Television "hits Its Own " Why Is Russia Losing The Information War To The West? - Alternative View

Television "hits Its Own " Why Is Russia Losing The Information War To The West? - Alternative View
Television "hits Its Own " Why Is Russia Losing The Information War To The West? - Alternative View

Video: Television "hits Its Own " Why Is Russia Losing The Information War To The West? - Alternative View

Video: Television
Video: April 2017 Q&A - Part 1 2024, September

Cold shower! No, rather, shock - this was how my condition could be defined after the words of 14-year-old Maxim. He is a smart guy, he tries to know and be able to do as much as possible, speaks French almost fluently, plays the guitar, learns modeling, threshes a pear in the morning, pulls dumbbells … In general, it would seem that he is healthy in body and spirit, but here it is gave out that, as they say, at least stand, at least fall. Moreover, he asked him, one might say, an innocent question, which is often asked to young people of his age: “Who do you want to be? Have you decided already? " Judging by the fact that the answer sounded instantly like a shot, it became clear that the decision had already been made and considered: "The President of the Russian Federation!" "And the program, probably, is already there?.." "Yes, I want to return the greatness of Russia!" And then that stream of phrases sounded that plunged me into extreme amazement:"This Putin's Russia … The roads are bad … We must withdraw the troops from Ukraine and give up Crimea … We are in international isolation … The economy has collapsed … There is no freedom of speech …" and so on.

The teenager scribbled these words without stopping exactly a machine gun until he fired at me all that standard set of claims that liberals of the “local spill” and visiting foreign Russophobes “shoot” at the Russian authorities at every opportunity. And they try to poke our nose more painfully into our own social problems. In comparison with the well-fed and well-off, of course, the West …

Maxim compared our life to life in France, where he visits his parents from time to time. The Russians, he said, are in a deep "pit". But to my question about how many France can conditionally fit on the territory of only the European part of Russia, I could not say anything (this is the problem of Russian roads!) I started counting and was very surprised when it turned out that it was more than six. He never thought about how badly our country was destroyed by the war, the consequences of which are felt to this day. (And no one made him think so!).

I had to reassure the guy, they say, and for his share there will be plenty of things to do in Russia. At the same time, he asked where he had accumulated rubbish about the "Putin regime" and "decaying, crumbling Russia", which he threw on my head like that bucket of rubbish, which at the time of them the townsfolk shook out of the windows of Paris onto the wide-brimmed hats of the royal musketeers, that is, right to the streets, as was customary in Europe at the beginning of the 20th century?

Maxim referred to the TV, where "they say so every day." And he even named such TV channels as "First" and "Russia 1". He watches them almost regularly, trusts them more than the Internet. In such cases, they usually say that with such friends no enemies are needed, since it is “such friends” who, knowing the situation well from the inside, hit the most vulnerable spots. And when real Russia asserts its historical greatness, TV, distorting reality, portrays our country as a kind of monster, a threat to the entire "civilized world", where corrupt officials, bandits, maniacs (including nuclear), and generally moral freaks live, on one parties, and the police, who are essentially a mirror image of the former, on the other hand.

Namely - in general, since today television is perceived as a single system. It, in fact, reproduces the Möbius loop (or Klein bottle), on the surface of which you go in whatever direction, all the same, in the end, you find yourself at the starting point. And this point will certainly be advertising. She is the alpha and omega of modern TV, the meaning of its existence. It is an illusion that we watch films and programs on TV. In reality, we are shown an advertisement that occupies a fifth of the television time (20%), divided into uneven segments, between which the directors insert fragments of the TV production of suitable size. It used to be: you don't like advertising, click - and you find yourself in another reality. Today, no matter how you click, you get into advertising. And almost the same on all channels. A completely stable impression is createdthat there is a cartel agreement between the producers, which does not give the viewer the slightest chance to choose. And what great values does advertising on Russian TV bring to the masses?

First of all, the same as the television of any other country.

