Where Was The Mysterious Biarmia? - Alternative View

Where Was The Mysterious Biarmia? - Alternative View
Where Was The Mysterious Biarmia? - Alternative View

Video: Where Was The Mysterious Biarmia? - Alternative View

Video: Where Was The Mysterious Biarmia? - Alternative View
Video: Peðið: Bjarmaland 2024, June

Official historical science believes that such a country has never existed, and the myths of the peoples of Northern Europe who mention it are only the fantasies of ancient people. However, in our time, when more and more secret knowledge about ancient civilizations emerges, a clear tendency emerges that makes it possible to assert that ancient legends and myths do not lie, but that they are based on true events. Blavatsky and the Roerichs pointed to this fact, and more and more modern independent researchers are convinced of this.

Lomonosov, who knew the ancient legends of the Pomors well, claimed that Biarmia was once located on the territory of the present Arkhangelsk region, presumably in the Northern Dvina basin. The remains of this country were also discovered by N. Rychkov, who visited the Upper Kama region and saw there "a great many remains of extensive ancient settlements", so that the territory of this country was possibly more extensive than it is commonly believed. But they remembered about this country not only in the 18th century, but much earlier.

Here, for example, what the Catholic monk M. Orbini wrote about her in his book "The Kingdom of the Slavs", published in 1601: "The Biarmian Russians, who sailed in those days in the Northern Ocean already two hundred years ago, found in those the seas are an island, previously unknown, and now the Slavic people live on it, and the island itself is condemned to eternal frost and ice. Its name is Philippodia, or New Earth, and it is even larger than the island of Cyprus."

It is characteristic that M. Orbini referred to a more ancient source - the book of a certain Karl Vagriysky. Of course, it is very strange that Novaya Zemlya, "inhabited by the Slavic people," was named by the Greek name Philipodia. True, the legendary arctic ancestral home of the name Hyperborya also comes from the Greeks. Therefore, these are not the real names of these countries. So, in the text of Orbini's book, we are talking about Novaya Zemlya and since the “Biarmian Russians”, according to M. Orbini, swam on it, it means that the lands of Biarmia itself were not so far from it, and therefore probably included not only part of the Arctic Ocean, but also Siberian. And this happened "over two hundred years" before the writing of Orbini's book, i.e. at the turn of the XIV and XV centuries.

Surprisingly, the Russian traveler G. Sidorov also claims that the ancient Biarmia extended to the North of Siberia. Here is what information about her he received from a dialogue with one of the Siberian hermits:

As you can see, it was the Pomor tradition that preserved the truth about the mysterious country of Biarmia, whose cities were located along the entire coast of the Arctic Ocean back in the days when the climatic conditions there were quite acceptable for life. And it is about these "former heroes" - people from the legendary arctic ancestral home that many small Siberian peoples have survived, who came to the North much later and were trained by this white people to survive in the Far North.

So why is everything related to the Arctic ancestral home and its direct descendants so stubbornly hushed up and denied by the "official history"? Is it because the new masters of the world, who seized world domination after the strongest cataclysm that destroyed the Vedic Siberian kingdom, attributed to themselves many of the achievements of ancient civilization, and therefore are now forced to desperately defend the version of history they falsified in the hope that this deception will never be revealed? But in fact, this is only one of the reasons why the themes of the arctic ancestral home and the heir to its traditions - Great Tartary, are a kind of "taboo" in the official history.

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