and herself. Those who saw this were terrified, and some laughed and made fun of, because everyone knew that John was a respected man, who hated drunkenness and all malice.

At that moment, as it happened, the priest himself was not in the city, as he was absent on his business. But soon he heard from his relatives and home about the misfortune that had happened to his wife. By that time she had fallen into terrible despair and became gravely ill from fear and shame. And then a demon possessed her, because of which her illness intensified. Now, every day and night, more than ten times ravages happened to her - she behaved like a wild animal, gritted her teeth, fought in a fever, and foam flowed from her mouth. And so it was her suffering until thirty-five weeks.

The priest, the same John, constantly prayed to God and the Most Pure Mother of God for the healing of his wife, calling for help and the holy saints of God. He took his wife to Kazan to the miraculous Image, but Domna was never healed. And on February 11, 1593, the abbess of the monastery, Mary, a voice in a dream ordered the demoniac to be applied to the miraculous Image at the time when the demon began to torment Domna.

Mother Superior Mary told this to the priest John. And so, when once again the demon began to torment the possessed woman, they took her and attached her to the miraculous Image of the Most Holy Theotokos. And immediately at the same hour, Domna freed herself from the fierce demon and became healthy. Giving thanks and unceasing praise to God and the Most Pure Mother of God, she returned home with her husband.

Healing a dying soldier

This story was told by one of the sisters who worked in the hospital during the Great Patriotic War. Then they had a wounded soldier Nikifor Rudin in the hospital for a long time, who was hit in the stomach by an explosive bullet. He was brought in in a terrible state - the temperature was kept at about 40 ° and more all the time, the pain in the wound and abdomen was terrible.

Every day Nikiforus was getting worse and worse, so they decided to have him operated on. On the eve of the operation, an all-night service was served in the hospital with the Miraculous Icon and the soldier Nikifor, who was a believer, asked his sister to light a candle and pray fervently for him. The sister did just that. And on the night from Saturday to Sunday, a real miracle happened - Nikifor suddenly had abundant discharge of pus, but such that all the linen on him and the bedding were completely wet, the temperature subsided, the pain subsided, and from that day he began to noticeably recover, and then and was completely healed after a small operation.