It is very convenient for them that consumers follow certain standards in their preferences: they drive the same cars, wear the same clothes, eat the same food, drink the same drinks, etc. The standardized mass is easy and simple to manage, so the daily exposure of advertising to potential consumers contributes to the formation of more than just consumer preferences. Advertising becomes part of the social environment, which participates in the formation of certain standards of thinking and social behavior of various segments of the population.

Promotional video:

Pay attention to how people (consumers) behave in advertising who have tasted, say, a coveted candy or coffee, a glass of juice, bought new pants, a fur coat and whatever. In Russian speaking, they start to freak out: they jump, grimace, grimace - they seem to have slightly clinked glasses with immeasurable joy. And this is still quite a tolerable behavior. And remember those moral monsters who, at the sight of low prices, start to frantically grab goods and shout “I take! I'll take it! " In general, abnormal transformations often occur with the "heroes" of videos. So, a white singer known for his unconventional inclinations, having bite off a chocolate bar, suddenly turns into a black rapper, and a British comedian into a samurai (a transparent allusion to transgender people). And here's another: a cup of coffee suddenly makes the girl so excited that she clings to the hook of the crane,which takes her to the other side of town, where she immediately opens her coffee shop. (Very similar to the effect of "light" drugs.)

What manufacturers actually add to their products is anyone's guess. At the same time, all actions take place in a certain country, where, against the background of signs and other inscriptions in English, the text in Russian sounds, however, the songs accompanying the "picture" are sung in English.

In addition, all this kind of "neologisms" (sorry, idiocy) stupidly combine into ridiculous texts and mediocre verses. And so a thousand times in a row. Here, whatever one may say, but the following conclusion also suggests itself: the level of intelligence of advertising performers is quite adequate to the level of customers. As they say, fisherman fisherman …

But we, ordinary TV viewers, what are we suffering for? We were “bored” with burgers, twisters, cat and dog food, cooking on weekends performed by show business stars, renovating summer cottages and apartments, and medications, without which everyone can die. And - of course, cars as a sign and evidence of personal … No, not material prosperity, but success, dignity, public recognition. Very similar to the mind, honor, conscience of our era, remember? And also - loans, credits, loans … Contraceptives, means to increase potency and feminine hygiene items - where can we go without them? They both came to us from the West along with liberal values in the early 1990s, and have remained to this day. Today they are advertised in the daytime, apparently so that our first-graders, like their European peers, learn the basics ofwhat advertising calls "the most important".

In general, such a, in principle, simple "menu" offers us television advertising. The real essence of this virtual "splendor", I think, may well be characterized by some phrases from the videos. One, for example, sounds in advertisements for meat products: “Taste is something worth living for”. And the second is about a mysterious (or mysterious?) "Food city" on the outskirts of Moscow, where they sing and sell. In our capital, there are a number of other "networks", and also … You can't remember everything: a good part of the dictionary of English words is scattered by the "generous" hands of the Anglo-Saxons and (our!) Liberals in Russian cities and villages, and mainly on Russian television (and radio, by the way). American propaganda, as the US State Department once noted, is not propaganda at all, it is the seeding of Russian territory with the seeds of Western democracy. So they are sowing …

Americanization has swept over our TV so much that, I think, it has become one of the threats to Russia's national security. Maybe channels should be fined for using foreign words on TV, as, for example, it is done in Spain or in the same “brotherly” Ukraine for using the Russian language. By the way, you are unlikely to find advertisements in Russian in any country, and we even have signs in Moscow, not to mention the metro, in many places in the spirit of languages: Russian and English. What is such an honor for our geopolitical opponents? Smells like slack, however, gentlemen Smerdyakovs!

It is clear that television is a business, the main goal of which is to generate profit by any means and methods, as in any other area of free enterprise. Images that are forbidden by cultural taboos turn out to be especially profitable for TV. The list of such images is constantly expanding, and they are becoming more and more destructive. Negative programs are broadcast around the clock. TV does not help a person develop his best qualities, but dulls them. As a result, TV indulges that in a person that yesterday was considered secret, indecent. And it turns it into a norm of being. And what is "above the belt" can sometimes be shown to the people only in the middle of the night - here at midnight you can watch children's films and kind films of Soviet times! There is no place for the reasonable, kind, eternal on our TV.

