Footprints Of The Gods: Hal-Saflieni Underground Labyrinth In Malta - Alternative View

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Footprints Of The Gods: Hal-Saflieni Underground Labyrinth In Malta - Alternative View
Footprints Of The Gods: Hal-Saflieni Underground Labyrinth In Malta - Alternative View

Video: Footprints Of The Gods: Hal-Saflieni Underground Labyrinth In Malta - Alternative View

Video: Footprints Of The Gods: Hal-Saflieni Underground Labyrinth In Malta - Alternative View
Video: The 6,000-Year-Old Underground Labyrinth: The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum of Malta | Ancient Architects 2024, October

The mystery of the ancient underground temple in Malta …

The underground temple of Hal-Saflieni, located in the city of Paole on the island of Malta, is a real mystery that does not fundamentally fit into the "academic theories", which are usually used to replace scientific knowledge. Khal-Saflieni was carved out in the thickness of a limestone rock about six, or even seven thousand years ago (according to the official dating, scientists admit earlier values). But which civilization built a multi-level, branched Maltese labyrinth, carved out at a depth of eleven meters? What functions did this underground structure perform? Finally, where did the wonderful builders go, all traces of which are lost in time?..

Back in 1980, the Khal-Saflieni hypogeum was included by UNESCO in the list of the most significant monuments of the cultural heritage of mankind. And some historians insist on the recognition of the Maltese hypogeum as the eighth Wonder of the World.


The discovery of Hal-Saflieni happened quite by accident. At the very beginning of the twentieth century, in 1902, intensive housing construction was carried out in the suburbs of Paola. The workers, starting the construction of another house, punched a well in the rock, in which it was supposed to install a cistern to collect water. At the same time, it turned out that there is some kind of cavity in the thickness of the rock.

And although it immediately became clear that the cave was of artificial origin, the developers, not wanting to lose profits from the lucrative concession, ordered the work to continue. And they began to dump construction waste into the cave. Doesn't it look like anything? Today's developers do this all the time. Unfortunately…

The walls were covered with ocher-colored geometric patterns, mostly in the form of spirals. In addition to human remains, the remains of sacrificial animals were found, which completely refuted the initial hypothesis that there is a catacomb church cemetery here in the early years of the Christian era: Christians did not sacrifice animals.

After 1907, the excavations were continued by the Maltese archaeologist Temi Zammit. The most significant of his discoveries is the "Chamber of the Oracle" with amazing acoustic properties, which are worth talking about in more detail …

Promotional video:

Maltese underground floor plan


At the second level of the Hal-Saflieni hypogeum in Malta is the so-called "Chamber of the Oracle". This is perhaps the most interesting object of this underground temple. There is a small oval niche in this room at the height of the face of a person of average height. If you say something in a low voice, the sound, amplified many times over, will spread throughout all the underground rooms. But if you say something in a high-pitched voice, even those who are nearby will not hear you. So the niche only responded to male voices? Women were deliberately excluded from the list of those who were allowed to say something in a niche?.. Here is such a strange, to put it mildly, acoustic phenomenon!

Acoustic studies conducted by the Maltese composer Ruben Zara and a group of Italian scientists showed that the sound in the "Oracle Chamber" resonates at a frequency of 110 hertz, which corresponds to resonance frequencies in many other ancient places of worship, in particular, in Newgrange, Ireland.

Such acoustic effects have a very strong influence on the psyche of people.

According to scientists, a resonant sound at such a frequency, as it were, turns on the area of the brain that is responsible for mood, empathy and social behavior. In addition, a person in hypogea feels this sound vibration with all tissues and bones of his body. This directly leads to an altered state of consciousness …

In addition, this labyrinth has long been marked by many other mysterious phenomena and … disappearances of people. Back in 1940, National Geographic magazine wrote in the same: "Some daredevils who managed to squeeze into the Khal-Saflieni chamber disappeared in the depths of the passage without a trace and forever." People disappeared even in groups, and not just one by one … The facts of disappearances occur in different years, which speaks of the unity of this phenomenon. They never found anyone afterwards.

The lowest room of the hypogeum keeps the secret of antiquity. The steps leading to it end at a height of several meters above the floor level. Why? Most likely, there was a pool filled with water, which was taken for cooking and other household needs. And the surrounding chambers most of all resemble not a temple, but … an underground bunker. Which takes us back to the times of the “War of the Gods” (and the official chronology confirms this), when people could escape from the revelations of a terrifying confrontation … Similar “bomb shelters” are perfectly preserved in other regions, for example, in India. We recently had material about this.

Whereas the underground sanctuary of Khal-Saflieni became only later - in ancient times. This version is the most plausible.

We just have to watch the impressive video of Hal Saflieni, the Maltese bunker-labyrinth: