Special Waves Of Unidentified Flying Objects Can Paralyze A Person For A Short Time - Alternative View

Special Waves Of Unidentified Flying Objects Can Paralyze A Person For A Short Time - Alternative View
Special Waves Of Unidentified Flying Objects Can Paralyze A Person For A Short Time - Alternative View

Video: Special Waves Of Unidentified Flying Objects Can Paralyze A Person For A Short Time - Alternative View

Video: Special Waves Of Unidentified Flying Objects Can Paralyze A Person For A Short Time - Alternative View
Video: Watch: TODAY All Day - July 9 2024, September

Let's try now to figure out what can happen with paralysis, which many UFO observers have experienced. Understand and find the relationship between the electromagnetic effects of UFOs and this phenomenon.

The fact that here the effect is directly on the nerve fibers of the autonomic nervous system is unconditional. Namely, to those parts of it that are responsible for conducting impulses to the organs of human movement, since with paralysis resulting from the approach to a UFO, vision, hearing, and breathing, like consciousness, do not undergo any changes. There comes only complete immobilization of a person, which passes immediately or 20-30 minutes after the departure of the UFO. What caused such a selective effect on the nervous tissue?

Perhaps the size of nerve fibers that serve as conductors to the musculature of the human musculoskeletal system (after all, it is known that larger fibers have lower threshold values of excitability). Or is it that the impulses that set the human body in motion and are essentially voluntary are probably somewhat different from those that control the unconscious functions of our body?


The mechanism of the UFO effect on the conducting nerve fibers creates artificially induced action potentials in them. Half of these potentials will naturally move in opposite directions from the signals generated by the brain.

Having collided, they can neither penetrate each other, nor continue their movement in the initial direction, nor "bounce" back, since behind each of the impulses lies a zone of "dormant" nerve about two centimeters long. The time of remission of the nerve is, as is known from very simple experiments, about one millisecond.

Several pairs of impulses, colliding with each other, simultaneously "turn off" a significant part of the conducting nerve fiber. A specially selected frequency of exposure of a nerve to microwave energy can turn off the nerve fiber for a long time: until the moment the exposure to it ceases. So, in short, there may be a mechanism of microwave action of a UFO, causing immobilization of observers who tried: to approach the devices at a short distance.