Apparently, it is on television that the so-called. "Overton window". It is not surprising because (but outrageous!) That there are more and more channels, and less and less attractive, smart content.

Television thus becomes a “generator” of violence that goes from screen to life. Some channels broadcast crime dramas, melodramas and even crime comedies for hours, sometimes almost days, especially during the summer holidays (they kill “very funny” there!). For years, Channel 5 has been running an endless Trail, I would call the channel that. NTV would be renamed into "Cop Wars": no matter what film was shown there, it is still about these very wars. Or maybe it would be worth calling "Dog", as the Ukrainian-Russian TV series "Dog" ("Dog-2", "Dog-3" and so on), shown for the third or even fourth time, is called, where the dog turns out to be the most clever hero. This is something like a TV series about Mukhtar, where the police do not shine either. If I were in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, I would have protested long ago to all Russian television, which portrays our defenders,firstly, most of them are idiots, and secondly, scoundrels and corrupt officials. The question is: who, therefore, benefits from denigrating the system of law enforcement in Russia? Is it not the one, first of all, who is now strenuously trying to “rock” the country, provoking riots in the streets and squares of Russian cities?

And Channel One and "Russia 1" gave themselves up to various talk shows and melodramas, where they rarely do without "cops" (and, accordingly, without sacrifice). As for talk shows, Ukrainian issues have been actively discussed in political "TV battles" for the sixth year already. And what is the effect of all these programs, which, according to the statements of their hosts, are watched in Ukraine as well? The result, as meteorologists say in such cases, is minus zero.

One of the TV presenters spoke curiously about this: they say, how can you not talk about it every day (from two to six hours on different channels) if the war is on the Russian border?

Yes, you can say something, of course, and even then the result of these conversations is not so important, much more alarming is the fact that practically such programs have become platforms for the propaganda of Russophobia. Here, any stranger (visiting) guest performer from Ukraine or from another Russophobic-minded country, posing as a political scientist, gets the opportunity to pour streams of mud on our Fatherland with impunity. In any other country, such a “daredevil” would be quickly put behind bars for such speeches, and our television proudly declares: it looks what great freedom of speech we have! This, ladies and gentlemen, is not freedom, but permissiveness. And by the way, where are the law enforcement officers looking?

Let me note that federal TV channels cover the entire territory of Russia with their broadcasting, which means that after such programs, millions of Russians feel spat upon. At the same time, State Duma deputies, well-known politicians, and high-ranking officials are actively involved in many anti-Russian actions played out on television platforms … I just want to ask them: after such a TV broadcast, you are not "pressed" anywhere?..

Any achievements of our Fatherland - political, military, scientific, industrial, artistic - will not lead to a qualitative change in Russia, if only for the reason that they are simply not shown to the people, they continue to stuff them with garbage tailored according to Western models.

It is possible to speak a lot and correctly about the danger of anti-Russian and Russophobic propaganda of the West, having in mind, first of all, news broadcasts, but the deepening degradation of the artistic and entertainment part of the mass media can do Russia no less harm. I, for example, when I remember the program "Fashionable Sentence", I shudder. One view of the host, who looks like a cockatoo parrot in his colorful outfit in the mating season, is already frightening. And the defenders of the "defendants", especially the singer Babkina or the TV presenter Baranovskaya, turn the conversation about fashion into dirty showdowns of the "type" who, where, when and with whom … About a dozen minutes are left for fashion. A "criminal", that is, a woman who allegedly neglects her appearance and dresses in the old fashioned way, is brought to such a state that she is about to cry and faint. Then they slightly tint it,they change their clothes and admonish them with the words: now a new life begins … And if the husband or the groom of the “defendant” participates in the program, then he gets, as they say, in full for the unkempt appearance of his wife / bride. The show, in general, is not about fashion (about it in passing and by the way). She, excuse me, is just empty chatter about "men and women" (Babkina and Baranovskaya are in their element here - they get excited, moralize!). And, in essence, it is humiliating for those for whom, it would seem, it was created.). And, in essence, it is humiliating for those for whom, it would seem, it was created.). And, in essence, it is humiliating for those for whom, it would seem, it was created.

