It's Time To Run. Scientists' Hypotheses About The Causes And Date Of The End Of The World - Alternative View

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It's Time To Run. Scientists' Hypotheses About The Causes And Date Of The End Of The World - Alternative View
It's Time To Run. Scientists' Hypotheses About The Causes And Date Of The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: It's Time To Run. Scientists' Hypotheses About The Causes And Date Of The End Of The World - Alternative View

Video: It's Time To Run. Scientists' Hypotheses About The Causes And Date Of The End Of The World - Alternative View
Video: Three ways the universe could end - Venus Keus 2024, October

It is necessary to tick off the planet and master new worlds, and for this - to develop space technologies. We won't be able to find a suitable planet, so at least we will get a chance to return to a clean one.

Mankind has no more than a thousand years left to trample the earth, according to the famous British theoretical physicist Stephen Hawking. Let's remember how many times we were promised the end of the world.

“I do not think that we will survive for a thousand years without escaping from our vulnerable planet,” stated Stephen Hawking, listing the most likely scenarios for the inglorious demise of earthly civilization.

Trouble scenarios

And these scenarios, frankly speaking, do not shine with novelty and have been beaten by science fiction writers thousands of times. First, nuclear war. Mankind has already accumulated any aggressive explosive technology to the eyeballs, so many nuclear mushrooms can be stuck on the planet that all living things will perish almost instantly. Hawking also has no faith in artificial intelligence: starting with multi-ton primitive computers, earthlings can end up easily creating a self-developing computer brain, which will crumble humanity into a small vinaigrette.

The third attack - a terrible virus that burst out from the bowels of a secret laboratory - has also long been loved by Hollywood. But, unlike his writers, Hawking does not believe in the happy end: “Genetic engineering can be done in a small laboratory. And you can't keep track of each of them. Therefore, accidentally or intentionally, we can create a virus that will destroy us."

Next on the list are global warming, which has already set the teeth on edge, and the raid of evil aliens-enslavers. With both, in general, everything is clear: in the first case, the Earth is waiting for the fate of an extremely overheated Venus, in the second - a total cleanup for the needs of new inhabitants.

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It is worth saying that the physicist has been coming out with such apocalyptic "prophecies" for a long time. There were, I remember, also horror stories about giant asteroids and the hadron collider, experiments with which not only the Earth - the entire Universe was turned inside out …

The conclusion is always the same: it is necessary to tick off the planet and master new worlds, and for this - to develop space technologies. We won't be able to find a suitable planet, so at least we will get a chance to return to a clean one. Indeed, when flying at superluminal speeds, a year of travel will turn into a thousand years on Earth. And during this time, our ball will recover from the cataclysm, and the invaders-humanoids, God willing, will die themselves …

Analyze it

Stephen William Hawking, theoretical physicist, popularizer of science


What is the reason for Hawking's obsession with the universal end is anyone's guess. Perhaps, this is the fault of an elementary desire to once again remind of oneself. Perhaps the scientist sees his mission in periodically reminding the townsfolk of the importance of starfaring.

Or maybe the reason is in banal sadness, which no-no, yes rolls over an elderly scientist who does not shine with health? “We hear prophecies about the end of the world from time to time,” psychotherapist Irina Zhirkova told VM. - Only in my memory there are several hundred voiced. And how much was in the entire history of mankind? Countless.

It seems to me that such statements are always the result of an internal crisis experienced by either a specific "prophet" or humanity as a whole. And in the latter case, the "prophet" is only a conductor of the moods hovering in society: the state of hopelessness and regression is so acute for many that the idea of an imminent universal end is already perceived as almost a blessing and deliverance.

Savoring the details of the next upcoming Armageddon, earthlings seem to subconsciously dream of the end of that unrighteous world in which they happened to live, dream of rebirth, the psychologist believes. By the way, this is how many suiciders think, for whom death is just a path to rebirth: - All the more so because here they also sweeten us the pill, urging us to leave the vale of grief and start from scratch in a new place. Will it work? I doubt it. Without a deep inner transformation, without revising the priorities and strategies of behavior, the thought of the end of times, I think, will haunt the saved humanity even on the most distant planets of the Universe.


2010 A black hole generated by the Large Hadron Collider was supposed to engulf the Earth.

2011 From May 21 to November 21, the apocalypse was predicted by American preacher Harold Camping.

2012 December 21–23 - the end of the world according to the Mayan calendar.

2013 On February 14, the planet Nibiru was supposed to move closer to the Earth, shift its magnetic poles and end humanity.


■ February 22 - Ragnarok, the death of the gods: a giant cloud of gas and dust was supposed to cover part of the solar system, destroying all life on Earth;

■ December 21, 10:00 Moscow time - recalculation of the end of the world in Maya.


■ March - the end of the world according to the prophecies of the Athonite elders and according to the data of the Ukrainian historian Nikolai Chmykhov;

■ September 3 - according to the Mayan calendar (recalculated by the writer Fritz Barnkubov);

■ September 17 (according to Herbert Stallors);

■ autumn (according to pastor Mark Biltz).


■ The death of humanity from infection (allegedly Nostradamus) and melted glaciers (climatologist James Hansen);

■ July 29 - “magnetic pole inversion, sharp cooling of the sun, ocean level rise, we will all die” (End Time Prophecies research team).


Stephen William Hawking, theoretical physicist, popularizer of science

■ “Everything is predetermined. But we can assume that it is not, since we do not know what exactly is predetermined."

■ “If you feel like you're trapped in a black hole, don't give up. There is an exit.

■ “There are many scenarios of how all life on a small planet can die. But I'm an optimist. We will definitely reach the stars."


The mathematician Fergus Simpson of the Institute of Space Sciences at the University of Barcelona has calculated that approximately 100 billion people have been born so far in the entire history of the Earth. In his opinion, about the same number should be born before humanity finally dies out.

Ekaterina Balabanova
