British Time Traveler Talks Amazing Things About 2030 - Alternative View

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British Time Traveler Talks Amazing Things About 2030 - Alternative View
British Time Traveler Talks Amazing Things About 2030 - Alternative View

Video: British Time Traveler Talks Amazing Things About 2030 - Alternative View

Video: British Time Traveler Talks Amazing Things About 2030 - Alternative View
Video: I am a Time Traveller | Joyce Zhu | TEDxKids@BC 2024, September

From the Editor: At the end of the article, there will be a comment on why and why the network is now filled with such "time travelers".

In a shocking video posted online the day before, a young man who introduces himself to viewers as Noah claims to be a time traveler and has just arrived from the future, from 2030.

Talking about the future, Noah claims that by 2030 Britain will again, as it were, enter the ranks of the EU, although in reality there will be no European Union at this time: in the future, all the countries of the European Union will actually unite into one giant country, a superpower, where Great Britain will simply one of its districts.


The European superpower of the future will also adopt a new global currency that will replace both the pound sterling and the euro. At the same time, all other countries of the planet will follow the example of the unification of Europe, the trend of border merging and unification will be worldwide.

By 2030, there will be almost no rural areas in Europe and all people will live in very large cities. The cities will merge with each other and in the territory of the former Britain there will in fact be three giant metropolises - London, Manchester and Birmingham.

Noah also says that the climate in Europe will change dramatically, the consequences of which will be dire.

All Britons of the future will receive two implant chips. One chip will be implanted in the head, allowing people to amplify the functionality of their brains approximately sixfold. The second implant will be in the hand and its task will be to support longevity, health and good mood in people. Thus, all people with chips will be smart, healthy and happy.

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Editorial comment

As our readers well know, we are people of very broad views and to explain unexplained facts we are ready to use all existing theories - from the Matrix to the theory of the Flat Earth. We are even ready to believe in time travelers, but we cannot fail to notice that there has been a certain overkill with chronal astronauts lately and they appear in newspapers at least once a month. Most likely, our readers think about the same and ask the editors: why did you translate all this?

We answer. We translated this then that the crowds of all these walkers along the corridors of time, by and large, broadcast all about one thing: about climate change, about the elimination of nation states and about total chipping, after which all problems in the world will be solved and everyone will be happy.

On this basis, we believe that all these crowds of refugees from the future have been launched to broadcast to the press on purpose - with the aim of softening the brain and making it easier for the masses to accept all these innovations. And since there are already quite a few of these broadcasters from the future, we believe that the New World Order is just around the corner.