The program “Let's Get Married” is also related to her in spirit (the people called her “the groom”). There, too, shamelessly poking around in the "dirty laundry" of the so-called. grooms and brides, at the same time in the context of this "picking" there is a marketplace as at any other fair: how to sell yourself at a higher price. Do the applicants for a hand (in this case, it is a sin to think about the heart!) Have a car, an apartment? How much does he earn? About education, upbringing, reading, speech happens very rarely. About museums, theaters, cinema, not to mention temples, too. Nobody cares about morality at all. However, if we talk about morality, it would be nice to start with the leaders. Perhaps that is why people with a difficult legacy of several marriages come to “marry” and “fiance”. On such programs, the level that is said to be "below the belt" is clearly visible. But all sorts of establishing kinship through DNA is even lower than "below the belt" … Television has generated such a militant phenomenon as Malakhovshchina, but this is a topic for a special conversation. And if you try to give it a short definition, it will sound something like this: vulgarity multiplied by cynicism.

The question is: how today can one explain to a schoolchild at least something about high love and duty to loved ones, when every day he sees on the air examples of a feverish search for a profitable partner and replacing him with a new one? You can show the best examples of art in museums as much as you like, but if a stream of mediocre songs and other musical crafts pours from the TV, then the latter is most likely to remain in the mind of a person. You can create the most correct state programs in culture and education, organize years of literature and history, restore museums and monuments, make the school curriculum more meaningful, return patriotic education and work with youth (all this is important and necessary),but continued vulgarity on television, coupled with permissiveness on the Internet, largely negate these efforts.

60% of young people learn about what is happening on TV, a little more than 70% from the Internet (in the older age group, the corresponding figures are 90% and 10%). At the same time, Russian television, as in the rest of the world, has long been not just a mass media, but a powerful system for programming the consciousness of millions of people, an instrument for controlling their behavior, the world of psychological compensation, a source of pleasure, the main factor in the formation of any ideas about life. … Today it is obvious that it is no longer enough to define television as a means of mass communication (mass media). According to many scientists, television today is a complex social phenomenon that can and should be studied in different aspects.

But the writer and patriot Mikhail Zadornov, who passed away not so long ago, once said: “My friends brought an application for a television comic show (one of the TNT channels) and the producer read it and said:“Guys, this cannot be removed.” They ask him: "Why?" He says: "Where is the vulgarity?" They specifically demand vulgarity from the authors. I sometimes ask editors - tell me, do you yourself watch what you are shooting? They say: “What are you doing ?! We do for cattle! " When you watch such programs, you remember who you are considered to be. My wish, my dream is for people to turn off the TV one day!"

I also want this. Especially after listening to the speech of the adviser to the President of the Russian Federation Sergei Glazyev within the framework of the youth-patriotic camp-forum "Donuzlav-2018", certain provisions of which for five years at least, starting from the Crimean spring, should have not only a guide to the action of the authorities and our entire society. “The Americans are waging the Third World War to maintain their hegemony in the world. We call it a hybrid one, but you can rest assured that this is a real war,”he said and named several pivotal areas (fronts, according to his definition), along which the US is pursuing a destructive policy against Russia, China and some other countries.

And then there are local television channels, which, together with federal ones, have a powerful network over Russia!

But Russia is complacent, and we are clearly losing the information war. The situation with our television, in fact, is very reminiscent of the story about which the poet-front-line soldier Alexander Mezhirov said: “We are all sitting in the trenches, // Artillery hits our own, // This is our intelligence, probably // The coordinates were incorrect … // We still have to hit on strangers, // And she - on her own, on the dear ones. " And I painfully think: and our "television artillery" from whose intelligence did it get the coordinates? And who are ours for our television, and who are strangers? And is it ours at all, if even for such thinking guys as my nephew, it cuts the mind into an enemy's way?

Author: Valery Panov
