On The Role Of Matriarchy In Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

On The Role Of Matriarchy In Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
On The Role Of Matriarchy In Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: On The Role Of Matriarchy In Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View

Video: On The Role Of Matriarchy In Ancient Civilizations - Alternative View
Video: Top 10 Societies Where Women Rule 2024, June

South America never ceases to amaze archaeologists with its ancient artifacts and discoveries. Have you ever heard of the ancient Mochica culture that lived on the territory of modern Peru over 1200 years ago?

In our time, archaeologists have found evidence that this civilization was ruled by women - many ancient female tombs have been found and not a single male.

Researchers suggest that this people could be ruled by a priesthood, among which were exclusively representatives of the "fairer sex".


It was here in 2006 that archaeologists discovered the burial place of the famous "Lady Cao", who passed away about 1700 years ago - the researchers believe that she was one of the female rulers of Peru.

Many copper plates in the shape of waves and seabirds were found in the burial, as well as various kinds of gifts and offerings. Along with the remains of the priestess, there was a ritual mask and a ritual knife, as well as the remains of five children of different ages.

Archaeologists have found traces of a violent death on the remains - it is quite possible that they were sacrificed in order to accompany their ruler to the afterlife.


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This is not the first such find. For some reason, many ancient peoples had a belief that not only the things that he used during his lifetime should be put in the grave of the deceased ruler, but also his horses, all personal guards, and sometimes the closest relatives.

Something similar was found among the Scythians and Vikings, only there were men rulers. As for the matriarchal system, it was very popular among ancient civilizations.

Especially among those who preached pagan beliefs, in which there was a cult of the Mother Goddess, who led the pantheon of gods. The ancients were much more respectful of the feminine principle.


Similar beliefs were found among many ancient peoples in various parts of the world. Some researchers believe that in ancient times women could be not only rulers, but also warriors - it is enough to recall the many legends about the warlike Amazons who housed in the steppes and deserts, excellent riders who for some reason did not use saddles.

For a long time, researchers believed that the legend of the Amazons was nothing more than legends. However, recent archaeological excavations in the south of our country have confirmed that all this was based on real historical facts - archaeologists discovered many mounds in which noble women of that time were buried.

And in addition to jewelry and other items, many weapons were found in such mounds, both cold and ranged weapons - bows and arrows.


It can be assumed that these women were engaged in military affairs. You can also remember the matriarchal state of Minangkabau, which existed in the 13th century on the territory of Sumatra.

But in this state, the main family was a woman who disposed of all property and land. In our time, matriarchy has practically disappeared.

One of the civilizations where it has survived to this day is the Maori people living in New Zealand. Even now, the tribal leader there is a woman.


For this people, the man was always in a subordinate position and was something like a modern housewife, who took care of children and unquestioningly did all the physical work.

The Chinese also had something similar - the Moso people living in the Sichuan province. There, the man never left his mother and is not involved in raising children.

It also happens that a grown-up child does not even know the name of his father. Their language is also interesting, in which the word "father" simply does not exist.