Ancient Finds, The Processing Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View

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Ancient Finds, The Processing Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View
Ancient Finds, The Processing Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Finds, The Processing Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View

Video: Ancient Finds, The Processing Of Which Is Difficult To Explain Without High Technology - Alternative View
Video: Evidence for Ancient High Technology - Part 1: Machining 2024, September

In this article I will show you 3 ancient artifacts, the processing level of which is much higher than the acceptable capabilities of those times.

1. The lid of the sarcophagus from Egypt

About 10 years ago (if I am not mistaken), archaeologists discovered an interesting sarcophagus lid near one of the pyramids of Egypt.


It is interesting for its size, workmanship and material of manufacture.


The lid is not made of any sandstone or limestone, but solid basalt, which was incredibly difficult to work with in ancient times. Moreover, the cover was dated to 2400 BC.

Promotional video:

True, I dare to doubt the dating, because its creation was attributed to the pharaoh, who allegedly built a pyramid, next to which archaeologists discovered this wonderful artifact.

Let's go back to the quality of basalt processing. Aside from minor damage to the lid over time, the finish is ideal even for modern standards.


Archaeologists seem to refuse to notice the ideal complex shapes, angles, transitions, protrusions and holes made in the basalt, supposedly with the help of primitive tools.


In addition, debris from the base of the sarcophagus was found near the lid. The most interesting thing is that in some areas there are traces of tools that were used by ancient builders.

Photo of the wreckage of the base.


Next, I will show you photos of the vaunted traces of tools, and you already decide for yourself whether they could be primitive or not.


By the way, this cover is in the public domain, so if you are in Egypt, you may well get to it and inspect it personally.

2. A mysterious artifact from a museum in Turkey

This exhibit primarily raises 2 main questions.

What is it, and how is it done several thousand years ago?


Even though most of the artifact has been preserved, the question of its purpose remains open, although it was officially named a bowl.


But even if we assume that a few thousand years ago people used primitive tools to create such bowls from obsidian, then in our history many important points are clearly missing.

However, in addition to a dozen complex and incomprehensible elements for the bowl, there is another serious nuance here, which allows us to talk about the use of high technology in its creation.

On the walls of the artifact, traces of tools remained, which, with a strong desire, can hardly be called accessible to ancient people.


With a cherry on the cake, you can add a find located in the museum near our "bowl". You do not need to be an expert in any field to distinguish the quality of processing of 2 products.


I just cannot understand why historians or archaeologists refuse to notice such a huge difference in the level of technology and traces of tools that are simply impossible to miss.

It remains a mystery to me.

3. Basalt artifact of their Indian temple

An ancient basalt pillar with 16 perfect faces is located in the Indian temple of Mahabalipuram. Initially, it was a monolithic basalt column, about 4 meters high. Over time, it was shortened a little, so now only one and a half meters are left of it.


Imagine how difficult it is to cut such a product with even corners without the use of modern tools. Consider that any mistake by the wizard will damage the entire object.

However, this post is simply perfect, both in terms of handling and accuracy. A famous Indian researcher calculated what the angle should be to create such an artifact.


After calculating, he went to the temple and measured every corner of the pillar in question. As you think, the measurement completely coincided with the preliminary calculations. Who in ancient India could create such an accurate object about 1000-2000 years ago and in what way?


I personally do not deny the possibility that the pillar could have been created by an ancient unknown civilization using high technologies, after which it was found by people and used by them.