Why Won't The Earth Run Out Of Oil? - Alternative View

Why Won't The Earth Run Out Of Oil? - Alternative View
Why Won't The Earth Run Out Of Oil? - Alternative View

Video: Why Won't The Earth Run Out Of Oil? - Alternative View

Video: Why Won't The Earth Run Out Of Oil? - Alternative View
Video: Is The Earth Actually Running Out Of Oil? | The Struggle For Oil | Spark 2024, June

Oil will run out soon !!! This phrase can be heard in any country in the world. Every year the price of this raw material is growing, and states are trying to control the production of this resource. But is it really so? Bernard Shaw once said: "Every profession is a conspiracy against the uninitiated", let's find out the oil shortage is a conspiracy or is it really that bad?


As you know, crude oil is found in deep sedimentary deposits. Chemically, oil is a complex mixture of hydrocarbons with different numbers of carbon atoms and molecules, which may contain impurities of nitrogen, sulfur, oxygen and trace amounts of metals. Not so long ago, it was believed that all the world's oil fields were known, and its reserves were calculated, as well as the rate of production. Thus, it is believed that in 30-40 years there will be no oil left on the planet. For 130 years, there have been two theories of the origin of oil.


The first theory is generally accepted, according to which oil is a non-renewable resource that is of organic origin and is formed with the participation of the remains of ancient flora and fauna. The second theory is not known to the general public and it assumes the inorganic origin of oil, that is, it is formed due to the water cycle in nature. Water brings hydrocarbons, which react with hydrogen from the Earth's interior. As you already understand, based on this theory, oil is a renewable resource.


Azary Barenbaum is a specialist at the Institute of Oil and Gas Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Over the years of research, he came to the conclusion that the generally accepted concept of the origin of oil is not correct. According to his theory, the carbon that enters the atmosphere is washed out of it by rains and with this water we again fall into the earth in the form of bicarbonate. Simultaneously with the accumulation of carbon, powerful streams of hydrogen are released from the mantle in the interior. At high temperatures and pressures, chemical reactions take place resulting in gases such as methane and droplet oil. But the most important thing in his theory is that this process does not take millions of years, but only a few tens.


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The main example of this theory is the restoration of oil fields after their long-term operation, and then freezing, since the resource was considered exhausted. In the 50s of the last century, fields in Tatarstan, Chechnya, Mexico and some states of America were abandoned. At present, there is oil down again and the extraction of this most valuable resource has been resumed.


When oil was discovered in Tatarstan, the Romashkinskoye field was built. A strange phenomenon also occurs in this area of raw materials production. According to experts, the reserves of this field were estimated at 710 million tons, but to date, more than 3 billion tons of oil have been produced.