The Congressman Demanded That The US Navy Explain The Situation With Unidentified Flying Objects - Alternative View

The Congressman Demanded That The US Navy Explain The Situation With Unidentified Flying Objects - Alternative View
The Congressman Demanded That The US Navy Explain The Situation With Unidentified Flying Objects - Alternative View

Video: The Congressman Demanded That The US Navy Explain The Situation With Unidentified Flying Objects - Alternative View

Video: The Congressman Demanded That The US Navy Explain The Situation With Unidentified Flying Objects - Alternative View
Video: Classified UFO report to be released to U.S. Congress 2024, September

According to Congressman Mark Walker, UFOs can pose a threat to the life and health of Americans.

Rep. Mark Walker, Republican from North Carolina, wrote a formal appeal to the head of the Navy, Richard Vaughn Spencer, demanding answers to questions related to UFOs. According to the congressman, the recent surge in news about unidentified flying objects may indicate threats to US airspace and internal security.

Walker believes that these issues are broader and deeper than they might appear at first, and go beyond the current purview of the military and intelligence.

Mark Walker wrote a letter to Spencer on July 16, 2019. He then posted it on his website on July 29, three days after he went to Fox News to appear on the Tucker Carlson Tonight TV show, where he voiced his concerns.

Mark Walker
Mark Walker

Mark Walker.

“The reports mention the existence of these meetings both domestically and abroad - during various military missions and training sessions,” Walker wrote in his address. “If the data is correct, unidentified flying objects could pose a serious security threat to our military personnel and defense apparatus. As a member of the House of Representatives National Security Committee and the Intelligence and Counter-Terrorism Subcommittee, I believe these reports are relevant to national airspace and internal security.”


Walker demanded a concrete explanation from the Navy of what exactly the infrared systems of the fleet fighters were recording. According to the congressman, we are not necessarily talking about "extraterrestrial intelligence": perhaps the American pilots encountered Chinese hypersonic aircraft. Walker himself, as follows from the letter, has no answers to these questions.

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As The Drive notes in his material, Mark Walker's letter coincided with the widespread introduction of new AN / APG-79 active phased array radars into the onboard equipment of F / A-18E / F Super Hornet fighters, as well as new containers with an infrared system search and support IRST. Thus, the aircraft of the Navy received fundamentally new capabilities. According to a number of experts, "unidentified flying objects" may also turn out to be "childhood diseases" of the new equipment.

Ilya Vedmedenko