London As The Capital Of The "deep State" - Alternative View

London As The Capital Of The "deep State" - Alternative View
London As The Capital Of The "deep State" - Alternative View

Video: London As The Capital Of The "deep State" - Alternative View

Video: London As The Capital Of The
Video: Donald Trump and 'the deep-state' 2024, September

The player is always given the game that he is playing, the handwriting, therefore, the “deep state” as a geopolitical player can be identified - with a certain, of course, error. This player clearly manifests itself on the world stage with the beginning of the confrontation between US President-elect Donald Trump and a bipartisan group (or "superparty") of American neocons, who suddenly turned out to be powerful enough to defame the US president and threaten him with impeachment through the US Congress.


Then a new term appeared in the Western press - "deep state" (HD), which easily manipulates the American "democracy" and can really limit the powers of the US president. President Trump constantly uses the term GG in his speeches, especially after the next attacks on him in the press.

It is noteworthy that the campaigns to discredit Presidents Trump and Putin are coordinated, conducted from one center - this is one big game of the "deep state". A fake is thrown through an anonymous person or through a “source” that says nothing to anyone. Chosen politicians like the late Senator John McCain give it a go, label it, make high-profile statements, and then kick off a defamation campaign in fake media like CNN.

The dossier on "Trump - Putin's Agent" was fabricated in London by MI6 agent Christopher Steele by order of a certain US law firm; it "accidentally" ends up on the desk of the late John McCain, who gives him an official move and simultaneously shares a sensation with CNN. A recent example. A senior White House anonymous official reports in the New York Times that there is a conspiratorial group in the presidential administration that is "working hard" against President Trump.

In Britain, the campaign against Russia and President Putin has begun and continues in a similar way: someone poisoned the Skripals in Salisbury with something. Prime Minister Theresa May immediately, prior to the first results of the investigation, Highly Likely, accuses Russia of using the Novichok OV. This haste is explained by the fact that Theresa May is “out of power”, according to Labor leader Jeremy Corbyn, she was simply ordered, and “Novice” may be from Porton Down laboratory and was planted at the site of the poisoning, for example, by MI6 agent Christopher Steele. with his reputation.

A recent example. Anonymous "Apollo", a certain Russian diplomat allegedly recruited by MI6, identifies fitness tourists Boshirov and Petrov as "GRU agents" who visited Salisbury on the day of the poisoning of the Novichok OS Skripals. Both Apollo and the recovered Skripals are still not presented to the public, while Boshirov and Petrov gave a lengthy interview to Margarita Simonyan.

These facts allow us to conclude that the "deep state" is extraterritorial, and its main base, the "capital", is apparently located in London. It is in London that the main fakes are fabricated: the dossier on "Trump - Putin's agent" and the "Skripals case" against Russia and Putin.

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The initiative of anti-Trump and anti-Putin campaigns also usually comes from London, and then is picked up by the United States and pushed by them in Europe. London boldly takes on the broadcast of the most absurd scenarios and accusations. This suggests that he is not afraid of objections, he is, as it were, the highest authority, which no one in the West dares to criticize. Indeed, all Western countries, including the United States, show solidarity with any absurdity from London: "Trump is Putin's agent" and "Putin poisoned the Skripals."

The "Deep State" with its capital in London stands, as it were, above all Western "democracies" and through its propaganda campaigns dictates its will to both America and Europe! Note that London independently initiates a referendum on leaving the European Union. Then-US President Barack Obama comes to Britain to openly campaign against Brexit, but it doesn't help. Already President Obama cannot influence the decision of the "deep state", presented as the will of the people in a referendum!

In fact, the "deep state" is trying to rule the entire world, and primarily the United States and the West. Therefore, President-elect Trump with his slogan "America First!" becomes for the GG internal enemy number 1, and President Putin with the military might of Russia - external enemy number 1. China and other Asia are also enemies of the GG (as states possessing a certain sovereignty), even Japan and South Korea, but secondary. They can wait.

The head of "Rusal" Oleg Deripaska by chance opened the face of this GG for us. They tried to recruit Deripaska as a US agent in Russia; apparently, they remember one of his public clashes with Putin, but Oleg abandoned this dangerous mission. And after that he said something about the secret government in the United States: it is a conglomerate of financiers, special services and the media. Isn't that why Rusal and Deripaska himself were subjected to tough US sanctions? Isn't that why the Ukrainian oligarchs, including President Poroshenko, are so obedient to the United States? Are they just recruited agents?

But productive capital, apparently, is not part of this secret power, but it is from this capital that Donald Trump comes and relies on him. Global media blame Trump for destroying the unity of the West, and this is yet another propaganda fake. Trump and his "production team" are destroying the power of the "deep state" because they are trying to seize control of, if not the entire West, then at least the United States, this is the internal conflict between the West, Trump and the US Congress, behind which is the "deep state", according to the opinion of President Trump.

But if the "deep state" is a conglomerate, then it cannot do without internal contradictions, and some part of it indirectly supports President Trump, so he still manages to hold the post of US President. It can be assumed that the "deep state" is a combination of Anglo-Saxon and Jewish elites, and then Israel has some shares of the GG, the right to vote, and it is he who supports Donald Trump.

And President Trump, in turn, is moving the US Embassy to Jerusalem and fully supports Israel's policy in the Middle East against Iran. Trump is radically changing the course of the United States in the Middle East, abandoning the policy of Obama and Secretary of State John Kerry, from the so-called "nuclear deal with Iran" and moving on to an even tougher policy of anti-Iranian sanctions.

In general, we can talk about the conflict between the Anglo-Saxon and Jewish shareholders of the "deep state", which was evidently manifested in the positions on the Trump presidency and Iran. Trump is more likely a protege of Israel than an absurd "Putin's agent", but Anglo-Saxon shareholders cannot throw such an accusation at their Jewish "colleagues" and grab hold of their other enemy No. 1 - Vladimir Putin.

Therefore, by the way, Israel is pursuing a more independent policy than the European Union and Germany, which do not have the right to vote in the SG and are forced to show solidarity with all its absurdity, unlike Israel. Therefore, Moscow maintains special relations with Israel: they allow to go to some extent on the inner kitchen of the GG.

If Trump relies on Israel in the holy of holies of the "deep state", then the Anglo-Saxon, neoconian elites of this "state" oppose him. We can name their public representatives today. These are ardent critics of Trump, for example, the late Senator John McCain, his loyal ally Kurt Volcker, of course, George Soros and all "democracy" singing about "Trump's collusion with Putin" produced by MI6. Perhaps the ex-Secretary of State John Kerry, who started secret negotiations with Iran, for which the incumbent Secretary of State Mike Pompeo called Kerry a "member of the gang" waging against President Trump.

Russia is using contradictions within the "global state" to its advantage. Russia recently received Kurt Volcker with a "secret", unannounced visit, in spite of his special mission in Ukraine, and on the other hand, Israeli officials …

Author: Victor Kamenev
