The Unsolved Mystery Of The Ancient City Of Gede - Alternative View

The Unsolved Mystery Of The Ancient City Of Gede - Alternative View
The Unsolved Mystery Of The Ancient City Of Gede - Alternative View

Video: The Unsolved Mystery Of The Ancient City Of Gede - Alternative View

Video: The Unsolved Mystery Of The Ancient City Of Gede - Alternative View
Video: Wandering Aida - Gedi Ruins, Kenya 2024, June

Today, the ancient ruins of Gede are a popular tourist attraction in Kenya. People are attracted by the mysterious remains of ancient cities, be it Pompeii or Chersonesos. And if the ruins are seasoned with a good secret, then you will not find a better advertisement.

Gede was built at the end of the 13th century, and by the middle of the 15th century it had become a lively trade center. This is evidenced by artifacts found by archaeologists: jewelry and coins made of precious metals, porcelain from distant China and Arab countries, and various glassware. The remains of buildings directly speak of the high level of civilization: the city had several mosques, the Sultan's palace, and numerous residential buildings.


It was surrounded by a defensive wall with towers. Separately, it should be said about the water supply system in Gede - an extremely important moment for arid Africa. Archaeologists have unearthed over 30 wells that connected to each other at different levels. At the same time, the water was accumulated in special reservoirs, providing the citizens with the necessary moisture.

It is safe to say that the city flourished. However, at the beginning of the 16th century, this came to an end. A large part of the population was massacred by soldiers sent by the Sultan of Mombasa. Actually, he wanted to punish Sultan Malindi, but something went wrong. Most likely, the soldiers were not strong in geography and confused Gede with Malindi.


Despite the massacre, the townspeople rebuilt the city and continued to inhabit it. But already at the end of the same 16th century, an unknown tragedy forced all residents to leave Gede forever. They ran away in a clear haste, light.

Scientists from different countries and ordinary history buffs still wonder what happened five hundred years ago in distant Africa. Two versions are leading. According to the first, people left because the water ran out. The wells were unexpectedly empty, and they urgently had to look for another place to live.

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According to the second version, a certain fatal incurable disease has come to the city. Some people died, while the rest fled in panic. Both versions are quite plausible. But it is unlikely that humanity will ever know what actually happened.