Mars Killed A Super Volcano! - Alternative View

Mars Killed A Super Volcano! - Alternative View
Mars Killed A Super Volcano! - Alternative View

Video: Mars Killed A Super Volcano! - Alternative View

Video: Mars Killed A Super Volcano! - Alternative View
Video: What If the Yellowstone Volcano Erupted Tomorrow? 2024, September

Until recently, researchers were of the opinion that there are no volcanoes on Mars.

This is the surface of Mars, the pictures show that one side of the planet is literally dotted with giant craters. Until recently, it was believed that the traces of falling asteroids, but the analysis of the latest data showed that a supervolcano exists.

Olympus volcano in the Arabia Terra region on Mars (last eruption 2 million years ago)
Olympus volcano in the Arabia Terra region on Mars (last eruption 2 million years ago)

Olympus volcano in the Arabia Terra region on Mars (last eruption 2 million years ago).

It is located in the Arabia Terra region, and the ash and gases emitted by it millions of years ago into the atmosphere caused the extinction of the Red Planet.

Surprisingly, there is a similar super volcano on our planet. Are we facing a deadly eruption? How big are the chances for Earth to repeat the Martian scenario?

Our planet is waiting to take into account the lifeless Mars, volcanologists came to such a disappointing conclusion. Just like the Earth millions of years ago, the Red Planet was blue and green.

It all ended in one moment, the Martian cyclopean supervolcano Olympus exploded (one of the largest in the solar system: at an altitude of 23 km and almost 1000 km in diameter). As a result of the eruption, the atmosphere of Mars was destroyed.

The power of a supervolcano is several times higher than the power of all common volcanoes taken together. From an eruption of such force, the temperature on the planet's surface can rise tenfold.

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The geological history of the Earth remembers similar eruptions of giant volcanoes. As a result of these catastrophes, biological species disappeared by 80%. The planet's atmosphere was saved by its size (Earth is 2 times the size of Mars), but there is also bad news. We have not one supervolcano like on Mars, but 10! They are scattered all over the planet at the junctions of continental plates in the United States, Europe, Indonesia, the Philippines, Kamchatka, Japan and New Zealand, and most of these giants have already begun to wake up.

The incandescent core of our planet is about 3 thousand km in diameter. The release of huge amounts of magma and ash to the surface will make the Earth dead. The fact is that a number of giant volcanoes on different continents, which were considered asleep millions of years ago, have begun to heat up in recent years. Their magma body begins to accumulate hot matter (which can cause a terrible cataclysm).

In March 2017, the supervolcano Yellowstone, located in the northwestern United States, unexpectedly came out of a centuries-old hibernation. The tremors of magnitude 3 scared the National Geological Survey and the local population in earnest.

If the Yellowstone volcano suddenly explodes, then it will set in motion all tectonic plates (across the entire surface of the Earth), all volcanoes that are located at the junctions of tectonic plates are activated.

According to experts, the explosion of only one of the supervolcanoes will be enough to arrange another ice age on our planet, in case of detonation of the rest, the Earth will become uninhabited. Even small local volcanoes can become provocateurs of the apocalypse.

Killer volcanoes from time to time warn humanity about the impending danger. The last time it was relatively not long ago (only some 200 years ago).

Volcano Yellowstone
Volcano Yellowstone

Volcano Yellowstone.

The eruption of Tambora (Indonesia) in 1815. A huge amount of ash was thrown into the atmosphere. In Europe at this time it was noted that 2 years were lean.

And this Indonesian supervolcano only "hiccupped". Its neighbor, the Merapi volcano, is one of the ten most formidable and active volcanoes on the planet. Once every 7 years, it falls on the surroundings with lava flows and fills up all the ashes within a radius of 100 km. According to the calculations of specialists, Merapi shows us only 5% of her true strength.

The supervolcano Taal (Philippines), which was considered dormant, began to show its activity back in the 90s.

In New Zealand, local seismologists note that the bottom of Lake Taupo has begun to move. The mountain lake is an ancient crater of a supervolcano. The last eruption 20 thousand years ago almost destroyed our entire planet. The supervolcano on the island of Kyushu in Japan and the Karymshin crater in Kamchatka began to show signs of life.

A volcanic catastrophe on a planetary scale can be provoked not only from the bowels of the earth, but also from space. On Mars, according to some scientists, the trigger for the eruption of the Olympus volcano was the fall of a large meteorite.

Where does humanity expect a blow: from the hot core of the planet or from space, the question is open. But everything goes to the fact that the growing seismic activity at any moment can trigger supervolcanoes. The consequences of the eruption which we cannot even imagine.