Mysterious Alien Skull - Alternative View

Mysterious Alien Skull - Alternative View
Mysterious Alien Skull - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Alien Skull - Alternative View

Video: Mysterious Alien Skull - Alternative View
Video: Non-Human Skulls in Peru By Brien Foerster 2024, October

Not so long ago, members of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO) Armavir and the Cosmopoisk group went on an expedition to one of the republics of the North Caucasus, Adygea, and on the way visited a unique paleontological and ethnographic museum in the village of Kamennomostsky, which is located thirty kilometers from Maikop on the way to Guzeripl and the Lago-Naki plateau.

"In the mountains of Adygea, two skulls of a creature unknown to science and a chest with the emblem of" Ahnenerbe "were found - perhaps the most secret society under the Hitlerite SS, engaged in occult sciences and otherworldly forces." how to go to these places. Accordingly, we could not ignore such things and went to deal with all this on the spot.

At the museum we were greeted very well and kindly. The owner of the freak show Vladimir Gennadievich Melikov turned out to be a very friendly and sociable person who told us the story of how such strange exhibits came to him.

“A roomy brown chest with a leather handle and the emblem of the secret society“Ahnenerbe”on the lid was brought to me by an elderly local resident,” says Vladimir Melikov, owner of the Khajok Museum. - He is a real hermit, he lives in a forest in a dugout, but where exactly, no one knows. This is an old friend of mine who often brings rare things to the museum, for example, Edelweiss binoculars and a German first-aid kit with medicines of those years. Once he also offered fascist boots, he said that he still had a pair of 20 … Then I thought: was it not an old man who discovered a cache in the forest? Moreover, all the finds were in good condition. Matches, for example, even now kindle a fire. Maybe even a whole cache? Finding such a place is a rare piece of luck.

… We examine the lid of the chest, on which the official emblem of the Ahnenerbe is clearly visible. The headset is stylized as runes. The very inscription Besondere Bekl [eiderung] means approximately "Special investment". So what did they need in these places?

The artifacts naturally interested us. After all, if many details of the operation of the Wehrmacht, code-named "Edelweiss", during which standards with fascist symbols were installed on the highest mountain in Europe Elbrus in Kabardino-Balkaria, are known to historians, then what was this secret organization of Germany doing in the mountains of Adygea?

According to the researchers, the SS men were most likely interested in the mysteries of ancient dolmens and the increased natural radioactive anomaly in the Chisinau canyon area. They could also hunt for the gold of the Kuban Rada, lost in these parts during the Civil War.

"Ahnenerbe" is translated as "Legacy of the ancestors", the full name - "German Society for the Study of Ancient Germanic History and Ancestral Legacy". This organization existed in Germany from 1935-1945 and was created to study the traditions, history and heritage of the so-called "Germanic race".

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Among other finds is a full-color German map of the territory of Adygea, made in 1941. We were surprised by the high accuracy and completeness of the objects applied to it. I was very impressed by the exhibit with the signature "Chain of Prometheus". A huge stone giant chain with several sharpened links. We saw this for the first time in our life. Who and why it was needed is not clear at all. It was she found in mountainous Dagestan. It was also nice to see in the museum a cast from the footprint of the Bigfoot (yeti). Even as many as three casts are in this museum of various sizes and sizes. As well as a variety of ammonites, shells, shells and representatives of ancient flora and fauna.

About two years ago, cavers brought to Vladimir Melikov two unusual skulls with horns, which, as they claimed, were found in one of the caves on Bolshoi Tkhach. In appearance they resembled the remains of animals, maybe even very ancient fossils. But when he began to carefully examine the finds (after all, he used to work as a dentist), then literally goosebumps ran through his skin.

“Look at the characteristic round hole in the thickness of a finger in the lower part of the head,” Melikov points to one of the skulls. - This is the base of the spine. And its location indicates that the creature moved on two legs. Other oddities include the absence of a skull and jaws. Instead of a mouth, there are several holes arranged in a circle. Unusually large eye sockets, from which two branches in the form of horny growths extend. Moreover, the facial bone is flat, like that of anthropoids.

Indeed, the artifacts look unusual. Even if you compare it with the skull of a bear that lies nearby. There is a great temptation to think that you are holding the remains of some alien. Photos of the finds were sent to the metropolitan paleontologists, but they only threw up their hands. They only admitted that they had never seen anything like this before and cautiously hinted: maybe the ram's skulls were for a long time in a water stream with sand and were strongly deformed? Miracles, and nothing more. If we assume the deformation, then it was synchronous - after all, the oddities are repeated at once on two skulls.

Our research group believes that such finds could also have fallen into the hands of Hitler's "magicians" who were hunting for unusual artifacts.

The Russian site asked Alexey Bondarev, a paleozoologist, a member of the Omsk branch of the Russian Geographical Society (RGO), to comment on the amazing findings. Here is his answer:

The photographs from the museum show only two poorly preserved skulls of the Caucasian mountain goats (tours).

Chamois and bezoar goat may be alternatives for the broadest search here, but the shape of their horns and frontal bone is still different from that observed in the picture. There are two types of round goats: the West Caucasian Capra caucasica and the East Caucasian Capra cylindricornis (the second part of the researchers is considered a subspecies of the first). You can bargain about rams, but in general, determining from photographs of bone fragments is a thankless task. Given the geographical position of Adygea, one can expect that the skulls belong to the West Caucasian species (subspecies), but now this does not really matter.

By the way, mythologists, looking at the finds, immediately identified. These are the Anunnaki of Ancient Sumer, horned deities, whose name is interpreted as “came from heaven”. In the Sumerian epic, they participated in the creation of the world.

The American writer of Azerbaijani origin Zakharia Sitchin identifies the Annunaki with the inhabitants of Nibiru, a hypothetical planet of the solar system with an elongated orbit. According to astronomical calculations, it appears in the visibility zone every 3.6 thousand years. According to Sitchin, during this period the inhabitants of Nibiru descend to Earth and come into contact with the aborigines, that is, with us.

- We can build all sorts of versions and guesses, but the artifacts found in the mountains of Adygea make us think, - the curator of the museum V. G. Melikhov said goodbye to us.

PS By the way: In the summer of 2015 in the Elbrus region, treasure hunters found another suitcase "Ahnenerbe" with a skull of strange origin, presumably belonging to a huntsman from the German division "Edelweiss", a ring, as well as a whole set of fascist military uniforms. The ring depicts the profile of a soldier in a mountain cap, to which oak leaves are attached. Below is an edelweiss flower. And in 2014, in the same places, local residents reported that they had unearthed the burial of two hundred bodies of German rangers, who were probably covered by an avalanche many years ago.


Member of the Russian Geographical Society of Armavir, Frolov Sergey