Strange Shadow - Alternative View

Strange Shadow - Alternative View
Strange Shadow - Alternative View

Video: Strange Shadow - Alternative View

Video: Strange Shadow - Alternative View
Video: Scary Videos Of WEIRD GHOST STUFF 2024, September

I don't want to scare or amuse anyone with scary stories for the night, I just want to tell my story to strengthen my belief in the supernatural and unexplored. I am a psychologist by training, so I try to give myself a sober account of the events that happened to me in childhood, but I still cannot find an answer to them.

This mystical story happened to me 15 years ago, I was 10 years old. Our family had a custom to come to visit our maternal grandmother in another city in the summer. Her apartment was, as the common people say, "not good", it was unpleasant to be in it, at nights you could sometimes hear as if someone twisted a light bulb on the ceiling or some strange rustle of foil or paper appeared behind the closet. There were no pets or rats or mice in the apartment.

My grandmother herself talked about how she sometimes slept badly at night, said that she once woke up because someone's "shaggy hand" was choking her from under the bed, and I myself witnessed that she could sleep at night, open her eyes time to sleep. But all this seems to be nothing, we came with our family on vacation to my grandmother, at the sea, and therefore tried not to notice unpleasant little things, until a more powerful and emotionally intense event happened for me.

Another paternal grandmother lived nearby, we rarely contacted her, because she was noticed in the "village magic", put something, added something and my mother tried to isolate us from her society, but once or twice, out of respectful motives, visited her upon arrival on vacation. And then somehow we were returning from her dinner, and it was already 22 o'clock approximately, dark. Father and mother entered the apartment first, and I was behind them and had to close the front door, but suddenly I felt someone's presence on the staircase behind my back, although there was definitely no one there and could not be, at the same time I noticed out of the corner of my eye a tall, thin shadow on the wall, which was supposed to fall from a person who was supposedly standing in the center of the staircase, but I turned around and saw no one.

This all happened, of course, in a matter of seconds. My heart pounded from adrenaline and I began to close the door faster, but someone does not allow it to be closed! it felt like someone was pulling it back on elastic bands, I was at a loss. My father probably felt or noticed that I hesitated, closed the door myself. As I remember, I was then seized by a shock together with a misunderstanding of what happened, but the story did not end there.

After a while, my family and I sat down at the table and suddenly I heard clearly and distinctly the doorbells. I told my parents that I would go and look through the peephole who was calling, but they stopped me and said that no one was calling, they even seemed to be scared themselves, so I shrugged it off, which I probably thought. But in fact, these calls puzzled me even more than the previous event with the shadow, or rather, if I could convince myself that the shadow was in my mind or, if I pulled it by my ears, the shadow turned out to be some cleverly hidden neighbor, then with the calls as if there could be no mistake, they were clear and distinct. We can say that it was a sound hallucination, but nothing like this happened to me either before or after this event.