Deep State - A Hybrid Of Corporate America And National Security Structures - Alternative View

Deep State - A Hybrid Of Corporate America And National Security Structures - Alternative View
Deep State - A Hybrid Of Corporate America And National Security Structures - Alternative View

Video: Deep State - A Hybrid Of Corporate America And National Security Structures - Alternative View

Video: Deep State - A Hybrid Of Corporate America And National Security Structures - Alternative View
Video: Untold History of the United States: Bush, Obama and the age of terror 2024, September

"They are sucking money out of the country as soon as they can."

Deep State is ingrained in America's political vocabulary, but the reality behind it is not clearly defined. This expression usually denotes a certain bureaucratic Golem, a conglomerate of representatives of military, financial, intelligence structures; it is a behind-the-scenes network, or a state within a state, which has the power to impose decisions on the legitimate authorities, and more often to replace them.

However, this expression was born not in the USA, but in Turkey. A deep or parallel state (Derin devlet) in Turkey is called an influential coalition of representatives of the special services, the army, the judiciary and the mafia. The Deep State was spoken about when the expression was used by Bulent Ecevit, who served as Prime Minister of Turkey several times in the 1970s. American security expert, former NSA analyst John Schnidler writes in the Observer magazine that Derin devlet meant a group of military and intelligence officers who, with their behind-the-scenes actions, supported the course of Kemal Ataturk, fighting Islamists and Kurdish separatists by means of subversive operations, violence, propaganda.

The mechanisms of the American deep state were described in the fundamental monograph of Tufts University professor Michael J. Glennon, National Security and Double Government (2015), based on The Washington Post's July 2010 investigation, Top Secret America. The investigation was led by reporter Dana Priest, 2008 Pulitzer Prize winner in the most prestigious Service to Society category, and columnist William Arkin. In total, more than 20 journalists worked on this project, which was funded by the Center for Law and Security at New York University Law School.

The subject of the investigation was the evolution of the US national security system after September 11, 2001. Over the course of a decade, top secret cities have grown in the United States, even entire territories that form a deep state. In this "top secret America", investigators found 1,271 government organizations and 1,931 private companies; the total number of their employees could not be determined, but it turned out that over 850,000 people there have access to information classified as "top secret", and about a third of them are employees of private companies.

The Washington Post reporters found a whole "anti-terrorist" cluster in the vicinity of Washington, where the National Security Agency (NSA) and 80 other secret agencies and organizations are located on the territory of the Fort Meade military base. According to the publication, such a cluster pumps about $ 10 billion a year into the region's economy. In total, the Washington Post journalists managed to find three more such "closed cities" in the United States. Despite their scale, few people know about the secret cities. As a rule, there are no signs on the roads leading to them, houses and streets may not have names. You can find out about the approach to such cities when the GPS-navigator begins to behave strangely, distorting the data on the distance to objects, suggesting illogical detour routes.

The Washington Post investigation was not the only attempt to infiltrate the secret world of America's Deep State. Military analyst Mike Lofgren, who served thirty years on the budget commissions of the US Congress, eventually became imbued with disgust at what was happening in America's corridors of power. He left Capitol Hill, quit the Republican Party and wrote The Party Is Over: How Republicans Went Crazy, Democrats Became Useless and the Middle Class Got Shafted (Game Over: As Republicans Got Shafted, Democrats became useless, and the middle class was deceived ). The book was published in 2013.

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And in 2014, Mike Lofgren published an essay, Anatomy of the Deep State, in which he tried to define the Deep State as a hybrid of corporate America and national security structures. In the summer of 2017, in an interview, he once again repeated his main conclusions:

Lofgren lists the state and corporate structures of America, which, from his point of view, interact, and form that behind-the-scenes symbiosis that the Deep State is:

Lofgren also refers to several key federal courts as the Deep State, such as the Eastern District of Virginia and Southern District of Manhattan, which hold confidential national security cases. Probably, today Lofgren would have ranked among the structures of the deep state and the Federal Court of Montana, which on November 8, by the decision of Judge Brian Morris, blocked the Keystone XL pipeline project: Trump signed a decree on the resumption of this construction immediately after he became president of the United States, and after that, how in 2015 Obama imposed a ban on the construction of an oil pipeline. “The decision made by the judge was political. I think it's a shame, ” Trump told reporters on November 9. - 48,000 jobs. I approved it. According to the US Department of State,Keystone XL can provide 42,000 jobs during construction and 35,000 permanent jobs thereafter.

With a pledge to appeal the restraining verdict of Federal Judge Brian Morris, Donald Trump kicks off a new round against America's Deep State. He has no way to avoid this fight: according to former White House chief strategist Stephen Bannon, the deep state poses a direct threat to the presidency of Donald Trump.

